

(2023-02-12 12:58:40) 下一個




我的試驗是讓ChatGPT求解 x^3 + 1 = 0. 我們從初高中的數學知識都知道這個方程有3個根:-1, 1/2+√3/2 i, 和 1/2-√3/2 i。

1. 第一次ChatGPT被方程x^3+1=0卡住了。

問:What are the roots of x to the power of 3 plus 1?


The equation x^3 + 1 = 0 is a polynomial equation and can be solved using the cubic formula. The roots of this equation can be expressed analytically as follows:

x = (-1 + √[3(i)])^(1/3) , (-1 - √[3(i)])^(1/3)

where i is the imaginary unit, i.e., the square root of -1. These roots are complex numbers and cannot be expressed in terms of real numbers alone. The cubic formula provides a way to find the



2. 同樣的問題,後麵幾次它換成了因式分解,但答案仍然是錯的

The roots of the equation x^3 + 1 can be found using various methods, but it is not possible to express them using real numbers only. The roots are complex numbers.

One possible method to find the roots is to factor the polynomial as (x + 1)(x^2 - x + 1), which can be further factored as (x + 1)(x - (1 + i√3))(x - (1 - i√3)).

So the roots of the equation x^3 + 1 are:

  • x = 1 + i√3
  • x = 1 - i√3
  • x = -1.

Note that the roots are complex conjugates of each other, meaning that if x is a root, then its complex conjugate (its "mirror image" across the real axis) is also a root.

3. 重複這個問題十幾次



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