
收獲了一種恬靜的生活, 像一條波瀾不驚的小河, 流過春夏 流過秋冬
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微軟占領了OS這片高地之後,他幾乎就沒再單獨推銷過一樣產品。即使有,可說也基本沒成功過。後來,它采用了捆綁策略,逼著用戶就範、逼著對手出局,一步一步地走向了他的軟件壟斷帝國。先是用它的DOS捆綁它的Windows,擊敗了Encarta, Apple, 和IBM的OS/2,建立了WINDOWS壟斷平台。然後靠買來的WORD,捆綁上靠買來的EXCEL和powerpoint打敗Wordperfect和Lotus。再是,又靠Windows + Worksgroup的捆綁一網打盡除Nowell之外的其他所有的小型Network OS公司。再是,把Windows + Worksgroup發展成Windows Server的捆綁複合品打敗了Nowell。到了互聯網時代,它靠Windows + Explorer打敗NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR, 一統了BROWSER的天下。又用Office + Outlook的捆綁,逐步占據了AOL和Yahoo的地盤;再用免費的MSN空間打敗QQ ..... 現在,微軟和GOOGLE的交鋒之所以沒結果,就是因為微軟還沒有找到一個可以捆綁的東西致對手於死地。他一味要高價收購Yahoo的目的就在希望捆綁Yahoo的搜索,就是希望利用“底價”廣告的捆綁,讓Google無招架之力。隻是Yahoo的怪人沒有領會了蓋子的一貫用意。



華爾街金融海嘯把美國的金融體係和經濟打得淩亂不堪的的時候,被綁架了的美國政府不得不打破自由經濟的市場規律,不得不出重手相救。以保爾森為首的華爾街在政府的代言人,不得不拿納稅人的保命錢下血本填進不知底線的深淵中去。本來就不懂金融的布什被華爾街派綁架著一路引向拿錢救華爾街無賴者的命。先是850億出手救AIG,明麵上是救存款房貸的保險,其實是有華爾街的老底 --- 不能退路都沒了。再是獅子大開口拿7000億救華爾街所有的投資公司--- 不讓沽空799支金融股票的開天荒之舉措,就說明了這一點。結果7000億的提案,不是一向左派的民主黨不合作,而是一向極右的共和黨接受不了這種“贏錢自己拿,輸錢大家賠”的市場幹預方針。結果7000億的提案,是共和黨製肘而不得通過。搞慣了捆綁的老美帝國,拿手好戲就是捆綁小恩小惠:7000億加上存款賠償上限10萬變成25萬,加上各種公司/中產階級的另類稅收減縮達1450億,三管齊下,綁成一個議案,強行在眾院通過。看明白了,存款賠償上限變成25萬,公司/中產階級的另類稅收減縮1450億,對全國的大多數老百姓根本毫無益處,誰家能在每個不同的銀行都有多達10萬的存款?即使對中產階級和中小公司,1450億平均到你的頭上不到1000元。 --- 就這樣,議員被綁架了,打捆的議案被通過了,美國經濟從此被綁上了誰也跑不掉的沉重的包袱。

捆綁,是資本主義算計生產者的一向手段,是帝國主義略奪全球資源的一向手段,是強權者幹預他人的一向手段,是失敗者臨死拖人下水的一向手段。麵對美國經濟的千瘡百孔,用布什赤裸裸的講話作後話:美國經濟還是世界的領導者! ---- 因為它已經綁架了世界上所有的金融大國,製肘了各家的存款,拿住了你手裏頭巨額的債券 -- 那是你的國民的血汗錢,也是你賴於發展的本錢。你被他美國綁架了,在未來十年,你被美國拖著走,這就是他布什為首的美國霸權者才敢大言不饞地說自己仍是世界經濟老大的本質所在。


美國眾議院的對捆綁議案的投票情況 How the House voted

                              Yes              No
                           (同意)    (反對)

Democrats  民主黨 172           62
Republicans 共和黨 91            108
Total合計                 263           170 (171)

Now the Bailout is the LAW。

Many questions remain

Even though the financial rescue plan has been signed into law, there are still a lot of unanswered questions regarding how some key provisions will work. For instance, just how will Treasury structure the pricing and purchase of the troubled assets, which are troubled precisely because they're difficult-to-value? For one thing, Treasury will be buying a variety of asset types backed by mortgages and loans of hard-to-verify credit quality. And financial institutions are not all in the same pickle - they each have their own combination of problems.
"The challenges our institutions face are just as varied - from holding illiquid mortgage backed securities, to illiquid whole loans, to raising needed capital, to simply facing a crisis of confidence," Paulson said after the House vote.

How much will the investment managers that Paulson will hire to run the asset purchase program be paid? What will the hiring guidelines be to prevent conflicts of interest?

One thing seems certain: Treasury staff are likely to be working more nights and weekends in the next month trying to figure it all out.

Bailout 101: What new law says  

After two tumultuous weeks of moral and fiscal debate, Congress and the Bush administration on Friday finally put a capstone on the $700 billion bailout of the financial system.

Bush signed the bill less than two hours after the plan, which had been amended and passed by the Senate on Wednesday, was approved by the House.

The changes the Senate made include the addition of a host of tax break extensions and some new provisions intended to help individuals and businesses.

Here's a breakdown of some of the economic rescue plan's main provisions:

Attacking credit crisis: The core of the plan the House voted on is the same as what it rejected on Monday: the Treasury's proposal to let financial institutions sell to the government their troubled assets, mostly mortgage-related. It will allow the Treasury access to the $700 billion in stages, with $250 billion being made available immediately.

Protecting taxpayers: The final law is also similar to the original House bill in that it includes a number of provisions that supporters say will protect taxpayers. One will direct the president to propose a bill requiring the financial industry to reimburse taxpayers for any net losses from the program after five years. And the Treasury will be allowed to take ownership stakes in participating companies.

In addition, over time, supporters say, taxpayers are likely to make back much if not all of the money the Treasury uses because it will be investing in assets with underlying value.

The law includes a stipulation that the Treasury set up an insurance program - to be funded with risk-based premiums paid by the industry - to guarantee companies' troubled assets, including mortgage-backed securities, purchased before March 14, 2008.

Curbing executive pay: The law will place curbs on executive pay for companies selling assets or buying insurance from Uncle Sam. For example, any bonus or incentive paid to a senior executive officer for targets met will have to be repaid if it's later proven that earnings or profit statements were inaccurate.

Oversight: The rescue plan will set up two oversight committees.

A Financial Stability Board will include the Federal Reserve chairman, the Securities and Exchange Commission chairman, the Federal Home Finance Agency director, the Housing and Urban Development secretary and the Treasury secretary.

A congressional oversight panel, to which the Financial Stability Board will report, will have five members appointed by House and Senate leadership from both parties.

Tax breaks: The Senate-version of the bill that the House passed on Friday included three key tax elements designed to attract House Republican votes.

It extends a number of renewable energy tax breaks for individuals and businesses, including a deduction for the purchase of solar panels.

The law also continues a host of other expiring tax breaks. Among them: the research and development credit for businesses and the credit that allows individuals to deduct state and local sales taxes on their federal returns.

In addition, the law includes relief for another year from the Alternative Minimum Tax, without which millions of Americans would have to pay the so-called "income tax for the wealthy."

New accounting rules: The bailout plan underlines the Securities and Exchange Commission's power to change accounting rules on how banks and Wall Street firms value securities, and directs the agency to study the issue.

Some observers argue that tight accounting rules are a major reason for the credit crisis in the first place. Others contend that changing the so-called mark-to-market rules will just bury problems lurking beneath the surface and could further shake investor confidence in the already battered financial sector. (More about the rules.)

Shielding bank deposits: The law temporarily raises the FDIC insurance cap to $250,000 from $100,000. It allows the FDIC to borrow from the Treasury to cover any losses that might occur as a result of the higher insurance limit.

Federal bank regulators, who first floated the idea to Congress late Tuesday, said that bumping up the insurance limits will help improve liquidity at banks across the country. It may also provide a much-needed dose of confidence for consumers who may be worried about the health of their bank. (More about FDIC rules.)

The plan will also temporarily increase the level of federal insurance for credit union savings to $250,000.

Mitigating foreclosures: The new law calls on federal agencies to encourage loan servicers to modify mortgages by a number of means - including reducing the principal or interest rate. It also extends a temporary provision that exempts from federal income tax any debt forgiven by a bank to a borrower in a foreclosure.

Cost: The law's tax provisions - the bulk of which come from the addition of tax breaks from other legislation - may reduce federal tax revenue by $110 billion over 10 years, according to estimates from the Joint Committee on Taxation. More than half of that is due to the one-year extension of AMT relief.

The Congressional Budget Office said it cannot estimate the net budget effects of the troubled asset program because of the many unknowns about that piece of the bill. However, the agency noted in a letter to lawmakers on Wednesday, it expects the program "would entail some net budget cost" but that it would be "substantially smaller than $700 billion."

Overall, the CBO said, "the bill as a whole would increase the budget deficit over the next decade."

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chaya 回複 悄悄話 失敗者臨死拖人下水....
楊子 回複 悄悄話 應當是: Netscape's Navigator
frogdumb 回複 悄悄話 "到了互聯網時代,它靠Windows + Explorer打敗LANSCAPE, 一統了BROWSER的天下。又用Office + Outlook的捆綁,逐步占據了AOL和Yahoo的地盤;再用免費的MSN空間打敗QQ"

什麽是 LANSCAPE? Outlook 跟 Yahoo 有什麽關係? QQ 是什麽東西?
博主可能是用 Yahoo Mail 和 QQ 的吧?
