
徐進、劉芳在美逍遙法外 中國民眾要求美方做出實際回應

(2017-11-16 23:20:31) 下一個


















Xu Jin and Liu Fang as the Chinese fugitives remain unpunished in USA

Chinese people request actual response from the U.S. side

Xu Jin and his wife Liu Fang still go unpunished in USA by fraudulently exploiting the immigration EB-5 visa program, which has been passionately discussed.

According to the reliable source, Xu Jin’s family has been living luxuriously. It can be found that Xu Jin’s family obtained a profit of more than USD 100,000 from two-time resale of their luxury house with initial purchase of USD 2.6 million only through search on the Internet.

They fled to the USA successfully which was closely related to the operation of the California Immigration Law Firm that was searched by FBI in April this year. In a summary of the American press reports, the U.S. California Immigration Law Firm illegally earned more than USD 50 million by exploiting the EB-5 visa program, which was used to purchase the houses, luxury cars or was shared privately.

It was reported that the EB-5 visa program has been questioned due to the high-profile frauds.

In February, Dianne Feinstein, Democratic Senator of California and Chuck Grassley Republican Senator of Iowa made one proposal for the purpose of termination of this visa program, asserting that it is a “special channel for the rich to obtain the citizenship”. Meanwhile, others call on a reform to aiming at increasing the minimum amount of investment required for the visa and guiding the Securities and Exchange Commission to carry out the consistent supervision. The EB-5 visa program is due to expire on September 30 if no action is taken by the Congress.

One Chinese legal officer with knowledge of the Case of Xu Jin and Liu Fang says that there are at least two luxury cars and a number of luxury houses under the name of Xu Jin, Liu Fang and her sister Liu Yan with a total value of over USD 5 million, except for the house property.

Furthermore, according to the above legal officer, there are sufficient evidence to support the accusation of Xu Jin and Liu Fang, the most wanted fugitives in the Interpol Red Notice, of accept bribes in China, and the Chinese side has evidence that Xu Jin and Liu Fang fraudulently obtained the U.S. Conditional Green Card by forging their identification and income. “As the Chinese officials fled to USA, they still remain unpunished which does arouse any association.”

Statistics indicate that most of the Chinese corrupt officials fled to the USA, Australia, Canada and other western countries. In the most wanted list published by the Supervision of Ministry of the People’s of Republic of China, 40% of those corrupt officials fled to the USA in 2015; furthermore, more than 50% of those fugitives lives in the USA as at March 31, 2017.

In the Chinese people’ view, USA has become the “safe haven” of Chinese corrupt officials. An informal survey conducted among the Chinese people in China Mainland shows that more than 80% of the respondents, mainly the students and the youth, believed the western countries, in particular, USA, etc., are intended to do this, thus containing China through the corrupt officials. Provision of political asylum to the 60% of Chinese corrupt officials strongly supports this.

Recently, the U.S. side “cracked down” the political asylum lawyer, which was deemed to be “hurt himself by his own doing”. Many Chinese are crying on the Internet that the U.S. side shall make an actual response, and stop accepting the Chinese corrupt officials.


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Norstar 回複 悄悄話 你咋不去要求中共改變貪腐的體係?