some people think scholls should only teach students academic subjects.Others think schools should also teach students how to discrimination between right and wrong.
Schools are always expected to help youngers on achieving knowledge and improving the abilities of searching jobs. For my views,acadamic is very important for students,however,it wil be hard to achieve succeed if they do not know the discriminate between right and wrong.
Schools are normally seen as the place where the next generation can increase knowledge to improve employablity.In my view,academic subjects are important to one's career achievement,but student who do not learn the difference between right and wrong cannot succeed in their future working lives.
Most teachers consider that students should be focus on studing mainly subjects since these score will effect them if they can be enrolled by univercity.Knowledge from the course may supply them with a firm grounding for university,and help them to find a good job.They will know how to set up a mathmatic model and analysis datas at university,and grow up as a finance analysist or an engineer.If they take more time to study moral standar and discipline of behaviour,they will lost more studing time at main subject.
Many teachers suggest that students should concentrate on core subjects,because the performance in these courses can determine whether they can enter university in the future.What students can learn in academic courses can provide a firm grounding for university and help them find decent jobs.For example,students who acquire mathmatical skills at school can learn how to build models to analyse data at university and work as financial analysts and engineers after they graduate.They are less likely to focus on key disciplines if they are required to spend time in studying moral principles and behaviour norms.
Schools may teach students with some important virtue,and students can become the useful people with the knowledge of themslves.Some one will never sell secrect meterials to their compectiters if he have knowledge of fainth.Engineer with good character of responsibility will design the product which is most safty to cosumer.Students with good behaviour in school are hardly succeed if they cannot obey the rules of moral.
On the other hand,some educationalists are in favour of imparting some important vitues and moral values into students,and encorage them to make good use of their knowledge to contribute positively to their future employers and the whole of society.Students who are conscious of social responsibilities are more likely to design safe products which benefit consumers,if they work as engineers for the manufacturing sector in the future.Students who do not have a moral compass cannot achieve success,even though they perform well at school.
To my opinion,students who can discrimination between right and wrong may succeed.They should respect teachers and get along with student freindly in school.If they have no conciciours about these questions,it will impact them on studing and future work.
In my opinion,the younger generation cannot be successful if they are not able to distinguish right and wrong.Students who learn politeness and social rules may understand how to request teachers and get along with classmates,and because of this ,they will also be able to develop a strong working relationship with colleagues once they start working.This is the key to career achievement.If they do not realise this,their education and career can be affected adversely.