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    #跟帖#  Beautiful song, beautiful girl! 問好茜西,旅途愉快! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-25
    #跟帖#  A girl or boy, may I ask? :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-25
    #跟帖#  秋蘭,Congratulations to you and your wife! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-25
    #跟帖#  Beautiful post, beautiful moment! 秋蘭好,thank you for sharing. [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-25
    #跟帖#  What a High Noon moment Qiulan has brought to this night! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-25
    #跟帖#  Good night. Best wishes to your dream :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  問好顫音,謝謝分享。 [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  Nice poem. The final stanza is its heart, my favorite. [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  See, you know everything! Thank you for sharing. [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  You're too humble. If that is the case, then I'm a newborn. [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  Yes, less imperfect! Perfect word pick! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  Great thought. I cannot agree more. [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  Yes, they did :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  Anyway, a world WITH America is MORE perfect :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  You're absolutely right. [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  Great post by a great MYSJ painter Qiulan :) 謝謝秋蘭分享。 [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  especially no MYSJ any more :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  A world without America would be imperfect, [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  Perfect is perfect, perfect can't be more perfect for sure! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  謝謝盈盈 :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  Gooder is better than good :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  哈哈哈,太搞笑了,謝謝老李分享。 [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  哈哈哈,四哥從小就有天大的擔當,讚! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  好像有點類似 “江山易改,本性難移”,謝謝移哥分享。From now on, try to be a puppy :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  謝謝四哥的美言和鼓勵,問好四哥。 [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  How about this one: Love is our business, but not business. [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  Thank you, 盈盈。 [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-20
    #跟帖#  "吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸", 很有趣的故事,謝謝羽音分享。 [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  A Proverb A Day (APAD) is such a journey, you're on the way! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  Thank you for sharing. Love is not business :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  Haha, worst day turned into Happiest day :) So funny, 謝謝分享。 [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  I try to be a positive poetry painter :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  秋蘭,thank you for your nice comment and encouragement. [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  You have sharp eyes :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  Hahaha, 羽音跑題了,而且還謬讚了 :)Thank you. [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  Thank you for sharing the good meal. Yummy! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  問好玉之,謝謝鼓勵。 [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  哇,九月荷花朵朵香,玉之又香又美,讚!謝謝玉之分享。 [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  過獎了,謝謝盈盈的美言和鼓勵。 [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  Thank you. I'm just a tiny painter :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  They're painting by adding a post or leaving a comment. [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  Every friend here is a painter :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-19
    #跟帖#  That's right. You got it! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-18
    #跟帖#  祝賀盈盈榮任美語世界版主!You are the major painter for MYSJ :) [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-18
    《Who Is the Painter?》《誰是畫家?》 [美語世界] - CBA7(1573 bytes ) 2023-09-18
    #跟帖#  盈盈一笑間,big enough to light up everyone. 祝賀盈盈榮任美語世界版主! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-18
    #跟帖#  秋蘭博古通今,中西合璧,學識淵博,讚! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-18
    #跟帖#  Shakespearean Science, Shakespearean sun. Great concepts! [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-16
    #跟帖#  Great share, great point! 謝謝秋蘭分享,問好秋蘭。 [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-09-16
    #跟帖#  "kiss" here means "love". [美語世界] - CBA7(0 bytes ) 2023-04-26
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