
怎麽回答麵試必答題 Do you have any questions for me?

(2020-08-12 22:00:09) 下一個

麵試不僅是我們拿到offer的敲門磚, 也是我們了解未來雇主的一個最好途徑。 麵試是一個雙向評估的過程。 在麵試官麵試你時, 你也在麵試對方。 你可以在麵試中了解應聘公司的戰略, 業務狀況, 價值觀, 文化, 具體職位信息, 等等。 這些都會讓你對這個應聘機會有更多的了解。

通常在麵試快要結束之前,麵試官都會問你“你有哪些要問我的問題?” 這時你要不要問呢? 答案是: 一定要問, 一定要問, 一定要問。 重要的事情說三遍! 而且要用誠懇的態度問出有質量的好的問題。 問好的問題, 是尊重自己的權利,也是尊重麵試官的感受。

什麽是好的問題? 就是你在公司網站和大眾媒體無法獲知的對你將來是否考慮接受這個職位的合適的問題。

我們在這個視頻中也重點講解了要不要和如何問問題, 大家可以參考一下:  https://youtu.be/Cco4bon5THY

下麵我們就如約和大家分享你都可以從什麽角度問什麽樣的問題 – 前方預警, 幹貨滿滿。

1. 從雙向評估的角度

Your role 你的工作崗位/角色/日常工作狀態 – 盡量不要問招聘說明中已經有的內容

1.      How do you describe a typical day of the work?

2.      How does your team normally collaborate?

3.      What do the day-to-day responsibilities of the role look like?

4.      Who will I be working most closely with?

5.      What does success look like in this position, and how do you measure it?

6.      How does this position contribute to the organization’s success?

7.      What are considered as the major accomplishments for this position?

8.      How does the company culture affect this role?

9.      What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this job?

Getting to know the interviewer/Manager

10.  What do you enjoy most about working here?

11.  Why are you working in this industry?

12.  Can you walk me through your typical work day?

13.  What is your team’s greatest accomplishment?

14.  What goals do you have for the company, yourself, and employees over the next five years?

15.  What hobbies do you have outside of the office?

Management's style

16.  How do you manage team relationships?

17.  How do leaders encourage employees to ask questions?

18.  How do leaders set employees up for success?

19.  How does employee feedback get incorporated into day-to-day operations?

20.  How do you manage your team on day to day basis?

21.  What is your normal communication cadence to keep your team informed and engaged?

Future co-workers/工作參與人(key stakeholders)

22.  Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with?

23.  How competitive are your employees?

24.  How do you develop teamwork skills among employees?


2. 從一個展現自己的機會的角度

Opportunities for growth

25.  What’s the most successful traits/characteristics of this job in your opinion?

26.  What type of mentorship system do you have in place?

27.  What type of educational/training opportunities does the company offer for future professional development? 

28.  What advancement opportunities are available?

29.  How do leaders promote employee growth and success?

30.  What does it take to be a top performer at this company?

31.  Are there opportunities for professional development? If so, what do those look like?

32.  Is there anything about my background or resume that makes you question whether I am a good fit for this role?


3. 從公司戰略/文化的角度

Company culture/strategy

33.  What is your company’s competitive advantage over the competitors in the market?

34.  What are the company’s values? What characteristics do you look for in employees in order to represent those values?

35.  What’s your favorite part about working at the company?

36.  What are the biggest challenges for your department/team?

37.  How do you describe/What do you see as the company’s biggest opportunities and areas of growth?

38.  How do you describe/What is your work culture like?

39.  How would you describe the work environment here?

40.  What benefits are focused on work-life balance?

41.  What benefits and perks does the company offer?

42.  What is the outline of your telecommuting policy?

43.  How frequently do employees make themselves available outside of normal working hours?

Company reputation

44.  I read your company’s mission statement. How is your mission statement reflected in day-to-day work?

45.  How often is a new hire the result of a previous employee quitting?

46.  Why do most employees leave the company?

47.  How would employees describe the company and its leaders?

48.  What are the company’s biggest problems? How are they overcoming them?

49.  What do you want the company to be known for among employees — past, present, and future?

Performance measurements

50.  How are employees recognized for their hard work?

51.  How involved are employees in the structuring of their own goals and tasks?

52.  What are your views on goals, timelines, and measuring success?

53.  How often are employees expected to provide status updates on a project?

54.  How often do you evaluate employee performance?


當然, 最後如果麵試官還沒談到,也可以問些麵試招聘流程方麵的問題:

Moving forward

55.  Would you please share with me what is the overall interview process?

56.  What’s the next step of this process, and when can I expect to hear from you?

57.  Is there any other information I can provide you with?

58.  Would you like to see more examples of my work?

59.  May I have your business card in case I have further questions?

60.  May I have your business card so I can send a thank-you note and keep in touch for any future questions?


當麵試官問你 ‘ Do you have any questions for me?’, 這裏和大家分享60個可以問的問題。 希望可以幫助到你。祝大家麵試順利成功!



LinkedIn, Forbes, and other internet resources

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