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頁次:1/1 每頁50條記錄, 本頁顯示137, 共37  分頁:  [1]
    急問移民等待期間回國。可否? [移民論壇] - lyzy(258 bytes ) 2012-12-15
    申請公民後是否要上交綠卡? [移民論壇] - lyzy(328 bytes ) 2012-08-08
    #跟帖#  謝謝小白兔!回複:公司所能采取的行動一般就是追回有關費用(如果你簽了有關文件 [移民論壇] - lyzy(288 bytes ) 2007-10-09
    請教pjiang, radiology, 和小白兔老師公司的移民政策 [移民論壇] - lyzy(931 bytes ) 2007-10-08
    #跟帖#  XiaoBaiTu 回複:I don't think so [移民論壇] - lyzy(89 bytes ) 2007-09-03
    #跟帖#  回複:回複:you can change the job at anytime. [移民論壇] - lyzy(59 bytes ) 2007-09-03
    #跟帖#  回複:赫赫,六月剛遞的就已經準備好拿卡了? [移民論壇] - lyzy(71 bytes ) 2007-09-03
    綠卡批了後多久可跳槽? [移民論壇] - lyzy(14 bytes ) 2007-09-03
    #跟帖#  回複:恭喜,另問一個問題.回複:June Filer Name check cleared. What next? [移民論壇] - lyzy(146 bytes ) 2007-08-26
    #跟帖#  回複:background check it not name check [移民論壇] - lyzy(85 bytes ) 2007-08-26
    #跟帖#  回複:現在就看綠卡是不是還有名額了,否則,到10月你的可能就有戲了。 [移民論壇] - lyzy(152 bytes ) 2007-08-26
    #跟帖#  回複:June Filer Name check cleared. What next? [移民論壇] - lyzy(65 bytes ) 2007-08-26
    June Filer Name check cleared. What next? [移民論壇] - lyzy(418 bytes ) 2007-08-26
    XiaoBaiTu help: why no priority date on my 485 receipt? [移民論壇] - lyzy(191 bytes ) 2007-06-20
    #跟帖#  XBT, Please 回複:請教小白兔, is it normal not getting 485 receipt in tw [移民論壇] - lyzy(7 bytes ) 2007-06-14
    #跟帖#  Which center is you 140 approved? 回複:回複:收據是哪裏發的? TSC? 回複:Where t [移民論壇] - lyzy(0 bytes ) 2007-06-14
    #跟帖#  回複:我同樣情況交485到TSC被轉到NSC, 耽誤2個多月才收到收據 [移民論壇] - lyzy(366 bytes ) 2007-06-14
    請教小白兔, is it normal not getting 485 receipt in two weeks? [移民論壇] - lyzy(270 bytes ) 2007-06-14
    #跟帖#  回複:建議成立5約31日交485的俱樂部,有興趣的請報名 [移民論壇] - lyzy(71 bytes ) 2007-06-14
    #跟帖#  Tx-Kitty, I am in the same boat. which center you filed your 485 [移民論壇] - lyzy(0 bytes ) 2007-06-13
    #跟帖#  回複:Is there anyone not getting 485 receipt yet? [移民論壇] - lyzy(2 bytes ) 2007-06-13
    Is there anyone not getting 485 receipt yet? [移民論壇] - lyzy(225 bytes ) 2007-06-13
    #跟帖#  回複:No,if you attach the approval notice [移民論壇] - lyzy(48 bytes ) 2007-06-10
    XiaoBaiTu: 140 still pending online but get approval notice [移民論壇] - lyzy(195 bytes ) 2007-06-10
    #跟帖#  XiaoBaiTu, any advice! 回複:My lawyer sent My 485 to TSC. [移民論壇] - lyzy(0 bytes ) 2007-06-01
    My lawyer sent My 485 to TSC. [移民論壇] - lyzy(111 bytes ) 2007-06-01
    #跟帖#  回複:yes,you can do so [移民論壇] - lyzy(20 bytes ) 2007-05-25
    Xiaobaitu, can I send 485 on 5/31? [移民論壇] - lyzy(101 bytes ) 2007-05-25
    Can we send out the 485 form on 5/31? [移民論壇] - lyzy(57 bytes ) 2007-05-24
    請問小白兔及各位大俠,一個485/765/131/的問題.不勝感激!!! [移民論壇] - lyzy(213 bytes ) 2007-05-22
    關於I-765, 請教小白兔 [移民論壇] - lyzy(307 bytes ) 2007-05-22
    #跟帖#  回複:What is the File Number at G325A form? [移民論壇] - lyzy(215 bytes ) 2007-05-16
    What is the File Number at G325A form? [移民論壇] - lyzy(7 bytes ) 2007-05-16
    #跟帖#  回複:回複:How long is the medical exam for I485 valid? [移民論壇] - lyzy(8 bytes ) 2006-07-16
    How long is the medical exam for I485 valid? [移民論壇] - lyzy(215 bytes ) 2006-07-16
    PERM questions [移民論壇] - lyzy(483 bytes ) 2005-11-04
    PERM questions! [移民論壇] - lyzy(483 bytes ) 2005-11-04
頁次:1/1 每頁50條記錄, 本頁顯示137, 共37  分頁:  [1]
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