Sumeri Dream of a Cat



(2006-05-22 02:17:56) 下一個


這幾天忙碌麻木的都不知道要好好照顧自己,昨天1不留神,忘記吃午飯了…… = =


i wonder, could love be as concrete as words, could it be told , could it be asked.

Just wandering in 愛壇 these days, cant stop laughing when I read the posts. I know it sounds mean but just cant help. May I would never face these kinda problems. However, I do think that the problems of love reflect one's weaknesses in characteristics. Come to think of this, if a man hurts you ....but if you are strong and optimistic enough, and do know how to love yourself, would you offer him to hurt you. NO. If a man has another woman and you are aware of it, undoubtly you should leave him immediately. Immediately, even dont post to ask. It's your life then make the decision yourself. You can ask for advice or something, but that's not the way to grow up cause you can never rely on somebody forever. Reading the posts there, really help me a lot. I come to think the weaknesses which are common for human beings, and also myself. By facing these scenarios, I gotta learn how to love and wut to do if one day I have met my Mr Right.

Well, well, good luck to all of us.

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