體驗現在, 思考未來. 夢想遠大成真, 做出貢獻,永不言敗,脫穎

體驗現在, 思考未來. 夢想遠大成真, 做出貢獻,永不言敗,脫穎而出。

My turning point (我的轉折點)

(2019-02-19 01:07:16) 下一個

I am stressed out now because of my work will be terminated in one month.  Last week my manager told me that she was not satisfiedwith my work, and she implied that I should start to look for a new job. I was shocked by this; however, she also mentioned that she could  still give me trainging if I need so that I could have more marktable skills to find a new job. She said she would give me one more month from now to look for a new job.  I don't know why I didn't argu with her. I felt somehow being greatly insulted by her remarks when she claimed that I could only be capable of doing repetive jobs. I almost burst out tears. I now feel that I should say somthing to defend myself. Although she said she was sorry and  it was unfair to me being kicked out of the company by her, since she requested me to pick up new things in a short period of time, I felt she didn't really meant what she said to me. I felt she was so cold and without any compassionate for me. 

When I told my husband about the whole thing, he seemed to blame me for failing to do my job. I was angary with him too. I tried to think about  the situation over and over again, and still cannot figure out what should i do  next. 
My husband suggested that I should improve my work  and to let  know  her my ability to do a good work so that the manager may change her mind and let me stay my current job longer. In the mean time, he said I need to look for a new job right away. I don't know what to do now. I just felt pretty tired and confused. I know I need the paycheck since my hubby is a stay home person. He cannot work because any kind of job will made him crazy and emontional disdurbed. when he got stressed out  from his job, he will hurt all of us in the family

This is the first time that I will be fired by my manager. I have changed job sveral times prior to my current job, and every time I fired my managers first. However, this time my manager fired me. first. Is this a karma?
From my past experience, it always takes me average 6 months to get a new job, I have no idea how many months needed for me to get another job now.  It appears that I will be foreced  to leave my job in one month, I am afraid that I cannot land a job in one month. 
I have no choice but to work very hard to get a new job. I pray  God to hlep me to find my dream job in one month.

我現在很緊張, 因為我的工作將在一個月後終止. 上周,我的經理告訴我,她對我的工作並不滿意,她暗示我應該開始尋找新工作。我為此感到震驚; 然而, 她還提到,如果我需要,她仍然可以給我訓練, 以便我可以有更多的標記技能來找到一份新工作。她說她會再給我一個月的時間來找一份新工作。我不知道為什麽我不與她爭論, 當她聲稱我隻能做重複工作時,我覺得她的言論在某種程度上受到了極大的侮辱。我差點淚流滿麵。我現在覺得我應該要為自己辯護。雖然她說她很抱歉,我被她趕出公司是不公平的,因為她要求我在很短的時間內拿起新東西,我覺得她並沒有真正意味著她對我說的話。我覺得她很冷,對我沒有任何同情心。

當我告訴我丈夫整件事時,他責備我沒有做好我的工作, 我也對他很生氣。我試著一遍又一遍地思考這種情況,但仍然無法弄清楚我接下來應該做些什麽。我的丈夫建議我應該改進我的工作並讓她知道我做好工作的能力,以便經理可以改變主意,讓我保持現在的工作更長時間; 與此同時, 他說我需要馬上找一份新工作。我現在不知道該怎麽辦。我感到非常疲倦和困惑。我知道我需要薪水,因為我的老公是一個待在家裏的人。他無法工作,因為任何工作都會讓他發瘋, 讓他受到傷害。當他從工作中感到壓力時,他會傷害我們家裏的所有人.




0:33 AM, 2/19/2019


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Fanreninus 回複 悄悄話 希望你能度過難關,留著青山在,不怕沒柴燒。慢慢找工作,總會找到的。