
I serve a God

(2023-04-01 07:36:33) 下一個

I serve a God who carried me through the wilderness

Who helps me on the mountaintops and valleys low

There’s nothing impossible by His power

He is the one who makes everything possible


I serve a God who left His glorious throne in heaven

Who bled and died on the cross for my unworthy soul

His love folds all the goodness and mercy

He is the one who has a lot of grace to unfold


I serve a God who is both the beginning and the end

Who holds my life fast forever and never lets me go

Let me forget personal desires dragging me

Fix my eyes on those things great and eternal


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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
米蘭之夜 回複 悄悄話 回複 'EuphoriaF' 的評論 : Euphoria姊妹平安!謝謝點評。一般來說,因為God的唯一性,甚至連"the"都不需要。
EuphoriaF 回複 悄悄話 Amen! 隻是"a"需改為‘the'。