--- 幡動? 風動? 心動.

feeling the ability to perceive the world -- Things are symbols, so is the world, so am I

posting records

(2006-03-16 17:39:10) 下一個
Once upon a time, I was a burglar 2006-03-07 ======================================================================================
I just could not find the key of my bike.

I thought it must be at home, but it was not. I looked in all my drawers in my office, it was not there either.Well, it was not too bad, I could take the tram to go to work and back home. And so I did, for a whole week now.

I had to do something: my bike was not a new one,but very practical. I got it from a student in the campus, a young guy who had been know to be "the bike seller". He always had cheap bikes for sale.My lock was not a very solid one, that cheap kind of bike lock: a soft metal loop, with a yellow plastic coating, probably imported from China. But it was firm enough to bind my bike to that bike base in front of our institute. I would need some tool to break it.

I found an old metal file in our small tool box from the utility downstairs, and a knife. So, today was the day to do it. I wanted to have it done before lunch time.

After the morning coffee, I went out of our building and walked to the bike parking base in the front, with my tools. It was a grey and wet day.

The rain overnight had washed the small street fresh and clean. Occasionally, there were a couple of pedestrians on the street, on their ways to work I guessed.
It was easy to cut off the plastic coat of the lock, but to cut through the weaved soft metal strings proved to be challenging. I filed through a couple of the strings, then found it hard to hold on to the same position of the cut. My file always slip into a different groove. I tried to stretch it straight, but filing it the same time was almost impossible. I felt wet on my forehead. Maybe I should go back and get some help from my colleagues?

"Could I help you?" A voice came from behind me.
I turned around: a man was looking at me, smiling. He was a short guy in his 40s. It seemed he was on his way to work, he was half way formally dressed. A brown leather suitcase in his right hand.
"I would be very thankful!" I said, feeling warm in my heart.
"If you could pull this against that base, and I could file it through much better. It was quite difficult when it swings while I am filing" I told him.
And he began to pull it hard. It was a big help, I saw the effect already.
"So, you don't have other way to get it open? Like, ah, using a key?" He asked me.
He just need to use his hands for me, so we could have a nice conversation.

What a luck. I got help, and the same time I could exercise my Deutsch. I had been in Germany about 2 years by now, and still felt difficult to talk freely. My language barrier made my life extra lonely, and finding occasion to use German in real life was not easy. There was not as much talkative people around as in China.
"Yeah. I tried to find it for a week now, and it seemed I have lost it." I said, between my breath.
"You are pretty skilful using that file." The man told me.
"Thank you. I worked a couple of years as electrician, some years ago." I said with a little pride.
Yes, I had worked through a couple of job before my university time. That helped me to build up some muscle. I was pretty proud about it when we had some force play among the students that time. And more importantly, it got me feel comfortable among people.
"Are you on your way to your work? Hopefully I don't get you too late for your work." I asked that guy.
"Yeah. My work place is not far away. It's okay, I can manage. " He said.
"Where did you get the bike?" he asked.
"Oh, I bought it from a student. He probably became a bike dealer. Everyone buy old, used bike from him."
"Really? How much would it cost?" He became curious.
"If I get it from a newspaper ad, probably $70 - $100."
"But I got it $50. A good deal gurl*?"
I was happy: the job was almost done ("gurl" is a southern German slang, a conversational confirmation request)
"What a deal!" He exclaimed.

With a final stroke, I filed through the last string of that darn lock. Done!
"And, the bike IS yours, right?" He asked suddenly.
I was surprised: I didn't expected that question. I stopped my hand's work, stared at him, perplexed.
Suddenly, I burst into a big laughter.
And a second later, he too.

"Guten Morgen J.!" A colleague of mine just walked by.
He was in a different group. I know him briefly.
"What made you guys so happy?" seemingly he was puzzle by our sudden guffaw, in such a gloomy rainy morning.
I thanked my nice helper again, and began to pick up my tools. He seemed to be happy also.
What a nice guy.

2006-03-15 記憶中的美女

Since after WWII, there were big army bases in Germany, a lot of the Americans I saw that time, were somehow related to them.
That black couple we saw, were probably from there too.

Our institute office in Karlsruhe was on the ground floor of a big building, the upper part was for apartment; the lower part for business. Out of our glass wall-window, we, my colleague and friend Markus and I, could see an exit of the underground garage used by the residents.
One morning, as I was chatting with Markus over a cup of coffee, we saw a big, big black lady waiting outside of that garage exit, probably for her husband to drive their car out.
"Wow! look at that!" M called out to me.
I was amazed at the sight: she was really huge, I mean not very tall, but huge.
"I bet she could let her two hands meet only above, but not in front of her chest." I said.
M began to call our colleages in other rooms.
"hey Arnold and ..., look out side of your window!"
Our windows were a little colored, so we were sure that we could remain uninvolved spectators.
They got a big Mercedes caravan (called combo in Germany). The husband was a slim guy, in his 30's. He stopped the car besides his big wife. We saw the wife getting into the car.
"She hardly got space left in front of her!"
When we saw the car drving away, it was heavily sinked down on its right side.

This became our norming wake-up spectacle and topic for a while.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2006-03-12 火車鑽過山洞

一個美少婦和兩個男人站的很近, 幾乎是麵對麵:一個德國男人; 一個法國男人。

就在這黑暗的半分鍾裏,就聽見一聲親吻的聲音, 接著是一身響亮的大耳刮子聲.
火車很快出了山洞. 三個人又可以清楚地看到彼此了.

德國人: !?!?(臉上漸漸腫起,但心裏不免自豪。。)
法國人: 哈哈哈,打倒法西斯!
少婦: !!??唉!
回家之後。。。 -
在巴黎的一家小酒館裏,突然爆出一陣大笑。 一個愛國奮青,提議大家來唱“馬賽曲”。。。
德國人的妻子:“你是不是對我說謊?” 但想來夫君一向忠厚。。。
少婦回到家, 大哭一場:"人心不古!"
N-年後, 兒子獲"奧斯卡"最佳導演獎....
機不可失, 那法國人 響亮地親了自己的左手手背後,掄圓了右臂...

從西門慶,到 Baudrillard, 到 老子
--- 回第三兄。 2006-03-11 10:27:49

第三兄's msg 西門慶...
多謝第三兄的索引,大致瀏覽了一下Baudrillard 的 [Simulacra and Simulations]。覺得很深刻。我不大懂Allegory和simulacra.還要反複讀幾次才行。

我們主觀地, 根據我們的使用目的, 來肯定我們周圍世界的存在.
而名字, 其實都是一些符號, 用以引征.而其存在的本質, 實是無可名狀.

正所謂, 無名天地之始;有名萬物之母。 任何命名, 其實質, 是一種抽象.



在我們的眼裏, "常有,欲以觀其徼" --- 得多了一點兒,
"故常無,欲以觀其妙" --- 地少了一點兒.

所以, 當我們麵對"無"的時候, 就難免感到不知所措. 在我們的周圍的世界裏, 大部分的存在形式, 隻是不同層次上的符號而已. 而這些符號, 則大部分是我們自己, 人為的臆造出來. 我們常常地被符號所淹沒. 所以我們需要, 或者說, 偶爾需要, 以 "無" 的角度去看我們周圍的世界: "欲以觀其妙" 耳.

"世界隻有一個眼皮那麽大, 閉上它, 世界就消失了." 這也不乏其理.

由西門慶之死想到的 2006-03-10 06:49:10
---Marketing skill: sex sells

曾經提到 [金瓶梅] 裏西門慶之死[1]。


我想,西門慶死前的瞬間,大概沒有時間,或詩情雅趣,去考慮那麽多吧: 死了就是死了。


我想,這是如果被西方的某一Porn-star 經曆了,可能會由此而名冠天下:喜不自勝啊!


那你不妨就耐心地,虛懷若穀地,在鏡子裏仔細地把你的鼻子, 看上它15分鍾。。。


如果把一個比較中性的…..字母 ”b”, for example, 拿來放大鏡下,仔細地看上它15分鍾
……” some ink leakage --- straight trace meets a half circle…..”

你能說那字母 “b” 不“客觀”存在嗎?”
reality is actually our own creation”. 這句話,很有嚼頭。




後來, 他們又是一場大笑:還可以再加一字:
“今日腚休日”! 哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。。
當時我很不以為然: 這太粗俗了!

但現在想來:一字也, 一笑也. 何謂粗細? 未傷他人, 則謂之文雅.
自得其樂又何妨? 說話的人當然要為自己的言行負責。

即使是反思自己現在, 還是有時候為別人的”傷人”之語而心裏不快.短煉啊!欠修行!

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 房子的故事 -- 給地上的孩子們。 2006-03-05 16:25:17



不管是獨立的房子,還是住在一塊兒的公寓,房子質量,各有不同。 有的房子,或大公寓,已有千年多的曆史了,還能給很多人提供溫暖;有的房子是新型設計,十分漂亮實用。
但有一點,人們還是有其共性:大家都喜歡串門交友,交談, 設計創新。

話題則常常是有關各家的房子,和各家的家規。 不管是出於禮貌或是真心,大部分人都喜歡讚賞,學習他人的房屋設計:


很多人都喜歡到那兒觀賞。那裏的大部分居民也都很友善。 他們對人們常說:“常來串門啊! 原和你們共享溫暖啊!“

“ 你們可知道,我們的大大的,宏偉的房子,是誰建造的嗎?”
“不是在1700年前, 一位裸馬的慌帝, 支使人建的嗎?” 一位來自山東的曆史學家說.
“ 那你可就大錯而特錯了.” 那位趾高氣昂的人說.
“我們這幢房子, 乃是天神所建! 那天神還不光建了這座房子, 連你們的老祖宗們, 也都是那位天神所造!”
“奧奧,” 大部分人, 出於禮貌, 點頭離去.
但心中不免好笑: ”哪兒來了這麽個無知狂徒!”
但又一想來, 哪家都有個不懂事的小子, 不必在意.

那宏偉的公寓中, 新進來了一幫遠客.

“一切都要聽從我的一元化領導!” 暴君家長的話, 他們至今記憶猶新.
為了禁錮他們思想和行動, 暴君家長那時還發給他們每人一本小紅書. 每天朗誦:
“我主英明! 我主偉大! 我主正確! 我主萬壽無疆!” 他們早請示, 晚匯報, 苦不可言.

而且, 暴君家長不時有指鹿為馬之行, 但大家為能保命, 也都是唯唯諾諾.

“如今, 這位善心的摟主, 把我等收留, 自當報之!” 遠客中很多人這麽想.

話說那宏偉的房子中的狂小子, 看到這麽多心人來到, 心想,我每每被人奚落,雖然嘴上未曾落下風,但心中還是有點而不實。何不拉幫壯膽?

時間一長,似有親切之感:這閉心而聆聽,讚主之偉大,似有心習呀! 而且, 不時翻閱小本本而誦讀之行,又似有本家之能。共鳴.
“似有神助!” 一人呼道。
“衷心有報!” 另一人道.
“我等原本係忠臣, 隻不過以前未遇明主耳!”

於是, 狂小子們人數大增, 四處以布道為樂.

“你們眾愚可知, 我家天神, 不但施法術, 造就我們家的宏偉大廈, 而且, 這城裏的所有房屋, 以至眾生, 皆他所造!”
“不止如此, “ 另一狂子道, “ 這宇宙之巔, 都出自他手!”
“ 你們都應該回家吧你們的房子拆了, 都來我們的宏偉大廈!”
“你們不該出門獵奇, 討論感受, 隻要讀好這個小本本, 福音繞梁!”

但, 新的房子,還是在此城裏, 越建越多, 式樣款式, 層出不窮. 大家每天還是忙於討論, 創新立異… 隻是漸漸地忘了那一小幫無知狂小子, 雖然他們還是那麽忙…

2006-03-02 看 凡爾賽 和-沁芳橋的postings 有感

It's a life's dilemma.
If you are not struggling with the basic material needs for life, then you feel lost with the idea: what should I do the next, what the heck the the sense?
And when I think about spirituality, I used to have the association of religion. I hate the bigotry of the fanatic priesting Christians or what so ever. But there are more than just the religious fanatism in Western culture. Luckily.

凡爾賽 's post reminds me of a book I once read and liked very much:[ The Celestine Prophecy ] by James Redfield, NY Times best seller for serval years. it is a "pseudo"-religious fucation. It tries to answer this question with a fictive story of questing for a archeological new found of an old religious manu. Through the story, it reveals the 9 levels of human mind, of communication.
Communication and powerstruggle with self;
with other individual;
with institution;
with... I may want to list them here, as a summery, also for me not to forget.

I think it is a great book to understand human's quest for meaning of life. I actually recommended this book, even bought it for a coupe of my friends to read. But to my chagrin, I figured out, they did not read it. I guess it was the langauge barrier.
I once thought I could translate it into Chinese, but my Chinese typing is so slumsy, I did half a chapter and then gave up. I would need a helper to type in my hand writing. Maybe later, I am not that rich yet. if one day I do find a means, I would.
But one thing for sure, I do think reading more the western book about the very basic human spirital needs (they don't just have religion bigotry in minds), the more I see all human are very alike, Chinese or Eskimo, cowboys or noble (wo)men.

As I am a Chinese (actually I am a Manchurian Chinese), I do think there are a lot od treasures of thoughts to be found in Western (if not even more than I had from Chinese Universities) in domains of philosophies; the same way Werstener increasingly find treasures in Oriental Taoism, Budhhism and Zen.

It is, in a good sense, making an intereting life-prospect: "there are something to explore!"
I think, what ever the quest, an urge for explore can very well keep the spirit young and vigorous; be it a new pursuit in spirital, or material. Or even a new love.

Here are the nine "Insights", the main threads of that book from James Redfield (you can google "James Redfield" and find all the discussion groups and so on)Maybe it can be interesting for some one here?

I am not priesting for anything, Just want to show my resonance as a questing spirit; and my 2 cents.

Feeling restless? You're not alone: Everybody's starting to look for more meaning in life. Start paying closer attention to those seemingly "Chance Coincidences" - strange occurrences that feel like they were meant to happen. They are actually synchronistic events, and following them will start you on your path to spiritual truth.

Observe our culture within its proper historical context. The first half of the past millennium was spent under the thumb of the church; in the second half we became preoccupied with material comfort. Now, at the end of the twentieth century, we've exhausted that preoccupation. We're ready to discover life's ultimate purpose.

Start to get acquainted with the subtle energy that infuses all things. With practice, you can learn to see the aura around any living being and to project your own energy around it to give it strength.

An unconscious competition for energy underlies all conflicts. By dominating or manipulating others, we get the extra energy we think we need. Sure, it feels good - but both parties are damaged in the conflict.

The key to overcoming conflict in the world is the mystical experience, which is available to everyone. To nurture the mystical and build your energy, allow yourself to be filled with a sense of love.

Childhood traumas block our ability to fully experience the mystical. All humans, because of their upbringing, tend toward one of four control dramas:* Intimidators steal energy from others by threat.* Interrogators steal it by judging and questioning.* Aloof people attract attention (and energy) to themselves by playing coy.* Poor me's make us feel guilty and responsible for them.Become aware of the family dynamics that created your control drama and you can focus on your essential question, which is how to make of your life a higher- level synthesis of your parents' lives.

Once cleared of traumas, you can build energy through contemplation and meditation, focus on you basic life question, and start riding a steady stream of intuitions, dreams, and synchronistic coincidences, all guiding you in the direction of your own evolution and transformation.

That evolution can't be done alone, so begin to practice the new "Interpersonal Ethic" by uplifting those who cross your path. Talk to people who make spontaneous eye contact with you. Avoid co-dependent relationships. Be there for people. Call attention to other people's control dramas. In groups, speak when the spirit (instead of the ego) moves you.

Our purpose here is to evolve beyond this plane. Fewer people (a result of reproductive abstinence) and more old-growth forests will help us to sustain our energy and accelerate our evolution. Technology will do most of our work for us. As we begin to value spiritual insight more and more, we will pay those who bring it to us, and this will eventually replace the market economy and our need for paid employment. We can connect to God's energy in such a way that we will eventually become beings of light, and walk straight into heaven.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 對自強的另一種理解 2006-02-28 10:10:58 能在他人身上發現長處,而且不遲疑地流露讚賞,是自強。 如果這人是眾人認為的弱者,而你還能發現他的值得讚賞指出,那你就更強了。 總能在他人身上發現不好而貶之,則說明你內心的軟弱。 不顧眾意而能容異己者,強!尋疵而貶,拉人入幫來壯膽的,弱。 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
英語發音常犯的錯誤 (個人愚見,供大家探討,補充) 2006-02-19 04:48:26
我所親身經曆的,和聽到看到的:中國人英語發音常犯的錯誤。列出來供大家探討,補充. =================================================================
1。字母 C
例: I see. 誤: 艾細
正: 艾斯意
2. 字母 J.
例: job.
誤: 教伯.
正: (更像) 肇伯例
2: enjoy.
誤: 因交誒
正: 因找誒
3. TheThe 字 的根源是德語中Die/Der , 發 "的" 雖也不對,但比發 "責" 要好些
4. 拉聲稍長一點:例: understand誤: und(er)stadn -- 安德斯丹的 ("德"太短).
不妨: 安德而斯丹的

“欲射一鹿,誤中一獐”。 聽我慢慢道來:
這不,Penis 成了 Pianist!

為何值得自豪? 2006-02-18 04:41:09 "I am so proud of being a Chinese!"I saw this on a internet discussion board. It did not surprise me at all. This kind of statement is far often seen. If change its last word to any country's name, it can be found virtually everywhere. To tell the truth, I, myself, used to think, or even have talked that way.As a human being, we carry so many labels on us. Which one is the most important? Being a ---?This sequence is bound to change, through out one's life, one's understanding of his/her experienced life. Maybe something could be extracted as a commonly accepted row?I may try first on my thought about it. 1. as a human; 2. as a man 3. as a questing explorer 4. as a father 5. as a friend... n. as a Chinese... m. as ... I already see problems here: what is the definition of...? Almost impossible to clearify. What is a man? For instance? The word man exists in contrast of woman (in Chinese or Germany semantics), or in English, it means mankind. So,2a. As a non-woman; and2b. as a non-animalIt become more philosophical.. I may do the going through in other context. One thing I can say, as I listened to the statement "proud of being Chinese" is,this is, as for me, not one of the top 5 positions. Of that, I am proud of being a questing explorer of our small world; And this pride, is definitively before that of "Being Chinese". @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
看了 電影“Munich"。。。 2006-02-18 07:52:07
當事人又何不如此啊。到頭來還不是:對外,殺了無辜,對內,殺了自己的良心。 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

我的一德國好友讀“金瓶梅”後的感想。 2006-02-15 14:26:40

Nic 是我的一個可以無話不談的好友。
“那個。。人(它既不起名字了).. 他的死是我的最高願望了:(他向我複述他記憶猶新的段落):
He was half sleeping, and she played flute on him (我朋友感慨道:中國人的語言真是豐富啊! -- Flute)...then, he became excited and the flute...then she sat onto it and...play some more. The juice came, more juice....then suddenly came blood, more blood.... And, he died.


哈哈,我那朋友笑道,"看來, 我在這兒工作,實在是緣分啊!"


一個老海(不)歸男人的看法。 2006-02-14 06:23:24 1.If this is a real case, I would say smething about him and about you.him: He is a communicative person. From his writing, he is humble minded,maybe the reason for that is that he is, or had been brock, like onecommentator said. Which does not necesarrily meaning bad: See if he isstill a capable man, if he is, the temporary down can only make himfirmer afer he gets up again. And in that case, if you (the potentialpartner) can help him getting up again, you tow would have a nice pieceof life experience together -- meaning a valuable bond (a loving one).I see this as a good chance (if he is a good person), for you to win alife long soulmate. But, if what you are chasing is a "already made bed",then you don't deserve this kind of life experience.2.The fact of letting this meant-to-be-personal text of this man to bepublic, or discuss it too much with your friends, it somehow smells thatyou are a kind of philistine person, with not much self confidence.Even he would not mind this text to be published (is his purpose anyway),but, if you are seriously consider him, it IS a very personal thing. Andif fr such a personal thing, you have the need to "gossip" it around, thenyou are intellectually not a strong person. And therefore, maybe not deservehim.3. About one female commentator's view, that the guy may even don't want tocommit much $$$ when dealing with dating, errant daily thing. For that, I wouldsay, if he is $$-wise stronger than you and he is wanting you, it would behe intention; but if you two are $$-wise equally strong or you are even strongerit is not a shame to let female pay the bill. Where is the "male-female-equalness"?Well, I would say, if you don't want it be equal, then you would have it un-equal.In case case, please don't complain about "men are too controllingly unfair...".These days, $$ is not earned by muscle as much as 100 years ago. So women gotalmost the equal chance to get $$. That's the good part of our society. Isn't it?But, my dear female friends, throw away that self-lowering attitude and BEequal minded. Tradition does have its root and should largely respected. Butthe trend should be recognized and followed, to be better off in lives.My 2 cents.4.A person that garrulous is at leat humble. But one thing for sure, he is willingto show himself inside out. You, his potential female partner, may not like it.That the female's feeling I can't comment much but to repsect. At least he showedhis garrulousness. If you dn't like it then let him go. If you don't mind to havesomeone talking all the time and nerves you? think about it, it's a personal thing. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
中國男女對性的誤解。 2006-02-11 06:47:36

Chinese men think if they have sex with a non-Chinese, he should be proud;
if a Chinese girl have sex with non-Chinese: it is a shame.

Chinese women have a weird attitude:
if they have sex with you, they think you have taken advantage of them.

To let men/women be equal, sex is reciprocal, if both want it, both should appreciate it. Who's advantage?

Chinese men's mis-conception: sex means ownership and slavery
Chinese women's mis-conception: I pay with sex, pay me back!

Both of these are poisonious for a relationship.

Only equal respect and enjoyment can lead to bliss.

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