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    #跟帖#  Well, it depends on your standard. You can [愛車一族] - jassco(219 bytes ) 2017-11-04
    #跟帖#  Well, I don't think it will last until next summer. (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2017-11-04
    #跟帖#  I think the game is over. You should have got [愛車一族] - jassco(121 bytes ) 2017-10-15
    #跟帖#  Not much you can do as your car was in motion. [愛車一族] - jassco(408 bytes ) 2017-10-15
    #跟帖#  Thanks! Where can I get these blocks? [愛車一族] - jassco(165 bytes ) 2017-10-15
    #跟帖#  What is material of those black blocks? (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2017-10-15
    #跟帖#  It looks good. I wish I have one. Mine is [愛車一族] - jassco(150 bytes ) 2017-10-14
    #跟帖#  It is a flooded type starting batteries. As long as plates are [愛車一族] - jassco(103 bytes ) 2017-10-04
    #跟帖#  x2! When I need batteries, I don't even think about HD. (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  x2! W = I * U. You can get [愛車一族] - jassco(173 bytes ) 2017-09-27
    #跟帖#  That is typical. Below are measurements of mine. [愛車一族] - jassco(455 bytes ) 2017-09-26
    #跟帖#  No, not on a compact car. If you [愛車一族] - jassco(160 bytes ) 2017-09-25
    #跟帖#  No, you don't want to ignore it unless [愛車一族] - jassco(89 bytes ) 2017-09-24
    #跟帖#  Yes. It is a network of five sensors. (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2017-09-24
    #跟帖#  This is ok. But I think [愛車一族] - jassco(89 bytes ) 2017-09-17
    #跟帖#  You should consider using a backup power when you [愛車一族] - jassco(83 bytes ) 2017-09-16
    #跟帖#  Not likely in our generation, because robots follow rules while [愛車一族] - jassco(81 bytes ) 2017-09-10
    #跟帖#  No difference. (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2017-01-14
    #跟帖#  Not a good idea to do business with a friend. [愛車一族] - jassco(41 bytes ) 2016-06-09
    #跟帖#  不要. (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2015-12-27
    #跟帖#  It is not a big deal as long as you do not mix conventional oil [愛車一族] - jassco(77 bytes ) 2015-10-19
    #跟帖#  x2 (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2015-10-04
    #跟帖#  I just tried with GoogleMap. You can create a route in [愛車一族] - jassco(245 bytes ) 2015-09-26
    #跟帖#  Did you use Basecamp before? [愛車一族] - jassco(388 bytes ) 2015-09-25
    #跟帖#  It depends what kind of GPS you want to use. For Garmins, [愛車一族] - jassco(114 bytes ) 2015-09-25
    #跟帖#  還不到一萬邁. It's ok to replace only one tire. Your car [愛車一族] - jassco(120 bytes ) 2015-08-09
    #跟帖#  Good Job! Thanks for sharing! (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2015-05-24
    #跟帖#  Try to do a manufacture reset. It may [愛車一族] - jassco(82 bytes ) 2015-02-24
    #跟帖#  A dying battery should not affect operations of your GPS [愛車一族] - jassco(228 bytes ) 2015-02-24
    #跟帖#  If you have a Garmin GPS, you can add any maps you want. (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2015-01-27
    #跟帖#  It's very beneficial to warm up your car before you drive. [愛車一族] - jassco(164 bytes ) 2015-01-15
    #跟帖#  No, Sir. It is not a hack but rather an engineering. [愛車一族] - jassco(683 bytes ) 2014-11-20
    #跟帖#  Well, it depends if your car still has manufacturer's warranty. [愛車一族] - jassco(742 bytes ) 2014-11-20
    #跟帖#  I know a spared tire has a TPM sensor too. But is this TPM senso [愛車一族] - jassco(24 bytes ) 2014-11-16
    #跟帖#  How does your car check pressure of backup tire? (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2014-11-16
    #跟帖#  Reduce to 32~35 psi immediately. You are looking for troubles. [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2014-11-16
    #跟帖#  I drove Lexus SUV before. And I had the same issue for years. [愛車一族] - jassco(273 bytes ) 2014-11-01
    #跟帖#  x2! (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2014-10-04
    #跟帖#  It's very serious. But [愛車一族] - jassco(184 bytes ) 2014-08-30
    #跟帖#  回複:Yes, you can, but I do not see benefits. (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2014-04-30
    #跟帖#  回複:1st two times, it is a little bit too complicated. After tha [愛車一族] - jassco(71 bytes ) 2014-04-30
    #跟帖#  回複:synthetic oil, 一萬mile 換一次. I have a Toyota Highlander, and [愛車一族] - jassco(420 bytes ) 2014-04-30
    #跟帖#  I would stay away from any SUV with CVT. (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2014-02-28
    #跟帖#  I'm not an expert on this. The reason they called you is [愛車一族] - jassco(490 bytes ) 2013-10-12
    #跟帖#  回複:2595LMT is not a HD though. (NT) [愛車一族] - jassco(0 bytes ) 2013-10-05
    #跟帖#  回複:Unless you're a collector, I don't see a reason why you need [愛車一族] - jassco(163 bytes ) 2013-05-22
    #跟帖#  回複:沒有. I do not see this item at taobao. Do you [愛車一族] - jassco(54 bytes ) 2013-02-20
    #跟帖#  回複:Thanks for the info! So, how many maps are there [愛車一族] - jassco(98 bytes ) 2013-02-20
    #跟帖#  回複:Who is manufacturer of this rear-view mirror? [愛車一族] - jassco(130 bytes ) 2013-02-19
    #跟帖#  回複:There are no data to support reliability of [愛車一族] - jassco(191 bytes ) 2012-09-02
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