
讀書筆記 India, India ( East and West)

(2024-06-01 09:17:21) 下一個

I read the article “India, India”, in the book “East and West”, written by Pearl.S.Buck. It described an English woman, Laura, who liked India Culture: Friendly and Free Life. And her husband,Leonard ,deepened his understanding of Laura and himself while accompanying Laura on a trip to India.
(1)(A)Leonard lived in England, he worked in London. His wife Marian took care of house and his life, they had two children. Marian died two years ago. When Leonard went on vacation to Greece, he met Laura. Laura and her husband Lawrence are classmates, of the same age. Before Lawrence left England for India, she married him and went to India with him, Lawrence passed away eight months ago. Leonard was 15 years older than Laura,  Leonard loved and proposed marriage to Laura, but Laura felt unprepared and did not agree, Leonard left Greece and went back to England. A year later, Laura went to England and married Leonard.
Laura is different from his ex-wife Marian , she didn’t know how to do household chores and littered her belongings. Laura often hummed alone, Leonard was not used to it, reminded her gently. When asked Laura if she was unhappy for the remind? Laura smiled and replied: “you are improving me” .she often compared him with her ex-husband.
(B)Winter in England was very cold, and Laura was feeling unwell. She loved warm weather. On her birthday, Leonard asked her what warm places she liked to go, Laura wanted going to India. They stayed in Mumbai two days, Laura wanted going to Ranapur, that was where she and Lawrence lived together for five years.
They stayed in a palace style hotel in Ranapur. Laura became very excited, she had many Indian friends, and she communicated with them in Hindi. She loved to eat Indian food, but Leonard doesn't like Indian food and thought it's not clean. She loved to be close to Indian children, but he thought Indian children are dirty.
(C) In Ranapur, there was a famous Indian businessman Maharana, Leonard and Laura invited him and his wife,Maharane,  to dinner. 
After dinner, Leonard chatted with  Maharane. He said Laura is a bit childish, he doesn't know if he did well for Laura. At this moment, Maharane told him that she was happy to see Laura, she and Laura were good friends, Laura gave her many help,Laura was kindhearted. She knew that Leonard were treating Laura well because Laura was happy now . Laura's ex-husband has a bad temper,Laura obeyed. Laura seeking protect from India. Laura felt comforted among Indians, Indians are friendly, even to animals!
(D) That night, Leonard slept on the bed, he compared the differences between UK and India, In India, although he was British, Indians treated him as their own and treated him well. He felt the friendliness of Indians, he feels relaxed, easy.
The next morning, while having breakfast with Laura, Leonard said to her: I know why you want coming to India, not for miss your ex-husband. Your ex-husband was cruel to you, you come for India. And I want to improve you, just like your ex-husband. Do you believe I will correct it?
He reached out his palm, and she put her hand into the palm of his hand.
(2) I think: (A) In family life, husband and wife are equal. If husband have any complaints to wife, he can say it, but it's wrong to be angry with her. Husbands should always care for their wives.
(B) In social life, because everyone has different experiences, it is normal to have different views on certain issues, especially political issues, and should not only have one viewpoint. Different opinions can be discussed with each other, and convictions cannot be based on different opinions. In China, many of my teachers and classmates were persecuted or even persecuted to death just because of one sentence. In the United States, people can criticize the government. These are two different social cultures, and social systems determine social culture.

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