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President Biden must have felt that as a father he owes his son Hunter Biden this pardon, because of his own political ambition. Without which, not many people would have known who Hunter Biden is, let alone paying any if at all attention to the struggles he had gone through in life.
President Biden's pardon, however imperfect it is in the sense of right and wrong, displays a father's love to his son, which is one of not many essential elements for our human beings to make it through in this imperfect world. It's not only that Predident Biden pardoned Citizen Hunter Biden, but also, and most importantly in the sense of being closest to the heart of heart, that a father rescued his son from suffering more. If a father's erring such on the side of loving his son contributes to the imperfection of the world, be it so.
The world would otherwise be a place more lonely than imperfect to be at.
從對錯的角度說無論拜登的特赦多麽不完美,它展示了一個父親對兒子的愛,它是我們人類在這個不完美世界中賴以生存為數不多的幾個基本元素之一。那不僅是拜登總統特赦了公民亨特.拜登, 而且,因為沁人心脾而最為重要,那是一個父親將兒子救出了苦海。如果一個父親因對自己兒子的愛而犯這樣的錯,結果讓世界不完美,那還是讓世界這樣不完美吧。
帖子中我清楚地說這個特赦"非常不完美",意思就是說"這麽做不對"。在這個基礎上,我才提到這個決定中的"人性"的內容:一個父親救兒子出苦海,人們能責備拜登麽? 看到兒子遭磨難,哪位父親不會"傾全力相救"? 在這件事情上,拜登的"全力"中碰巧有一個合法的巨大權力,他用了它。
美國司法程序中有一個所謂"配偶特權法": 夫妻中一方在法庭上是被告時,檢察官/法官 無權迫使另一方在法庭上作不利於被告的作證。
在拜登特赦自己兒子一事上,人們寧願為司法意義上的純正讓社會複出父親/兒子間的親情,並為這一"完美的大義滅親"而歡呼? 還是以司法純正為代價來保住父親/兒子間的親情,並為這一有限但"非常不完美自私"而感到慶幸?
每個人都有自己的回答。帖子的標題是我的回答: 還是讓世界這樣不完美吧。