---- Forwarded Message -----
From: DoTo: lCc:
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2023 at 07:37:16 AM CST
Subject: Re: 不挖鄧小平這個根,不敢正麵攻擊和清洗鄧小平黨徒,打蛇不打七寸,始終都是白忙一場!Re: 有關擁護中國在無產階級專政下進行第二次文化大革命的宣傳陣地必須建立起來(bilingual); Propaga
因為解散人民公社實行單幹,村幹部貪汙爆棚。 因為計劃生育,農村出現“要喝藥給你開瓶,要上吊給你係繩” 的口號,但不能生二胎。三十年間四億胎兒被做掉。
現在中國農村凋敝,三百萬個村莊,一百萬不複存在。 剩下的村莊隻剩老弱病殘,一片荒涼。天天吹糧食豐收,但每年進口糧食達一億三千萬噸,相當於百分之二十人口的口糧。
On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 8:05?AM leeliang <leeliang@usa.net> wrote:
------ Original Message ------
Received: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 04:16:58 PM CST
From: To: "
Subject: 有關擁護中國在無產階級專政下進行第二次文化大革命的宣傳陣地必須建立起來(bilingual); Propaganda front must be established to support China’s Second Cultural Revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat.
1. 歐洲中心主義,無產階級文化,社會主義普世價值......
紅軍Wendy 177 views Nov 22, 2023
@user-km3rp7cs8i 3 days ago
就我所知,內地有很多人都是滿腦袋的資產階級思想,比如把 改開和好日子劃等號,這似乎已是主流共識。其實國人辛苦勞動,真財富都被美西方收割了,他們吃肉國人隻喝點湯,被人賣了還幫著數錢。
資本主義利用 自私自利 來提高生產力,其結果就是 內卷。反之,社會主義下因為是勞動人民當家做主,是解放生產力,勞動也不再被異化,這樣共產主義才能實現。不知我的理解對否?
1 reply
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
你講得非常好! 提高生產力是為了提高人民生活水平還是為賺錢,本質不同,結果也不同,周末我就談談這個問題
@user-km3rp7cs8i 3 days ago
@youlink1019 4 days ago
@JL-lk7rg 4 days ago
@karlchen7711 4 days ago
4 days ago
@jasonho1075 4 days ago
@karlchen7711 4 days ago (edited)
3 replies
@user-km3rp7cs8i 3 days ago
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
@user-km3rp7cs8i 對,說到骨子裏,左右的問題都是私字作怪!
@karlchen7711 3 days ago
@user-km3rp7cs8i 說的完全正確。不是私心作怪,如果是真正的共產主義戰士,就一定不可能產生1976年的懷仁堂政變。
@eastwindze8069 4 days ago
9 replies
@af664 3 days ago
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
@af664 打壓得厲害,主要是私人資本打壓,主流精英也打壓左翼
@af664 3 days ago
@redarmywendy 用什麽手段打壓?是汙蔑出的書還是不讓大量出版還是不予宣傳?
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
@af664 據司馬南說內地好像可以出版了,但沒人包裝炒作很難買出去,所以司馬南曾經為邊芹做過一期節目幫助促銷
@af664 3 days ago
@redarmywendy 為了傳播廣泛,作者可以在網上發行電子版本,可以隻收版權費。如果作者不靠這本書的收入生活,甚至可以免費讓大家傳播,讓更多人接觸到。
1 Reply
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
@af664 我有電子版書,不知怎麽上網發行,過一陣兒有空看看吧
@af664 3 days ago
@redarmywendy 如果作者授權可以免費傳播,在願意傳播的博主頻道下麵掛一個下載鏈接。多幾個備用的鏈接以防惡意攻擊。
1 Reply
@karlchen7711 4 days ago
Wendy 你好!這個視頻的聲音還可以。
@yidongzhang1265 4 days ago
1 reply
@redarmywendy 4 days ago
@af664 3 days ago
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
@af664 你們的鼓勵就是我的動力,讓我看到了人類向上的巨大力量,追求真理的路上一點兒都不孤獨...
2 Reply
@af664 3 days ago
@redarmywendy Viral Bin Laden Letter Takes TikTok by Storm, Sparks widespread panic
@redarmywendy 2 days ago
@af664 他們膽子挺大,敢為拉登抱不平,這不是挑戰美國的政治正確嗎?
2 days ago @redarmywendy 所以被下架並禁止談論了。
716 subscribers
158 videos
2. 張桂梅是不是武訓?《我本是高山》是不是《武訓傳》?小善與大善,社會主義價值觀、資本主義價值觀、封建主義價值觀,文革的偉大意義…… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8MoOnHt9PI
3. 中國為什麽不能學美國稱霸爭老大?共產主義信仰者雖然少,但是人類先進文明必將取得最後勝利...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKWYUthyHDg
4. 總成本等於總購買力,馬克思剩餘價值理論淺析,100個饅頭的故事 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kYTSpI2XkcQ
5. 從1967年毛主席與劉少奇的談話看黨內兩條路線鬥爭,從毛劉之爭看深層矛盾…… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtqlKVsjFm4
6. 為什麽毛主席要我們批判孔子? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlgwJZLzhMw
7. 張桂梅是不是武訓?《我本是高山》是不是《武訓傳》?小善與大善,社會主義價值觀、資本主義價值觀、封建主義價值觀,文革的偉大意義…… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8MoOnHt9PI&t=1s
8. 拜登說習近平是獨裁者,有特殊含義嗎? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/S10T6WLHBBg
9. 毛主席130周年誕辰,堅持毛澤東思想,防止社會動亂...... https://www.youtube.com/shorts/c-ix9cimVLQ
[ 1:1163 ] 西北老農(昌.穀.金.岩) - 06:16:50 05/20/2019時事參考10(307-317)
Translation from the Chinese to English:
Video introducing Red Army Wendy
Propaganda front must be established to support China’s Second Cultural Revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Sans-culottes 2023-11-26
The late capitalist world has entered the fast lane of overall collapse; we call on all those who oppose the bourgeois multi-party joint dictatorship and all progressives to unite and fight for the future socialist people's democratic revolutionary dictatorship. The following videos are supported:
1. Eurocentrism, proletarian culture, socialist universal values...
Red Army Wendy 177 views Nov 22, 2023
@user-km3rp7cs8i 3 days ago
Very good lecture, support Teacher Zhang!
As far as I know, there are many people in the Mainland who are full of bourgeois ideas. For example, it seems that it is the mainstream consensus to equate opening up with a good life. In fact, the Chinese people have worked hard and their real wealth has been harvested by the United States and the West. They eat meat. The Chinese people only drink some soup and help count the money when they are sold.
Teacher Zhang has repeatedly emphasized that getting rich is due to the improvement of productivity. This clarifies the essence.
Of course, some thoughtful people will say: Isn’t the development of productivity the result of “reopening”? Teacher Zhang can talk more about this topic.
Capitalism uses selfishness to increase productivity, and the result is involution. On the contrary, under socialism, because the working people are the masters of the country, productivity is liberated, and labor is no longer alienated. Only in this way can communism be realized. I wonder if my understanding is correct?
1 reply
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
You said it very well! Whether to improve productivity is to improve people's living standards or to make money. The essence is different and the results are also different. I will talk about this issue over the weekend.
@user-km3rp7cs8i 3 days ago
I heard it again and felt very much the same way. Capitalism is a step backwards. I had only thought about it before, but I didn’t dare to say it.
Combining the Chairman's report at the second plenary session of the Seventh Central Committee, especially the sixth part on the seven key points in economic construction work, comparing the situation that President Xi is facing and the problems he is dealing with now, there are similarities with those back then. place.
When it comes to elite politics in the West, it may be a false concept, because Western politicians and big capitalists rarely have moral character worthy of learning from the world, but they are good at pretending.
Capitalist civilization is only relative to slave society and feudal society.
If we want to use keywords to describe proletarian civilization, I think the main ones are public, such as fairness, justice, etc., but they are easy to be labeled. But the focus is not on the label, the focus is on the right to interpret the label.
@youlink1019 4 days ago
@JL-lk7rg 4 days ago
Only by establishing correct ideological concepts can we know which path to take. Class struggle is a life-or-death struggle with no middle road.
@karlchen7711 4 days ago
I support Wendy's statement because it is a matter of principle. We must attack unceremoniously the evil spirits and yin and yang evil spirits.
4 days ago
@jasonho1075 4 days ago
The volume is correct. Individual netizens have room for adjustment
@karlchen7711 4 days ago (edited)
I saw Chairman Mao once said in a video on New Viagra that when fighting, it is easy to go to the left, and when it is united, it is easy to go to the right. In a nutshell.
3 replies
@user-km3rp7cs8i 3 days ago
Therefore, the life of the Chairman is really hard. He has to fight both the left and the right. I personally feel that both the left and the right are manifestations of opportunism, and the essence of opportunism is selfishness.
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
@user-km3rp7cs8i Yes, when it comes to the core, the problems on the left and right are all caused by private words!
@karlchen7711 3 days ago
@user-km3rp7cs8i is absolutely right. It was not selfishness. If he were a true communist fighter, he would never have had the Huairentang coup in 1976.
@eastwindze8069 4 days ago
Bian Qin is Zheng Ruolin's wife, and I just recently read her book "How Did We Get Here". Han Yuhai, a professor in the Chinese Department of Peking University, has a profound book that is worth reading. "Rereading Mao Zedong" tells how to use Marxism and combine it with China's reality to ultimately build a new China. "Who Writes History in Five Hundred Years" analyzes China's national power structure and grassroots governance system since the Song Dynasty, analyzing why China went from advanced to backward, and finally became a semi-colony. I feel like the authors who write these left-wing books are not well-known and are being suppressed.
9 replies
@af664 3 days ago
Feeling suppressed? Is there no private capital to help them promote it? Will state capital or so-called red capital support them?
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
Yes, it’s Zheng Ruolin. It’s really hard for the left to speak out, thank you for recommending their book!
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
@af664 The suppression is severe, mainly by private capital. Mainstream elites also suppress the left wing.
@af664 3 days ago
@redarmywendy What means are used to suppress? Is it to slander the published book or to prevent it from being published in large quantities or not to promote it?
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
@af664 According to Sima Nan, it seems that it can be published in the mainland, but there is no one to package and hype it, so it is difficult to buy it, so Sima Nan once did a program for Bian Qin to help promote it.
@af664 3 days ago
@redarmywendy In order to spread widely, the author can publish the electronic version online and only charge royalties. If the author does not rely on the income from this book, he can even spread it for free so that more people can reach it.
1 Reply
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
@af664 I have an electronic version of the book, but I don’t know how to publish it online. I’ll give it a look when I have time.
@af664 3 days ago
@redarmywendy If authorized by the author, it can be disseminated for free, and a download link will be posted under the channel of the blogger who is willing to disseminate it. Have several backup links to prevent malicious attacks.
1 Reply
@karlchen7711 4 days ago
Hello Wendy! The sound in this video is okay.
@yidongzhang1265 4 days ago
The center of human civilization is the place with the most developed productive forces of mankind. As China increasingly becomes the center of mankind's most developed productive forces, it is an inevitable trend for the center of civilization to return to China again.
1 reply
@redarmywendy 4 days ago
Many people think so. Unfortunately, history has proven that this view that developed productive forces will become the center of world civilization is extremely wrong. It is an illusion given to us by capitalism! Redirecting it for decades once again proves its absurdity. If Xi Jinping hadn’t come forward and changed China’s 30 years of following the Western productivity theory into common prosperity, China would most likely have been doomed long ago, just like the Soviet Union!
@af664 3 days ago
The sound is good. There are only two moments where there is a very small staccato.
Listened to this video twice. I seem to have found a soulmate in this issue. The blogger’s level of explanation in this issue
This is the best video I've ever seen. I am also very happy to see the comments of approval from netizens. Come on ↖(^ω^)↗!
The people of the world want
Fairness, no matter what the origin, everyone is treated equally!
The people of the world want
Friendly, harmonious coexistence regardless of race or color!
The people of the world want
Be diligent, regardless of religious beliefs, and work together to build the future of mankind!
@redarmywendy 3 days ago
@af664 Your encouragement is my motivation. It makes me see the great power of human beings. I am not lonely at all in the pursuit of truth...
2 Replies
@af664 3 days ago
@redarmywendy Viral Bin Laden Letter Takes TikTok by Storm, Sparks widespread panic
The post-00 generation of Yingjiang is awakening
@redarmywendy 2 days ago
@af664 They are so bold and dare to stand up for bin Laden. Isn’t this challenging the political correctness of the United States?
2 days ago @redarmywendy So it was removed and banned from talking about it.
Red Army Wendy
716 subscribers
158 videos
Explore the mysteries of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, examine the world from the perspective of dialectical materialism; the development direction of the characteristic socialist system; the construction of healthy and orderly socialist democracy...
Video example:
2. Is Zhang Guimei Wu Xun? Is "I am a mountain" the same as "The Legend of Wu Xun"? Small kindness and great kindness, socialist values, capitalist values, feudal values, the great significance of the Cultural Revolution... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8MoOnHt9PI
3. Why can’t China imitate the United States in striving for hegemony? Although there are few believers in communism, human advanced civilization will surely achieve final victory... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKWYUthyHDg
4. Total cost equals total purchasing power, a brief analysis of Marx’s surplus value theory, the story of 100 steamed buns https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kYTSpI2XkcQ
5. Look at the struggle between the two lines within the party from the conversation between Chairman Mao and Liu Shaoqi in 1967, and look at the deep-seated contradictions from the dispute between Mao and Liu... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtqlKVsjFm4
6. Why does Chairman Mao want us to criticize Confucius? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlgwJZLzhMw
7. Is Zhang Guimei Wu Xun? Is "I am a mountain" the same as "The Legend of Wu Xun"? Small kindness and great kindness, socialist values, capitalist values, feudalist values, the great significance of the Cultural Revolution... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8MoOnHt9PI&t=1s
8. Does Biden have a special meaning when he said Xi Jinping is a dictator? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/S10T6WLHBBg
9. Chairman Mao’s 130th birthday, adhere to Mao Zedong Thought and prevent social unrest... https://www.youtube.com/shorts/c-ix9cimVLQ
Current Affairs Reference 17 (373-381)
The most incisive summary of Mao Zedong Thought
One ideal: communism throughout the world.
One philosophy: Marxist-Leninist philosophy—dialectical materialism and historical materialism.
A political economy: Marxist-Leninist political economy.
One socialism: scientific socialism.
One core: rebellion is justified.
One purpose: to serve the people wholeheartedly.
An idea: the theory of permanent revolution and the theory of stages of revolutionary development.
Three souls: seeking truth from facts, mass line, and independence.
Three magic weapons: party building, armed struggle, and united front.
Three major styles:
Closely contact the masses, integrate theory with practice, criticize and self-criticize.
Top Ten Revolutionary War Strategy Wheels:
1. A single spark can start a prairie fire;
2. The theory that the party commands the gun;
3. Theory of People’s War;
4. On the Main Force of Chinese Revolutionary Peasants;
5. The theory of rural revolutionary base areas encircling cities;
6. Theory of guerrilla warfare;
7. On the Protracted War of Resistance Against Japan;
8. Theory of the Anti-Japanese National United Front;
9. Carry the revolution to the end;
10. The paper tiger theory of US imperialism.
Three major theories:
1. The theory of class struggle and proletarian dictatorship;
2. The theory of continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat;
3. Proletarian World Revolution and Three Worlds Theory.
Three red flags: General Line, Great Leap Forward, and People’s Communes.
Three styles of work: a firm and correct political direction; a hard and simple work style; and flexible strategies and tactics.
Four atmospheres: unity, tension, seriousness, and liveliness.
Eight models: Anshan Iron and Steel Constitution; Daqing Spirit; Dazhai Spirit; Hongqi Canal Spirit; Jiao Yulu Spirit; Lei Feng Spirit; Good Eighth Company Spirit; Two Bombs and One Star Spirit.
The current countermeasures: dig deep holes, accumulate food widely, and do not seek hegemony!
[1:1163] Northwest Old Farmer (Chang.Gu.Jin.Yan) - 06:16:50 05/20/2019 Current Affairs Reference 10 (307-317)
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