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(2005-11-17 16:09:50) 下一個
昨天在高考滿分文選上發現了這篇文章,覺得寫得不錯,就翻譯了一下(中譯英),拿來給大家看看。 母親的日記 一 當護士把那個全身皺成一團的正“哇哇……”大哭的孩子抱到我跟前時,我終於看清楚了——這就是我的兒子!聽到他那響亮的哭聲,我知道我的兒子以後一定會大有作為。 二 兒子上幼兒園了,看到他背著書包時那可愛的樣子,我明白了兒子將來準能考個狀元回來,讓我風光風光。可到了下午,幼兒園的阿姨來電話,說我的兒子跟人打架,那是絕對不可能的!我生的兒子是最乖巧聽話的,怎麽可能會跟人打架呢?一定是那個阿姨在誣陷他。 三 今天,我接到兒子班主任的來電,她說我的小乖乖上午逃課了。如果是這樣的話 ,那一定是她講的課不夠動聽。怪不得上次我看兒子的考卷時,發現他才考了30分,原來是老師教得不好。我決定替兒子辦轉學。 四 兒子上初二了。可昨天他突然跟我說他不想讀書了,想到外麵去賺大錢。我明白兒子的頭腦一向最靈光的,他這麽做一定有他的道理。也許他是不忍心看我每天都這麽辛苦吧。原來,兒子長大了,懂事了。 五 兒子今天帶了個長得很奇怪的女人回來,說是他的女朋友。我不太喜歡她那顆讓人看了就打顫的黃色爆炸頭,還有她那張塗得像調色盤的臉和那個紅得誇張的血盆大口。可兒子說,這就是時髦。既然兒子這麽說,我也算是接受了。因為兒子的眼光我絕對信得過。 六 兒子結婚了。我真是太高興了。雖然那個女人我不喜歡。可兒子喜歡,我也隻好像他一般喜歡她,接受她做我的兒媳婦。 七 我真的不敢相信,兒子把我趕出家門了!這一定是那個女人唆使的,因為剛才洗碗的時候我不小心打碎了一隻碗。所以那個女人就借題發揮,要兒子把我趕出來。對,一定是這樣的!不然,兒子是絕不會把我趕出來的。 八 今夜是除夕夜。外麵的風很大,刮得我的臉發疼。我透過窗紗看見兒子和那個女人正在開香檳慶祝。我看見兒子笑了,他笑起來可真好看,就像小的時候那麽可愛。風越來越大,我感覺自己似乎就要離開這個世界了,把兒子養這麽大,唯一的遺憾就是還沒聽他叫過我一聲“媽” 。不過我並不怪他,因為他是我的兒子!如果我上了天堂,一定要替兒子向上帝預先申請一個好位子,因為他是我的兒子。 我把這篇文章簡單翻譯了一下,我的英文不太好,請大家多多指教。 A Mother’s diary 1.When a nurse brought a crumpled crying baby up to my face, I saw it clearly---That is my son! By hearing his loud crying, I am sure that my son will be very successful in the future. 2. My son went to kindergarten this morning, by looking at his lovely face I knew that he would do well at school and bring honor to my face. But in the afternoon, when I went to pick him up, the teacher told me that my son has been fighting with others the whole day. That is impossible, my son is clever and well-behaved, how can he fight with others? The teacher must be framing him. 3. Today, I received a phone call from my son’s teacher,she said that my darling has been wagging the whole morning. If that’s true, that only means her lessons were too boring for my boy to stay in. Oh, I remember, the last time I saw his test sheet, he only got 30, which explains how badly she taught him. I decided to change my son’s school. 4. My son’s in year 8 now. But yesterday he told me he didn’t want to go to school anymore, he wanted to go out to build his own business. I believe that my son’s always the cleverest, he must have his own reasons for his decisions. Maybe he doesn’t want to make me work too hard. Well, my darling has grown up, and is beginning to care about other people. 5. My son has brought back a strange-looking woman today. He said that she was his girlfriend. I don’t like the curly yellow hair and the “colourful” face of hers. But my son told me that’s the fashion. Anyway, I accept everything my darling says, because he has a very good taste of people. 6. My son got married today. I am so happy. I don’t like the woman (my daughter-in-law) at all. But as long as my son likes her, I will accept her. 7. I can’t believe that my son has kicked me out of the house. That must be the woman’s idea. I broke a bowl when I did the washing up this afternoon, and that must have been the excuse the woman used to persuade my son. Yes, that’s what happened; my son would never do that without the woman’s instigation. 8. Tonight is New Year’s Eve. It’s cold outside and the wind is blowing. Through the window I can see my darling and the woman celebrating with a bottle of champagne. Oh, I saw my son smile; he is so cute when he smiles, just like when he was very young. The wind is getting stronger, I feel like leaving this world. The only regret I have this whole life is that I’ve never heard my son calling me “mum”. But I don’t blame him, because he is my son. When I go to heaven, I’ll reserve a good seat for my son, because he..is..my..son.
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