


(2022-02-06 03:24:01) 下一個




下麵是這位Yongyan Zheng教授的發言摘要原文,刊出地址是https://www.exeter.ac.uk/news/events/details/index.php?event=11497

Along with the process of globalization and the deepening of exchanges in the international political, economic, and trade, massive migration and the transnational movement of talents have become increasingly common worldwide. Contrary to the traditional, even somewhat stereotypical impression of China as a monolingual country, linguistic diversity accompanying massive mobility has risen as a prominent issue in Chinese sociolinguistic landscape, and has exerted far-reaching influences on language education. This talk takes the perspective of “mobility” to delineate the challenges and opportunities of multilingualism in Chinese language-in-education planning. I will begin by giving an overview of multilingual research in the Chinese context, and then focus on two specific studies to address how multilingual language education is intricately connected to social participation and social equality. One study contrasts and compares how families of different social economic statuses invest differently in their children’s language learning, and the other explores how Myanmar students are mediated by the notion of linguistic entrepreneurship in their investment of learning Chinese as an international language through the valorization of multilingual competence

一篇錯誤百出的文章通常一開頭就露出了原形。第一句話就有嚴重語病。Along with the process, 這英文是體育老師教的?Deepening of exchanges,明顯受中文影響,嚴格地說,搭配不對:deepen後麵跟的多是壞事,如crisis, misunderstanding, poverty。一般人不懂也就算了,你都教授了,還是英文的,嗬嗬。

更嚴重的錯誤在下麵:international political, economic, and trade, massive migration OMG!這種語病高中生都不會犯吧,咱都懶得指出了。除了語法,邏輯也有問題:trade也是經濟活動的一部分,二者哪能並列?

linguistic diversity accompanying massive mobility這麽說很別扭,特別是accompanying,一看就是學生寫的英文。這句話末尾部分更顯示這位Zheng教授的英文水平:exerted far-reaching influences on language education。這位教授想表達產生了某種影響的意思,隻是和大多數中國學生一樣,一說到影響就像機器人似地用influence,標準的Chinglish。還是複數哪!

除了明顯的、嚴重的語法錯誤,很多句子經不起推敲,一細讀就發現這像是一條開了五十年的老船,到處是洞。This talk takes the perspective of “mobility”,老外看了捂嘴直笑。

下一句裏的multilingual research也不準確:從上下文看,Zheng教授所作的研究是中國人使用多種語言的現狀,但這個說法表達的實際意思是“用多種語言來進行研究”。

本句後半段還有一條更大的fish:to address how multilingual language education is intricately connected。address這個動詞可以指“處理……矛盾、問題”,放在這裏造成兩個錯誤:1) address後麵不能跟這個how從句,而是直接跟賓語詞組;2) 這個how從句引出的不是問題與矛盾,而是一個情況與現象,動詞用address完全不對。

最後一句的後半部分整體上邏輯有點亂,意思不清,讓人看得一頭霧水。細節方麵,Myanmar students are mediated by the notion這個啥情況?OED的老編們要大跌眼鏡了。linguistic entrepreneurship:請教這位Zheng大神,這又是神馬東西?


又,昨天看到一個標牌“溫馨提示Warm Prompt”…

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