
  • 博客訪問:

[詩歌]If, From Me To You (圖)

(2006-06-03 11:13:54) 下一個


”人在北美“,“品茶小軒”,“愛是有緣”置頂 2006-06-03

If, From Me to You

Note: I never wrote poem in English before. So I decided to give it a try.

If we can go back to school days
I will chase you like crazy show
No chance left for anyone else
No one can be near you so

If the world is arranged differently
I will take care of you like no one could
You will never worry a thing
Nothing can bother you

If I can take you
You will travel with me
No matter where I go
I will always be by your side
You will never be alone

If anything that you'd like to do
I will do it with you
You will never be afraid
You will always be so brave
Just because of me alone

If you choose to leave me
I will not stop you though
You will still be mine in my soul
No matter where you go

I will always make you laugh
I will never make you cry
I will always share my joy
I will always be there for you

Thank you for being such an angel
I will always love you
At the end of my life
My heart will look after you


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疾風寶寶 回複 悄悄話
m33la 回複 悄悄話 老兄, 想誰了?
noso 回複 悄悄話 First try-out, haha.