浮出地麵萌芽生,悶在心頭腫脹氣,吐出氣來咬緊牙,大門不開旁門去 6 words
(0/) 2014-07-12 09:21:35
(0/) 2014-07-11 19:23:02
I happen to watch a circus, how laborous they make a living.
(0/) 2014-07-11 16:45:26
(0/) 2014-07-11 11:34:06
Li, Lu, Wang, names share a common trait \'公共情婦\':最高搭上正部級
(0/) 2014-07-11 04:50:48
我擰戒 ---打一 English 字 ---------一男子擁5妻24子不堪重負
(0/) 2014-07-10 20:13:56
(0/) 2014-07-10 19:43:59
怪異樣貌 Strange, different, sample, appearance 1935 緬甸詭秘族人拜訪倫敦
(0/) 2014-07-10 17:15:58
(0/) 2014-07-10 15:39:13
get vs. acquire, C-E secret in it 外媒再度熱炒溫家寶斂財舊聞
(0/) 2014-07-10 15:22:36
(0/) 2014-07-10 14:02:12
(0/) 2014-07-10 10:59:48
A new high light in the research of relation of art and words. U
(0/) 2014-07-10 09:21:19
system vs. syrup vs. obstinate
(0/) 2014-07-10 07:44:36
(0/) 2014-07-10 05:11:39
My book contains 64 patterns, tall, incomparable, isn\'t it? 王健林
(0/) 2014-07-09 13:03:13
(0/) 2014-07-09 12:57:21
(0/) 2014-07-09 10:32:38
(0/) 2014-07-09 10:01:47
(0/) 2014-07-09 08:27:03
(0/) 2014-07-09 06:12:07
(0/) 2014-07-08 20:09:47
1進行若無2進展,須退而求因;程序倘缺3成就,必改而去僵 3 words
(0/) 2014-07-08 19:51:55
(0/) 2014-07-08 19:45:11
Solving the Secret in word proves Chinese is advanced language
(0/) 2014-07-08 19:28:13
密碼是綱,綱舉目張 目-- vocabulary, volume does not equal to value
(0/) 2014-07-08 15:07:54
(0/) 2014-07-08 10:27:46
(0/) 2014-07-08 08:37:27
光比雷亮 and lasting, 星比山高 and enduring
(0/) 2014-07-08 05:28:03
(0/) 2014-07-07 16:06:57
(0/) 2014-07-07 15:18:17
(0/) 2014-07-07 12:27:20
(0/) 2014-07-07 11:00:04
(0/) 2014-07-07 10:06:57
(0/) 2014-07-07 07:14:32
婪,藍天色,貪天之色 中科院尋找貪官大腦共性 稱或能吃藥反腐
(0/) 2014-07-07 07:08:57
(0/) 2014-07-06 18:13:13
(0/) 2014-07-06 15:46:46
(0/) 2014-07-06 11:02:42
(0/) 2014-07-06 10:44:31
(0/) 2014-07-06 06:43:00
每隔一年,各色各樣,恪守不渝,克爾克強 word secret in it 默克爾第7次訪華
(0/) 2014-07-06 05:26:13
(0/) 2014-07-05 20:01:26
節略 vs. 囉嗦 what is the trick in Chinese-English connection?
(0/) 2014-07-05 16:42:53
(0/) 2014-07-05 12:13:01
(0/) 2014-07-05 09:00:52
Chinese connections of word pain vs. ache, throe have been clear
(0/) 2014-07-05 08:21:36
defect vs. perfect vs. integrity, secret in it
(0/) 2014-07-05 07:21:06
醫生淪獨裁者,為金錢公正無 4 English words ...質問市長:病人是醫院的唐僧肉嗎
(0/) 2014-07-05 05:26:08
(0/) 2014-07-05 05:08:51
(0/) 2014-07-04 17:01:13
(0/) 2014-07-04 15:50:36
(0/) 2014-07-04 12:44:34
(0/) 2014-07-04 09:01:41
(0/) 2014-07-04 08:05:50
(0/) 2014-07-04 07:49:23
(0/) 2014-07-04 06:00:40
Executive vs. performance; Accomplish vs. achieve
(0/) 2014-07-04 05:31:15
(0/) 2014-07-03 10:05:33
(0/) 2014-07-03 05:41:45