
讀書筆記 the silver butterfly

(2024-06-01 09:32:42) 下一個

I read the story “ The Silver Butterfly “ written by Pearl.S. Buck. In Hong Kong, the author interviewed a man who fled the mainland to tell of his mother was persecuted and suicide after China's liberation.              
     1)First , the man show a village by the Yangtze River with instruments. In the middle of some poor people's houses, there is a courtyard. He said, which is the landlord's house. the landlord has a concubine. He is the son of the concubine.   He had an elder brother who died at the age of five. His mother missed him very much. His mother gave birth to him at the age of 40. He and his wife lived with his mother. After liberation, the Communist Party of China educated peasants to hate landlords, although his father treated his tenants well. If a farmer does not hate, he himself will be punished.  His father was hanged from a tree and killed. He and his mother were forced to watch. His mother was stimulated and went insane. They were driven out of their original houses and asked to work : Construction of Yangtze River Bridge.  At that time, food supply was very tight,  Peasants are poor . Only participating in labor could distribute food tickets. His mother could not work, so she had no food tickets . They live very carefully, afraid of being punished for careless mistakes. But his mother was confused and didn't know what had happened, thought it was the same as before . She used tea and porridge to entertain village cadres, were suspected of having surplus food at home.                            
2) The village cadre asked his mother to work in the nursery. So that she can have food tickets . The nursery is located in their original courtyard, but have changed. A five-year-old boy came to the nursery which reminded his mother of her dead son, his mother love this boy.  Children should also work and receive ideological education. The boy was injured while working.  In the evening, his mother held the boy in a warehouse. His mother suddenly remembered that she had hidden some precious things in the warehouse. There is a silver thread butterfly. She gave the boy the butterfly to play with. This butterfly was found by others.The child was punished.His mother was also criticized.He was present at the critical meeting.  His mother's hands were tied. When everyone shouted slogans, he followed.  After the criticism meeting, his mother walked through the crowd, people shouted slogans and hit her, and she fell down. Everyone kicked her, and he should kicked her with everyone.  His mother saw and recognized him. At dusk, they let his mother go back. His mother threw herself into the Yangtze River with the five year old child in her arms. 
3) A) I think the story is true. There was violence not only in the rural land reform, but also in the subsequent political movements. Four of my teachers were forced to die, two of whom committed suicide,one died tragically in the labor reform team, and one was shot. Mr. Lao She, 老舍,a famous Chinese writer, returned home after the meeting of criticize him, His wife refused to open the door to let him in. Mr. Lao She threw himself into the lake, died in despair. 
B) The guiding ideology of the Chinese revolution is Marxism, which believes that the surplus value of workers and peasants' labor has been exploited by capitalists and landlords, which is the reason why workers and peasants are poor.  During the land reform, the landlord's land was confiscated and distributed to the poor peasants. Later, cooperatives and communes were set up to take the land into collective ownership. Farmers are still poor, and even poorer. This shows that the root cause of poverty is not landlords. The reason for poverty is the feudal political system。 Only by establishing a democratic political system can people's living standards be improved.

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