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頁次:1/1 每頁50條記錄, 本頁顯示1 到23, 共23 分頁: [1] | |
• 小孩子(美國護照)回國8個月,簽證問題 [移民論壇] - ycw(228 bytes ) 2010-02-26 | |
• #跟帖# Thank you! [移民論壇] - ycw(0 bytes ) 2010-02-09 | |
• #跟帖# Thank you! I googled online and found [移民論壇] - ycw(188 bytes ) 2010-02-08 | |
• 急問:父母延期被拒 [移民論壇] - ycw(494 bytes ) 2010-02-08 | |
• #跟帖# 有其他人到巴哈馬沒有簽證的嗎? [移民論壇] - ycw(0 bytes ) 2009-10-23 | |
• #跟帖# Thanks! My aunt returns in Nov. But I still like to know [移民論壇] - ycw(112 bytes ) 2009-10-23 | |
• #跟帖# 回複:回複:阿姨到美國有B2簽證,期間能不能去巴哈馬,到巴哈馬要不要簽證?RORAL CORRIBIAN的人說隻要有美國簽證就足 [移民論壇] - ycw(86 bytes ) 2009-10-23 | |
• 阿姨到美國有B2簽證,期間能不能去巴哈馬,到巴哈馬要不要簽證?RORAL CORRIBIAN的人說隻要有美國簽證就足夠,是這樣嗎 [移民論壇] - ycw(115 bytes ) 2009-10-23 | |
• 父母在美國B2簽證,I94已經沒了,Can they come back to U.S.? [移民論壇] - ycw(204 bytes ) 2009-06-10 | |
• #跟帖# still a question [移民論壇] - ycw(254 bytes ) 2009-06-09 | |
• 父母在美國B2簽證,能不能申請加拿大旅遊簽證?但I94已經遞交了。。。 [移民論壇] - ycw(122 bytes ) 2009-06-09 | |
• #跟帖# Thanks! It is the I94 is going to expire. [移民論壇] - ycw(0 bytes ) 2007-01-12 | |
• 給父母B2簽證延期,要填哪幾個FORM? [移民論壇] - ycw(107 bytes ) 2007-01-11 | |
• 請教CRUISE去過MEXICO的朋友 [移民論壇] - ycw(133 bytes ) 2006-06-19 | |
• How is B2 visa situation? [移民論壇] - ycw(62 bytes ) 2005-07-26 | |
• #跟帖# Thanks a lot! [移民論壇] - ycw(0 bytes ) 2005-07-06 | |
• 問個申請B2 VISA,DS-156的問題 [移民論壇] - ycw(157 bytes ) 2005-07-06 | |
• 問去加拿大的旅遊簽證 [移民論壇] - ycw(122 bytes ) 2005-07-05 | |
• 想問問在上海B2來美簽證現在排隊預約到多久? [移民論壇] - ycw(33 bytes ) 2005-07-05 | |
• 問問父母簽證填I-134表格的問題 [移民論壇] - ycw(343 bytes ) 2005-06-26 | |
• 問問父母簽證填I-134表格的問題 [移民論壇] - ycw(336 bytes ) 2005-06-26 | |
• Parents come to U.S. B2 visa, [移民論壇] - ycw(31 bytes ) 2005-06-19 | |
• 父母第二次B2來美簽證,需要準備什麽材料呢 [移民論壇] - ycw(0 bytes ) 2005-04-07 | |
頁次:1/1 每頁50條記錄, 本頁顯示1 到23, 共23 分頁: [1] | |
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