盈袖2006 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

We, However, Have the Mind of Christ --Jon Walker

(2011-02-13 14:23:28) 下一個

We, however, have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16 TEV)

"If you imagine discipleship as a physical journey, then you can easily see that the more time you spend with Jesus, the more you will begin to understand his way of thinking."

(This devotional is by Jon Walker, editor of the Daily Hope Devotionals and author of Costly Grace.)

Learning to think like Jesus isn’t as impossible as it sounds because the Apostle Paul says we have been given the mind of Christ: “As the scripture says, ‘Who knows the mind of the Lord? Who is able to give him advice?’ We, however, have the mind of Christ.’” (1 Corinthians 2:16 TEV)

The issue is in accessing the mind of Christ as you mediate upon God’s Word and listen to the Holy Spirit, who is your guide into all truth. (John 16:13) If you imagine discipleship as a physical journey, then you can easily see that the more time you spend with Jesus, the more you will begin to understand his way of thinking.

As you walk with him day in and day out, you will become intimate with his likes and dislikes; you will see what he sees and hear what he hears. You will know what he cares about and you will know what he considers insignificant, petty, or distracting.

You will witness how he responds to problems, criticism, truth, exhaustion, excitement, expectations, disappointments, hunger, poverty, love, laughter, accusations, manipulation, sorrow, sin, tension, distrust, redemption, rejection, legalism, ritual, religion, hypocrisy, happiness, joy, and you will learn what he thinks about your future.

All of this is will teach you to think from God’s perspective, to engage the mind of Christ available to you through the Holy Sprit.

praise the Lord!

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盈袖2006 回複 悄悄話 我每天都有驚喜,神真奇妙,我喜歡他帶領我,不斷成長.回望幾年以前,我不敢相信我內心的變化.
苗青青 回複 悄悄話 喜歡你標出的重點段落,這個代表了基督領我們渡過每一天, 使我們內在的生命, 這個真正的我,更豐滿成熟的過程。

感謝神, 也感謝你的分享。