
In the course of justice none of us should seek salvation.
We do pray for mercy.

Open Range 廣袤的原野

(2024-08-27 19:20:56) 下一個

最浪漫的牛仔電影:哪怕在槍林彈雨之間,人們依然要抽空陷入愛情,真沒辦法。People will still manage to fall in love even in gunfights, what can you say?

Holding All My Love for You

Like a night waitin' for the sun to rise
I felt it streamin' through the light of your eyes
Yes, a night is a canyon only dreams should fill
When hope plays still, this heart stayed true
Been holdin' all my love for you
Restless rivers rush beneath midnight rains
Dreams left or lost start to flow in again
Mornin' breaks, I rise to an early dawn
Hope carries on and sees us through
Been holdin' all my love for you
Don't be afraid, don't have to hide in the stars
I've seen who we are
Like a night gazin' into open skies
Mysteries unfold through the light of your eyes
In your arms, I wake to a shinin' sun
Day has begun, gray skies turnin' blue
Been holdin' all my love for you
Been holdin' all my love for you
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stillthere 回複 悄悄話 I adore country music because of my love for cowboys and cowgirls…