

(2006-09-23 09:50:57) 下一個

下麵這篇報道,是當地小報Town-Crier 上很不起眼的一個小豆腐塊。但可謂是教小孩子寫新聞報道的非常好的一篇啟蒙教材。

Wellington Teenager Dies In Flying Cow Road Accident

SEPT. 19 — A teenage Wellington bicyclist was struck and killed by a vehicle on Flying Cow Ranch Road on Tuesday evening, according to a report from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.

According to the report, 15-year-old Joseph Godby was riding his bicycle northbound on Flying Cow Road at 7:37 p.m. when he was struck from behind by a northbound 2006 Dodge pickup driven by Jeffrey Parker, a 35-year-old Loxahatchee man. According to the report, Parker didn’t see Godby’s bicycle, which had no lighting equipment, until he was very close, and swerved to avoid Godby but was unsuccessful.

Godby, who lived in Wellington’s Meadow Wood neighborhood near the scene of the accident, was transported to St. Mary’s Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead. According to the report, no charges had been filed against Parker, pending an investigation.


2、第一段,隻一句話,可是交代了大致的時間,地點,事件,人物,消息來源等新聞的必須要素。例如A teenage 、a vehicle、on Tuesday evening等等。 讓人一目了然。如果有興趣,就看第二段。

3、第二段,非常詳細地記錄了事件發生的過程和具體細節,例如人名15-year-old Joseph Godby 、車型2006 Dodge pickup driven by Jeffrey Parker, a 35-year-old Loxahatchee man、at 7:37 p.m. 等,都報道得非常的具體。反映了報社記者的敬業精神。




兩天後和一位同事開車,經過FLYING COW ROAD,發現路邊有一堆鮮花,原來就是出事的地點。隻是一直的很納悶,路和WELLINGTON中間隔了一條運河,那孩子是如何騎自行車繞過去的?



, 原來酒後開車!

Suspect Arrested In September Death Of Wellington Bicyclist

DEC. 6 — The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office reported the arrest on alcohol-related charges Wednesday of a Loxahatchee man in connection with an accident which led to the death of a teenage Wellington bicyclist in September. Joseph Godby of Wellington, 15, was riding his bicycle northbound on Flying Cow Road on the evening of Sept. 19 when he was struck and killed by a pickup truck driven by 35-year-old Jeffrey Parker. The driver reportedly told investigators at the time that he didn’t see Godby’s bicycle, which had no lighting equipment, until he was very close, and swerved to avoid Godby but was unsuccessful. No charges were initially filed against Parker pending an investigation, but a PBSO vehicle homicide investigator took Parker into custody Wednesday, charging him with DUI manslaughter and DUI property damage.
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