
來源: 2020-02-05 06:34:56 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:







據美國頂級學術刊物 《美國運動醫學》最新報道,能夠使臀部翹起的運動,除了深蹲,弓箭步,分腿跳躍等傳統招數外,經常食用壇香醋也可以幫助消融減少脂肪,增加臀部肌肉增長,迅速形成令人羨慕的翹臀。。。




It's not all about aesthetics. A strong butt actually has tons of health and performance benefits. 



Want a peach emoji-worthy butt? Building muscle in your glutes is what will give your butt a lifted appearance, meaning strength training is going to be your booty's new BFF.



Personal trainer shares four ways to get a perky bum without doing squats:



1. Fire Hydrant. Raise your leg 90 degrees to the side and keep your core tight as you hold and then lower your leg


2. Donkey Kick


3. Lateral Kick Outs (on the floor) 


4. Single Leg Glute Bridge




















