
小東西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小東西之二: Evan, 11 years old
  • 博客訪問:

Interview with Evan - 2006

(2006-02-19 19:48:42) 下一個

Evan answered all the questions very enthusiastically. According to Granna’s words “He stole the show.” He was either playing his hair with his right fingers or sucking his left fingers during the entire interview.

Ashlie: All right, what is your name?

Evan: Evan (he had no clue about his middle name and nodded at his last name after prompting).

Ashlie: How old are you, Evan?

Evan: I am three.

Ashlie: Three? All right! Do you have any brothers and sisters?

Evan: One sister.

Ashlie: What’s her name?

Evan: Ah, Via (He cannot pronounce Olivia yet and calls her Via).

Ashlie: What is your favorite holiday? Do you like Christmas? Do you like Halloween? Do you like Thanksgiving?

Evan: (Looked like he is still trying to figure out what the word holiday is.)

Ashlie: Christmas?

Evan: Yeah!

Ashlie: Why do you like Christmas?

Evan: Ah, pre-sents!

Ashlie: Presents? That is right, that makes it fun, doesn’t it? Okay, if you are going to dress up for Halloween, who are you going to look like?

Evan: A candy.

Ashlie: A what?

Evan: A candy.

Ashlie: Oh! What were you this year for Halloween?

Evan: A candy (He actually dressed up as Tigger).

Ashlie: What’s your favorite song?

Evan: Old McDonald.

Ashlie: Old McDonald! Can you sing Old McDonald for me?

Evan: (Sang the song with Horse enthusiastically)

Ashlie: Very good! You did that so good! Now tell me what is your favorite movie? What is your favorite video? What do you like to watch at home?

Evan: (Without hesitation and kicked his feet into the air) Thomas!

Ashlie: Thomas? What is Thomas? Is it a train?

Evan: Yup! He is an engine!

Ashlie: Excellent! What is your favorite book, Evan?  Do you have a favorite book?

Evan: Ah, Thomas!

Ashlie: Thomas too?

Evan: Yup! The bad diesel is on it.

Ashlie: Who is your best friend?

Evan: (Moved his eyes from left and right but still seemed like he did not get the question.)

Ashlie: Who is your best friend in school?

Evan: Ah…Ah…Chris.

Ashlie: Oh, okay. Mm…Do you have a girlfriend?

Evan: Ah… (Then answered with a big smile and with his finger pointing at the camera) Katie! (Who is a lot younger girl in his class).

Ashlie: Okay. Let me see. Do you have a store you like to go to?

Evan: Yup.

Ashlie: What is that store?

Evan: Ah…(moved his eyes left and right but did not answer)

Ashlie: What do you like to buy at the store?

Evan: Ah, cars and trucks.

Ashlie: Cars and trucks, is that what you like to buy at the toy store?

Evan: Yup! And diggers and bulldozer.

Ashlie: Okay! Is there somewhere you like to go eat?

Evan: A pizza place!

Ashlie: A pizza place? Do you like to eat pizza at the pizza place?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: Yeah? What’s your favorite food?

Evan: (Kicking his feet into the air) Pizza!

Ashlie: Pizza! Okay. What do you like to eat at your house?

Evan: Rice and fish (糖醋魚塊 – Chinese sweet and sour fish fillet)!

Ashlie: How delicious! (with a sense of sarcasm) What kind of food you do not like at all?

Evan: Ah, green beans.

Ashlie: You do not like green beans?

Evan: Yeah, I do!

Ashlie: You do or do not like green beans?

Evan: I eat green beans!

Ashlie: What do you NOT like to eat?

Evan: I do not like 豆腐 (Tou Fu).

Ashlie: Do you ever help your mommy or daddy cook?

Evan: Yup! (When, honey?)

Ashlie: What do you help them cook?

Evan: Rice and fish, and green beans.

Ashlie: Let’s see. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Evan: My food (???).

Ashlie: Cook food? (Seeing Evan has no positive response) What do you want to be when you grow big? What do you want to do for a living (I am sure he is really lost on this one)?

Evan: (Looked at Ashlie and went blank thinking I do not know what she is asking me)

Ashlie: Okay (Let’s forget about this one). Let’s see. Are you going to get married when you grow up?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: How old will you be when you get married, do you know?

Evan: (Turned away from the camera).

Ashlie: Probably not, okay. Are you going to have kids?

Evan: Yeah.

Ashlie: The little kids?

Evan: Yeah.

Ashlie: Are you going to take them to daycare?

Evan: Yeah.

Ashlie: What are your baby’s names going to be? Do you know?

Evan: (He was almost lying down on the chair right now, so daddy asked him to sit straight and he kinda ignored the camera)

Ashlie: Okay (let’s forget about this one too). Do you like animals?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: What is your favorite kind of animal?

Evan: A horsey.

Ashlie: A horsey?

Evan: And zebra and kangaroo.

Ashlie: Oh, really? When you go to the zoo, what kind of animal do you like to see?

Evan: A kangaroo, a zebra and horsey.

Ashlie: Okay, what kind of pet animal do you want at your house?

Evan: A kitty cat.

Ashlie: A kitty cat? What would you name him?

Evan: (Blinked his big eyes looking puzzled and then thought about if for a few seconds) Ah, Snoopy.

Ashlie: Snoopy?

Evan: Yeah.

Ashlie: That is a good name.  Do you like to bye bye to your house and take a trip far away from home?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: What is your favorite trip you took when you go bye bye?

Evan: Ah, Choo Choo train.

Ashlie: You like to go on a choo choo train?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: Where do you like to go on choo choo train?

Evan: Ah…ah…toy store.

Ashlie: Okay. Mm…do you like to go to China?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: What do you like to do in China? What is your favorite thing to do in China?

Evan: Ah… a bus.

Ashlie: Okay, Evan. Do you like to play sports?

Evan: (Without hesitation) Yup!

Ashlie: What kind of sport do you like to play?

Evan: Ah… (Thought about it for a while) shapes.

Ashlie: Shapes?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: Okay (Auntie Ashie said: “I do not know what kind of sport that is.”). What is your favorite sport team?

Evan: Ah… Dinosaurs (I love this one).

Ashlie: Okay. What do you like to do outside?

Evan: (Thinking hard) Ah…a piggy.

Ashlie: Piddi? What’s that?

Evan: Oink, Oink.

Ashlie: Oh, piggy. But tell me what you like to do at school when you go outside?

Evan: (Thought for a while) Feed giraffe (He did that with Olivia at the Beijing zoo).

Ashlie: Okay. When you are in your house, what do you like to play?

Evan: (Did not think Ashlie got his answer from last questions) I feed giraffe.

Ashlie: You feed giraffe? When you are in your house, what do you like to play?

Evan: My cars and trucks.

Ashlie: Is that your favorite things to play?

Evan: I need to play with my lego trucks and cars.

Ashlie: Yeah?  I think that’s great!

Evan: And I play with my big trucks and big cars.

Ashlie: Okay. Now tell me about your bedroom. What does your bedroom looks like?

Evan: A bed.

Ashlie: It’s got a bed in it? Anything else in it?

Evan: A blanket!

Ashlie: A blanket?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: Do you sleep on you bed and put the blanket on top of you?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: What else do you have in your room? Do you have toys in your room?

Evan: I play basketball.

Ashlie: You have a basketball in your bedroom?

Evan: Yup! (Imitating a dunk) I  throw basketball… on a basket!

Ashlie: Oh, excellent! Is there a color in your room? What color is your room?

Evan: (Thought about it for a few seconds) Red! (No, honey)

Ashlie: It is red, okay. Do you like your bedroom?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: Okay, can you tell me about your house? What does your house look like?

Evan: It’s pink (Now everyone thinks you have a pair of crazy parents)

Ashlie: It’s pink? Oh-ho, it’s neat! Tell me the favorite thing you have.

Evan: A blue.

Ashlie: A blue? Blue is a color. What is your favorite thing you like?

Evan: Ah…ah…engines and the turntables. On the turntable, engines get on turntable and go home (The turntable is the closest to the engine shed on his train table).

Ashlie: Ah… Hey, Evan, when you are in school, who is your favorite teacher?

Evan: Ah…Miss Saida.

Ashlie: Why do you like her?

Evan: I like her.

Ashlie: Does she play with you? Do you play with her?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: What do you like do the most at school?

Evan: Play choo choo trains.

Ashlie: Play choo choo trains?

Evan: On train tracks.

Ashlie: What do you learn at school? What kind of work (got cut off by Evan)

Evan: And tunnels.

Ashlie: Hm? And the tunnels?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: What kind of work do you do at school? Do you learn songs or learn Spanish?

Evan: I lie down on the cot and read books.

Ashlie: Do you like to read books?

Evan: And I take a nap.

Ashlie: You take a nap?

Evan: And I sit on a couch.

Ashlie: You sit on a couch? They have a couch in daycare?

Evan: And brush our teeth and go night-night.

Ashlie: So when you get home, you brush your teeth and go night night?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: Okay.

Evan: And open the door and brush our teeth and go to a bed.

Ashlie: Okay. Do you like to go to school, Evan?

Evan: Yeah!

Ashlie: You do? Are you going to go to college?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: You are? Where are you going?

Evan: Ah, Princess on Ice (An ice skating show he saw with Olivia).

Ashlie: Princess on Ice?

Evan: Yup!

Ashlie: I think that is an excellent place to go to college. Okay, I think that’s it. Yeah! Evan!

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