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在昨晚(10月16日)的民主黨選情通報視頻中, Simon Rosenberg 還是那句話,競選到了目前階段,"I would much rather be us than them/我實在寧可是我們,而不是他們"。他對這個判斷的具體解釋在這個視頻中。
Simon Rosenberg 是賀錦麗競選團隊的選情分析師,他具體的個人背景資料網上一查就能找到。
支持賀錦麗的鄉親們,如果網上撲麵而來/層出不窮不斷的新聞/民調/預測讓你們不知所措甚至心力憔悴的話,不要緊張,看看 Rosenberg 怎麽說就好。
No war during his yrs? Tell Nicol Pashinian that! ——Hitler said "who remembers the Armenians".
It is not I who is doing the talking, it is Simone Rosenberg.
You don't have to believe him though.