

讀書劄記一,海上漂流的船,寫作,夢想 (圖)

(2008-04-29 12:38:50) 下一個



我讀過作家Lyall WatsonDark Nature, 知他畢業於生物係,寫了一係列有關進化和人性的著作,他的家就是一隻在海上漂流的船,這船在佛羅裏達的沿岸和亞馬遜河流域的海灣航行。他傾聽著大海的呼喊,感受著大自然的偉大,思索著人性的真諦,洞察著未來的契機。也隻有這樣幽靜的生活和大自然的啟迪,他才能參悟出許多深邃的觀念,寫出發人深省的暢銷書。如是乎我亦有了同樣的夢想,幾時啊,幾時弄舟秋月下,寧靜而致遠。


Lyall Watson 在他有關人性本質之負麵的新作‘Dark Nature’的序中寫道:

       I live on a boat, on an ocean-going trawler, and find that I think best when I can do so alone, offshore.

       I am an old-fashioned field naturalist, a beachcomber at heart, with a passion for bones and stones and seachells, prone to letting delight in such detail saturate my whole attention. I become easily enrapt and, in that happy state, loss sight of the larger environment. It ceases to environ me. It becomes an extension of me. And I cannot smell myself.

       So every once in a while, I have to fall back and look for blue water, floating out to where the horizon is flat and I can find some degree of alienation. Just enough to get a glimpse again of the whole ecology, of the form and process of things.

       The best position is that of the offshore islander, of men like Yeats and Joyce and Shaw,  who could see the outline of the distant mainland and yet still enjoy sufficient detachment to permit pattern recognition.






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