
窈窕淑女司令 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2011-02-23 18:57:41) 下一個


昨天看了部英國電影[Never Let Me Go] 當然是五元一盤的盜版,看得無比難受。


結果居然一整夜都在做和這電影有關的夢。 這部片是部很淒涼的愛情片,但拍的一點不煽情,很有歐洲人那種低調和含蓄,整個電影都淡淡的,可那種無望和悲戚讓我直冷到骨髓裏。




這部電影是根據的小說改編的,隱含的寓言似乎是說其實在這個社會上,我們都是“捐獻者”吧。活在這個世界上,要麽捐的體力要麽捐腦力, 而人生價值高低並不取決於取決於我們對這個社會付出或捐獻的多少。






Director Mark Romanek has said that, as in the film, everyone has to uncover what our relations to our own mortality is; we have two choices: either go against it, or try to figure out a way around it like the character Tommy does.[2] When questioned about what he'd hoped that audience would get from Never Let Me Go, Romanek said it was to remind people of what is important, like love, behavior and friendships. He recalled an email a person had written to him that said: “I saw your film and it made me cry and I haven’t reacted to a film emotionally like that in years. And I called my father, cause I realized I hadn’t spoken to him in 3 weeks and I told him how much I love him and how much I appreciated what a good father he’s been.”[2]

Andrew Garfield believes the story of Never Let Me Go is about humans and projecting "what it is to have a soul, and how you prove what a soul is"; he says he enjoys the way the film is a "call to arms" about the positives of life.[3] He further adds that its message could hopefully remind people that they have a choice to arise in the morning and wonder what their preference and their activities for the day should be instead of questioning what they should or are obligated to do.[3] Keira Knightley feels that the film's story is alarming, but has said that the film is "more about humanity's ability to look the other way". "You know in fact that if your morals can go out the window if you think you can survive in a certain way, whatever your morals may be," she explains.


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淑女司令 回複 悄悄話 回複8哥的評論:
8哥 回複 悄悄話 人和人就是這麽不一樣。你說,既沒有暴力,也沒有色情,更沒有電腦動畫特技的電影,也有人花錢去看,圖什麽呀?
