
PhD Supervisor

(2005-12-14 08:04:27) 下一個

People criticise Chinese professors for short of responsibility. It is so common in China that one professor supervises around 20 research students, so that limited assistance and guidance can be provided. At the same time, people like to assume that the professors in the foreign countries are more responsible. This, however, is not the fact.

When I pursue my PhD degree in the English University, I notice that many English professors are not very conscientious. One of my freinds from the Law School complained to me again and again about her professor. He meets her once every two months, and every meeting lasts for less than 30 minutes. He never reads her work completedly because she can only find some comments in the first 20 pages. He usually comes late for their meeting. This is not a rare case, for another friend doing double E said it is very common for him to wait for his professor for more than 1 hour just for a 20 minutes meeting.

I once wondered whether the English professors are very mean to Chinese students only, but later I noticed this unpleasant situation actually happens to students from every country. One English girl complained to me that her professor went to Germany for 3 months without informing her. She totally lost contact with her supervisor and cannot do anything in the period. This year, she had arranged a one-week journey to Turkey, but her supervisor required her to cancell the journey because of her slow progress.

After hearing all these poor experiences, I start to realize how lucky I am, for I have a wonderful supervisor. He is very young who was qualified as a professor when he was 29. He is energetic and enthusiasm. He is so careful and responsible, who marked my paper not only for content but also for every single gramma mistake. He is so helpful who helped me to publish my first paper as a single author. I truely believe I will not make such a good improvement without him.

Christmas is just in the corner. I want to send him my greatest appreciation and my best wishes. I wish him the best Christmas and a wonderful new year.

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