

(2020-03-15 10:40:23) 下一個

Steve Job is very talent with logic mind, which is able to focus on sequential solution, but if obsessing on it, his mind becomes narrow. 

From his unusual experience of life, i.e., adoption; his Eastern mysticism complex; his pain of being abandoned by his gene parents; his reluctant withdrawal from Reed college in the grateful of his adopted parents' devotion; and the intellectual people constant flowing in Reed College  brought some idea of the Truth of Life
- ascetic style practice etc. All in all, his personal life  made him feel awkward at one point,  then he has to pursue a very strict self-discipline for being accepted by people around at another point. His talent way of  work makes himself feel to gain a feeling of controlling things, a sense of safe & warm for himself. As his daughter's writing:his love for me blindsided him. And then if you're someone who's used to controlling things, and succeeding at everything, and you find this one thing you can't succeed at, it's hard not to push away'. 

He really enjoyed success because it is his life-ladder built on plan; he enjoyed his wife's companion because both may share the same value of
hard work and ascetic lifestyle', or she could help with his business strategy. Job's awkward side always put him in an embarrassed situation and he was instinct to confront anybody who presented more wisdom than him, including his beloved wife; or she may try to protect his 'ever-wounded' heart and selectively involve his privacy; or she may act as a subsidiary role in the family and didn't know how to use a soft skill to express different opinion and get things done right because of her hard childhood of growing up with an addictive & violent step-father. In her marriage, she would wear a 'mask to pretend' we are cold people' in front of Lisa , and she was not given a chance to show her tender and wisdom in her marriage of Ascetic style, as Mrs George W. Bush did during John McCain's memorial service, handing a candy to her husband. Mr Bush, who pursuing an equal marriage, enjoying a  harmony interactive with his wife, directed a touching moment,  playfully sneaks candy to Michelle Obama sitting next to him.

It seems that Job's power was never questioned at home. He pretends he's always right, e.g.,  his vertical mind of practice - not want to ‘ruin’ his daughter’s life of getting rich, because his belief is a kind of deprivation (Ascetic style practice)-  made him feel shamed to admit that he's wrong. He feels comfortable staying in his own framed-box, picturing his own ladder with sequential stairs. When some others out of his plan were put by force on his ladder, he would feel messed up  when obsessing in his minded sequential steps, he would be completely lost, and get angry the situation caused by low self-esteem because he does not know how to insert these new, but 'stained, broken stairs on his ‘minded’ ladder. If he is in agony on himself, he would be cruel to others because he is unable to control his emotion.  However, he lost his confidence to put things right. If he was given comfort and a minded space, he would have gone out of his cave. Most men naturally do have direct, sequential approach of mind which makes them more decisive in advantage, the other reason is the traditional division of family responsibility may squeeze them to a corner, narrowing their mind to a tight box of nowhere they could select a horizontal approach. If they open their ears to collect more data and make things integrated, they will be the winner forever. Therefore, for children, it would be better to provide guidance to analyse situation, then leave more comfort mind-space to themselves and share encouragement, trust and joy till they build up confidence at their each stage milestone, consequently  they will find where to welcome additional (even 'stained’) stairs on his/her ladder in school life. 

When people are granted power without constant query, if they are not willing to put themselves on the Balance Scale (weight both and adjust to think opposite), to level what their thought and others' thought, they would lose the opportunity to feel a beautiful sensory outside of his/her cave,  to grow up as a mature person.

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夢遙2016 回複 悄悄話 Low context and high context communication
夢遙2016 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Timberwolf' 的評論 : 這也是我發愁的地方, 你可以當‘誌願者’幫我修改嗎?
夢遙2016 回複 悄悄話 回複 '唐西' 的評論 : 這篇文章是用於圖書館的項目, 本不該出現在這裏,但為前一篇文章「世上竟然有這樣的要求-回答‘YES/NO’ 」中的’舉例喬布斯‘找到出處鏈接,所以就采用了中文題目。 由於時間有限,無法翻譯中文,請多包涵。 世人都有局限,但天才不一定都矯情。 說句玩笑喬布斯是被自己氣死的,做為領導的語言表達讓人聽不懂, 那不是別人笨,而是他沒想方設法讓人理解,而是氣鼓鼓‘他們死腦筋’。可能他手下人都是’直線思維‘的NERD,無法跳躍思維有時挺讓人惱火。 研究用高深語言, 細致表達每一發現; 交流語言需抓住本質,淺顯易懂,讓大眾明白,
唐西 回複 悄悄話 奇怪的是,博文標題為何不使用英文,莫非是掛羊頭賣狗肉。
Timberwolf 回複 悄悄話 這時英文作文練習麽?寫作水平有很大提高空間啊。
