幾個月前看到一張小小月夕陽下憑欄遠眺的照片,雖然 照片角度讓人稍顯水桶,但照片的意境讓俺腦海裏隱約響起這首“給愛德琳的詩””(中文譯作“ 水邊的阿狄麗娜”), 又有另一個歡顏大媽帶著兩個小天使在海邊拾貝殼的情景再次觸發了俺的小靈感,於是開始試著將這首理查德克萊德曼最著名的鋼琴曲改編成低配版的吉他solo。
Ballade pour Adeline" (French for "Ballad for Adeline") is a 1976 instrumental composed by Paul de Senneville and Olivier Toussaint. Paul de Senneville composed the piece as a tribute to his newborn daughter, Adeline.[1] The first recording was[when?] by Richard Clayderman and world-wide sales now have reached 22 million copies in 38 countries.[2] It remains Clayderman's signature hit.
這首吉他solo特別獻給紫竹的朋友 tbd 和李莫愁網友,感謝兩位美女在百忙之中給俺的吹牛貼一針見血地指出邏輯錯誤和熱情支持。