


(2020-10-18 14:52:08) 下一個



1. 《祈禱與神交談》( Learning Conversational Prayer, by Rosalind Rinker)

2.《教會增長》,馬蓋文 (Understanding Church Growth, by Donald Anderson McGavran)

3.《基督教信仰正解》或《返璞歸真》(兩個中譯本),C?S?路易斯 (Mere Christianity, by C. S. Lewis)

4. The God Who is There, by Francis A. Schaeffer

5. 《認識神》,巴刻 (Knowing God, by J. I. Packer)

6. The Living Bible, by Kenneth N. Taylor

7. 《 財主與窮人:饑饉時代的富裕基督徒》,賽德隆 (Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, by Ronald J. Sider)

8. 《一天有二十五小時》, (Managing Your Time, by Ted W. Engstrom)

9. 《奧卡人的新生》,伊麗莎白?艾略特 (Through Gates of Splendor, by Elisabeth Elliot)

10. Evangelism Explosion, by D. James Kennedy (「三元福音倍進布道」的起源)

11. 《屬靈操練禮讚》,傅士德 (Celebration of Discipline, by Richard Foster)

12. 《權能布道》,溫約翰 (Power Evangelism, by John Wimber)

13. 《鐵證待判》,麥道衛 (Evidence That Demands A Verdict)

14. Let Justice Roll Down, John M. Perkins

15. The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism, by Carl F. H. Henry

16. 《真理的尋索》,司徒德 (Basic Christianity, by John Stott)

17. 《恩典多奇異》,楊腓力 (What’s So Amazing About Grace, by Philip Yancey)

18. 《神聖的約定》(暫譯),魏樂德 (The Divine Conspiracy, by Dallas Willard)

19. 《追隨基督》,潘霍華 (The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

20. 《時間的皺紋》,麥德琳?蘭歌 (A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L’Engle)

21. 《布道大計》或《跟耶穌學布道》(兩個中譯本,The Master Plan of Evangelism, by Robert Emerson Coleman)

22. The Genesis Flood, by Henry M. Morris and John C. Whitcomb

23. All We’re Meant To Be, by Letha Dawson Scanzoni and Nancy A. Hardesty

24. 《角色與真我》,杜尼耶 (The Meaning of Persons, by Paul Tournier)

25.《過猶不及—如何建立你的心理界線》,亨利?克勞德博士及約翰?湯森德     (Boundaries, by Henry Cloud and John Townsend)

26. 《你為何要信》,李德爾 (Know Why You Believe, by Paul Little)

27. Christy, by Catherine Marshall

28. 《婚姻:兩性生活》,黎希夫婦 (The Act of Marriage, by Tim and Beverly LaHaye)

29. 《勇於管教》,詹姆士?杜布森 (Dare to Discipline)

30. Roaring Lambs, by Robert Briner

31. 《下一個基督王國》 (The Next Christendom, by Philip Jenkins)

32. 《虎穴亡魂》,大衛.韋克遜 ( The Cross and the Switchblade, by David Wilkerson)

33. 《那日子》,何淩西 (The Late Great Planet Earth, by Hal Lindsey)

34. 《衝破黑暗網》,白勒泰 (This Present Darkness, by Frank Peretti)

35. The Stork is Dead, by Charlie W. Shedd

36. 《末日迷蹤》,黎曦庭與曾健時 (Left Behind, by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins)

37. 《聖經特工隊》,安德烈 (God’s Smuggler, by Brother Andrew)

38. The Gospel in a Pluralist Society, by Lesslie Newbigin

39. 《十點十分的盛宴》,畢約翰 (Desiring God, by John Piper)

40. 《審判達爾文》,詹腓力 (Darwin on Trial, by Philip E. Johnson) 

41. 《重生》,寇爾森 (Born Again, by Charles Colson)

42. 《標竿人生》,華理克 (The Purpose-Driven Life, by Rick Warren)

43. 《普世宣教手冊》,莊斯頓與萬迪克 ( Operation World, by Patrick Johnstone)

44. 《認識上帝的國》,喬治?賴德 (The Gospel of the Kingdom, by George Eldon Ladd)  

45. The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, by Mark A. Noll

46. 《請君出甕》,貝碧琦 (Out of the Saltshaker and into the World, by Rebecca Manley Poppert)

47. 《新約文件可靠嗎?》,布魯斯 (The New Testament Document: Are They Reliable?, by F. F. Bruce)

48. 《密室》,彭柯麗 (The Hiding Place, by Corrie ten Boom)

49. 《認識至聖者》,陶恕 (Knowledge of the Holy, by A. W. Tozer)

50. Revivalism and Social Reform, by Timothy L. Smith


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