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黃桃豐收的季節,一起動手做簡單易做的黃桃罐頭和法式黃桃脆皮派吧 (圖文+視頻)

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黃桃罐頭裏麵隻放了1/4cup 代糖,比起外麵賣的賊甜的桃罐頭,健康又美味。

法式脆皮派,餅皮可以買puff pastry sheets,一盒兩片,省去不少時間。


Peach Galette Ingredients:

1 1/2 of medium peaches

1 sheet of puff pastry ( room temperature)

1 tsp vanilla extra 1 tbsp brown sugar

2 tbsps of flour 1 dash of cinnamon powder

Peach Galette步驟:

- Remove 1 sheet of the frozen puff pastry to thaw it in room temperature.Peel and pit peaches and cut them into 4 chunks .Coated sliced peaches with sugar, flour and cinnamon powder, mix them together. Leave 1-inch wide on each side of the puff pastry . Use a folk to poke holes on the puff pastry sheet . Put peach slices in the center of the puff pastry and fold puff pastry edges .Brush egg wash , put small butter pieces on top .Bake at 425F degree for 25-30 mins and let it cool in room temperature for 10-15 mins. Sprinkle sugar powder on top


Yellow Canned Peaches

Canned Yellow Peaches Ingredients:

4-5 large yellow peaches

1/4 cup sugar

4 to 5 1/2 cup filtered water

1/2 tsp salt


Steps: - Peel and pit yellow peaches, cut them into 4 pieces - In a large bowl, add 1/2 tsp salt and water, soak peaches in water for 3 mins - In a large pot, add peaches, sugar and filtered water - Bring the pot to boil on high heat, then reduce heat to low and cook for 10-12 mins. If sliced peaches has yellow to white color, it is NOT ready and continue to cook on low heat. - Continue to cook at low heat until peaches has translucent yellow color which means it is ready . Remove the pot from the stove. - Let the pot cool down in room temperature - Pack sliced peaches into clean glass jars - Store them in refrigerator for better taste








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