
讀書筆記 Duet in Asia ( The Good Deed)

(2024-06-01 09:09:21) 下一個

I read the novel “ Duet in Asia “ ( Korea-1953) in the book “ The Good Deed”, written by Pearl.S. Buck. This article told the story: A Korean girl who was determined to marry a good man, an American soldier stationed in South Korea already had a fiancee in the United States and does not want to have sex with other women. But after three dates, they had sex.
1) Jon Barron and Jim Tolliver were America soldiers, they were in South Korea a few months. They were classmates in Greerstown , Pennsylvania. Jim loved with Jon’s sister Mary. Jon had a girl Susan in home, they will marry when  got back. 
Jon spent his spare time in a orphanage, among these Korean orphans were those others, the half- American ones, they were the most ragged. No movies on base, no girls.    
A) Jim wants Jon to a bar together, there are many Korean girls. Jon did not think he should go to that place, but with Jam's encouragement, he agreed. They reached a rough bar, went in. The men were all American. the girls were all Korean. They sat down, a pretty girl appeared, Dottie, sat on Jim’s Knee, Jim’s sex lover. Dottie introduced a girl to Jon,  Choi-Miya, said: “she is wanting nice boy.”
Jim and Dottie were dancing, Jon and Miya talked. Miya spoke English well. Miya felt Jon were not average and Jon felt Miya were not average too. But silence became a barrier between them, Jon was back. 
B) Miya’s father was an American soldier, been killed in war with North Korea, she concealed the fact, because it will be discrimination in Korea. Her mother was Korean, dying of tuberculosis when she was sixteen. She longed for another life. She wanted a man who was not Tex(Sex). Miya thought Jon was not a Tex. 
Jon repeated the question to himself: Jim had been with Dottie, how would he explain to Mary?  Mary were wounded. And Jon thought Miya, she was different with Dottie. Jon thought Jim and Dottie they didn’t know the real love, but he knew, he loved Sue. 
Jon and Miya met again in a dance hall. Miya told Jon her life. She asked Jon how she could escape the impermanence of her life by marrying a man? She asked Jon: “are you married?” Jon told her, he love a girl in America, they will be married as soon as he got home. Jon pity Miya. They dancing .Close, too close. Jon felt not good. Jon returned to the barrack.
C) Miya told Dottie, Jon was promised an American girl. Jim told Jon that Dottie told that Miya was unhappy. So Jon and Miya met again. 
Miya asked Jon help to find a right man. Jon agreed. Jon was lighthearted now. He had won the fight with himself. He was free from of Miya. They danced. Jon had drunk a bottle of whiskey. Jon felt Miya so lovely. Miya invitation Jon to a room. Jon have sex with Miya. And Jon asleep. When he woke up, he remembered what he did. He thought Miya seduced him, he threw his wallet on the table and left the room. Miya said “ I’ll never forgive you”.
2) I think:
A) Miya’s story reflects the poverty of the people and the low status of women in that era. Many women are forced to engage in sexual work due to their livelihood, and the Korean government also supports this. These women also face discrimination. With the progress of society, these problems should no longer exist. Miya is worthy of sympathy. I think this story happened not in 1953, but around 1970. (Because I think Miya was about 20 years old). She is half an American, and the US government should take her to the United States. 
B) It is normal for people to have sexual demands, but sex is connected to family and life. Sexual relationships should be based on love, and love should be exclusive, otherwise it is immoral. Jim and Dottie are just pornographic and immoral. Although Jon has fallen in love with Sue, he feels that Miya is different from Dottie, very beautiful, worthy of sympathy, and has developed some love. When Miya asked him to help find a man, he felt relaxed. In addition, after drinking alcohol, sexual intercourse occurred, and Miya was also willing. Jon was wrong, not immoral.

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