
發現地球真相, 藍圖先生研究銀河大曆史。


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2015前沿 . 阿加森網絡 Agartha Network
[泰勒斯城公主] 探尋地下城邦文明之謎

[Cobra訪問]地下分離文明與阿加森網絡 201509月
[2012伊斯塔] 簡史: 不平靜的阿加森網絡
[地球解放簡報] 抵抗運動組織介紹
[2015阿加森聯盟] 阿加森網絡介紹 (夏露拉.達克絲Sharula Dux)
[2015阿加森聯盟]《魔戒》之王 &利莫裏亞的科普常識 (Aurelia & Nidle)
[西藏密宗神話] 西藏密宗的秘密: 香巴拉的秘密
[西藏密宗神話] 黑魔法. 《時輪經》, 時輪金剛
藍圖先生博客     悅讀.2015.12月



Hollow Earth Hypothesis   地心世界假設  (下文, 19000字)


夏露拉.達克絲(Sharula Dux)[泰勒斯城公主] 探尋地下城邦文明之謎
阿加森網絡, 地下城市--
首都泰勒斯城  Telos   
印度地下的拉瑪城 Rama city ----- RAMA 在圖中顯示在中央地區.
戈壁沙漠底下的辛格拉城 (Shingla)。

{傳說, RAMA city這是羅摩大神出現的地方; 這裏是太陽王朝Suryavansha'(蘇裏耶王朝)的所在。古印度的史詩, 其實是在紀錄阿加森的故事 ?---是有關 利莫裏亞城邦-RAMA city-的故事。 而古希臘神話, 是在紀錄阿加森.阿特蘭提斯城市 --海神市(Posedid)-  波賽冬大神Poseidon 的故事 ?  
[Cueva de Vril 地下維利區]可能是一處負麵的納粹地下文明的所在。
阿加森網絡, 可以是古代諸國神話的源頭; 真正的神話學研究, 其實是在
2015 要弄清楚整個地下文明,阿加森網絡的信息網站,
南大[南京大學] , 昌大 [南昌大學], 南開[南開大學],

During various epochs in history, the `Aghartan supermen or gods` came to the surface to teach the human race and save it from wars, catastrophies and destruction. The coming of the flying saucers soon after the first atomic explosion in Hiroshima represents another such visitation, but thls time the gods themselves did not appear among men, but they sent their emissaries.
在不同的曆史時期,對 'Aghartan阿加森超人或眾神`浮出地麵,以教導人類,和在戰爭,災難和破壞中拯救和保護人們。在廣島的原子彈第一次爆炸後不久, 就有飛碟到來,這代表了另一次的探視權,但這次 "神們"並沒有出現在人們麵前,而是派出了他們的使者。 (像金星大使托爾, 金星大使奧妮克, 地心大使也有很多...)
The Indian epic, "Ramayana" describes Rama as such an emissary from Agharta coming on an aerial vehicle, which was probably a flying saucer. A Chinese tradition speaks of divine teachers coming on aerial vehicles. Similarly, the founder ot the Inca dynasty, Manco Copac, came the same way.印度史詩“羅摩衍那”中描述羅摩Rama作為使者從Agharta阿加森來臨的飛行器,這可能是一個飛碟這樣作使用。中國人的傳統講述 "神聖的教師"(天人)來地上教導我們。同樣,古代印加王朝,Manco Copac,也有同樣的方式的表達。  
{佛經所述的天人, 及印度的羅摩先生,都可能是來自於阿加森!
這些天人出現後一陣子,又消失得無影無蹤。 如果有人認為佛教是迷信, 其實是這種人的無知。
這個世界最可悲的是, 人們並不知道自己的無知。}
One of the greatest of Aghartan teachers in America was Quetzalcoatl, the great prophet of the Mayas and Aztecs and of the Indians of the Americas in general, both in South and North America.
  {LT:  ACIO的阿斯塔曾經認為, Quetzalcoatl羽蛇神就是Sanat聖納.庫瑪拉; 聖納在金星和地心世界都有辦事處/隱居所。聖納的兒子是撒南達Sananda, 他其中轉生在地球是圖坦卡蒙, 瑣羅亞斯德,約書亞(耶穌)。
Kumaras庫瑪拉家族的名字, 在古印度神話中被紀錄下來;
藍圖先生認為指導古先知寫下印度吠陀經典的是銀河人類, 有可能是地心人(阿加森),雙馬神童的名字是 Ashwini Kumara, 戰神卡爾提克亞Kartikeya(濕婆的兒子)又被稱為 Kumara(鳩摩羅-舊譯)。
今天可以簡單讀為: `庫瑪拉大神們,及很多提婆大神們(Devas,天人),一直與地麵上的邪惡阿修羅們(Asuras,天魔)戰鬥,從不間斷。庫瑪拉大神是中印人民的好朋友; 阿修羅們, 有很多名字,阿努納奇是其一, 濟塔灰人zeta Greys是其一, 地下猛龍人Raptors是其一,是全人類的敵人; 阿努納奇,光明會, 是反基督的, 是不正義的, 是欺騙的, 是一堆人渣。"" }}

Osiris was another such subterranean god. According to Donnelly, in his book, "Atlantis the Antediluvian World," the gods of the ancients were the rulers of Atlantis and members of a superhuman race which governed the human race. Before the destruction of their continent, which they foresaw, they traveled by flying saucer through the polar opening to the Subterranean World in the hollow interior of the earth, where they continued to live ever since.
奧西裏斯是另一個這樣的地下神。據唐納利,在他的書中,《亞特蘭蒂斯的上古世界》 ,古人的神是亞特蘭蒂斯的統治者和其統治人類的超人種族的成員。他們的大陸,在他們預見到的破壞之前,他們坐飛碟走進地下世界。
   {LT:  古埃及神話, Osiris奧西裏斯可能是一個地下阿加森人; 科裏古德提及透特及荷魯斯,是鳥人;
Cobra提及阿努比斯也是一個阿特蘭提斯時期的大師,(說不準也跑到阿加森); 伊西絲Isis(Auset), 相信是奧西裏斯的妻子。
神奇的 RA,是一組超級外星人; 神奇的Ptah 和Sekhmet (普塔和賽科邁特), 神話說他們是2夫妻, 我想他們是太陽神和女獅人, 來自於傳說中的尼比魯 ---人類的曆史,比任何科幻小說都好看!!  }
    "In the Middle Ages, it was referred to as the Isle of Avalon, where the Knights of the Round Table, under the leadership of King Arthur and under the guidance of the Magician Merlin, went in search of the Holy Grail, symbol of obedience, justice and immortality. When King Arthur was seriously wounded in a battle, he requested his companion Belvedere to depart on a boat to the confines of the earth, with the following words: `Farewell, my friend and companion Belvedere, and to the land where it never rains, where there fs no sickness and where nobody dies.’ This is the Land of Immortality or Agharta, the Subterranean World.
    “在中世紀,它被稱為 `Avalon島`,圓桌騎士的所在。亞瑟王和魔法師梅林的指導下,去尋找聖杯的象征,正義和不朽當亞瑟王受了重傷在一次戰鬥中,他要求他的同伴Belvedere,以乘船出發前往地球的邊界,說了下麵的話:'再見了,我的朋友和夥伴Belvedere, 請到那處土地,它從不下雨,在那裏沒有疾病,沒有人會死亡。"這是不朽的土地Agharta,地下世界。
This land is the Walhalla of the Germans, the Monte Salvat of the Knights of the Holy Grail, the Utopia of Thomas More, the City of the Sun of Campanella, the Shangri-la of Tibet and the Agharta of the Buddhist world."
這片土地是德國的 Walhalla瓦爾哈拉,聖杯騎士團的 Monte Salvat; T.More的作品烏托邦,太陽之城康帕內拉,香格裏拉在西藏, 佛教說的Agharta世界。""

[地球盟友Cobra]- 阿加森網絡進展 2015年01月

東方(亞洲)的阿加森網絡在25000年前建立,當時很多不朽者(xian)(注:修道成仙的人) 離開了行星地表。

在他們的洞天福地grotto heavens(注:地上的仙山,包括十大洞天、三十六小洞天和七十二福地,構成道教地上仙境的主體部分)建立了一個地下的光之國度:




https://jobsfactory.selz.com/item/54858d02b7987213e8 a8ca6e



在IS:IS門戶激活時,一個名字叫Dou Mu鬥姆的宇宙女神離開她的母星係,傳送來到東方阿加森網絡,然後來到了行星地表。她現在一個亞洲某地的非常強大的漩渦點,居住於她的物理光體Light body中。
    [Nut,Maat,Hathor, Sekhmet,Isis, 都是古埃及女神的形象。]


Dou Mu [鬥姆女神]是7000年前激活了哈拉夫/哈蘇納-薩馬拉漩渦的女神。現在她已經回到這個行星治療那個漩渦,因為伊斯蘭國激進分子正嚐試破壞那個地方的女性(麵向):

Dou Mu [鬥姆女神]的臨在已經有了正麵影響,自從IS:IS門戶激活之後高層政府官員開始拒絕使用Isis來稱呼伊斯蘭國:


空心地球-地下文明- Agartha
來自: AOKI大王   2010-06-13  15:16:20
Underground civilizations link with the 'Hollow Earth Theory'. There are supposedly races that exist in subterranean cities beneath planet Earth. Very often, these dwellers of the world beneath are more technologically advanced than we on the surface. Some believe that UFOs are not from other planets, but are manufactured by strange beings in the interior of the Earth.
地下文明連接到‘空心地球理論’。據猜測族類們存在於地球行星下的地下城市裏。時常這些 地下世界的居民比地麵人類科技 先進得多。有些人相信(有些)UFO們不是來自其它行星,而是由地球內部奇異生命(地心人)所製造。
In the late 17th century, British astronomer Edmund Halley proposed that Earth consists of four concentric spheres and "also suggested that the interior of the Earth was populated with life and lit by a luminous atmosphere. He thought the aurora borealis, or northern lights, was caused by the escape of this gas through a thin crust at the poles."
在 17世紀晚期,英國天文學家Edmund Halley提議地球由四個同心圓組成而“暗示地球內部居住有生命和靠發光的大氣層照明。他認為極光或北極光由這些逃逸出來的氣體通過位於極地的薄地殼引起。”
In the early 19th century, an eccentric veteran of the war of 1812 John Symmes promoted the idea of interior concentric spheres so widely that the alleged opening to the inner world was named "Symmes Hole."
在19世紀早期,1812年戰爭的一位行為古怪的老兵John Symmes廣泛地發揚了內部同心球體的想法,
聲稱通向內部世界的開口就叫做 “Symmes洞”。
Jules Verne wrote Journey to the Center of the Earth in 1864 and Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950), the creator of Martian adventures and Tarzan of the Apes, also wrote novels set in the hollow earth. Legends often ignite the imagination of fiction writers and fiction often ignites the imagination of the pseudoscientist.
儒納.梵爾納於1864年寫了地心遊記,而埃德加.賴斯 Burroughs(1875-1950年),火星冒險的創作者和Apes的泰山也寫了小說提出了空心地球。傳說/神話經常激發小說家的想象而小說經常激發 pseudoscientist[前沿科學]的想象。

In 1869, Cyrus Reed Teed, an herbalist and self-proclaimed alchemist, had a vision of a woman who told him that we are living on the inside of the hollow Earth. For nearly forty years, Teed promoted his idea in pamphlets and speeches. He even founded a cult called the Koreshans (Koresh is the Hebrew equivalent of Cyrus).
在 1869年,賽勒斯·裏德·Teed,一位草藥醫生和自稱的煉金術士,有一個女人夢見告訴他我們是生活在空心地球內部。差不多過了50年,Teed用小冊子和演講宣稱其思想。
In 1906, William Reed published The Phantom of the Poles in which he claimed that nobody had found the north or south poles because they don't exist. Instead, the poles are entrances to the hollow Earth.
在 1906年,威廉.裏德發表了極的幻影,在書裏他聲稱無人能發現北極和南極,因為它們不存在。
In 1913, Marshall B. Gardner privately published Journey to the Earth's Interior in which he rejected the notion of concentric spheres but swore that inside the hollow earth was a sun 600 miles in diameter. Gardner, too, claimed that there were huge holes a thousand mile wide at the poles.
在 1913年,馬歇爾.B.加德納私下地發表了到地球內部的旅行,在書裏他不認可`同心球體的想法隻是發誓空心地球內是直徑600英裏的太陽。加德納也聲稱在 兩極有一千英裏寬的洞。
In the 1940s, Ray Palmer, co-founder of FATE, Flying Saucers from Other Worlds, Search, The Hidden World, and many other pulp publications, teamed up with Richard Shaver to create the Shaver Mystery, a legend of a world of hollow earth people and an advanced civilization. Shaver even claimed to have dwelled with the inner Earth people.
在1940年,來自其它 [命運.世界的飛碟,探索,隱藏的世界與許多流行出版物]的合作者雷·帕默與理查德·Shaver夏佛合作創作了  "Shaver夏佛神秘",紀錄一個空心地球的人們與先進文明的傳說。Shaver甚至聲稱與內部地球的人們居住在一起。
According to Richard Toronto, the FBI blamed Palmer and Shaver for concocting "flying saucer hysteria" in 1947, making them the true founding fathers of modern UFOlogy.
根據理查德多倫多的說法,FBI詛咒帕默和Shaver在1947年編造了“飛碟臆想”,使得他們真正成為現代飛 碟學奠基之父。
Quetzalcoatl is linked to the gods of Mesoamerica. Legend has it that he vanished on a flying saucer for eightdays when he visited the inner worlds beneath the sea.


He contended that the Elder Race, or Titans, came to this planet from another solar system in our prehistoric past. After a while of living on the surface, they realized our sun was causing them to age prematurely, so they escaped underground, building huge subterranean complexes in which to live. Eventually, they decided to seek a new home on a new planet, evacuating the Earth and leaving behind their underground cities populated by mutated beings: the evil Dero - detrimental robots - and the good Tero - integrated robots. It was these beings that Shaver claimed to have met.
他主張年長族類或巨人在史前過去從另一個太陽係來到這個行 星。在地表生活一段時間後,他們意識到我們的太陽正引發他們老化,因而他們逃到地下,建造了生活其中的巨大的地下聯合體 。最後他們決定探索一新的家園和一新的行星,撤出地球和通過變異生命移民離開他們的地下城市:邪惡的Dero-有害機器人-和好的Tero-綜合機器人。 這就是Shaver夏佛聲稱遇見的這些生命。
The Entrance. Despite the enormous popularity of the Shaver Mystery in Amazing Stories - Palmer milked it for all it was worth, and then some - the location of the entrance to this underground world was never divulged.
入口。盡管無數流傳的奇異故事Shaver神秘-帕默為所以有價值擠壓它,而於是一些-對於 這個地下世界的入口位置就不會再泄露出去。

In Tibet, there is a major mystical shrine also called 'Patala,' which is said by the people there to sit atop an ancient cavern and tunnel system, which reaches throughout the Asian continent and possibly beyond. The Nagas also have an affinity with water, and the entrances to their underground palaces are often said to be hidden at the bottom of wells, deep lakes and rivers."
在西藏,有一個大的聖 地也叫做‘Patala’,據說那裏人們位於一古代洞穴和隧道係統的頂上,該隧道完全貫通亞洲大陸和可能到的地方。Nagas也與水有密切關係,而通向地 下宮殿的入口通常據說隱藏於牆、深湖和河流下麵。”
The Old Ones - The Beings. In an article entitled "The Hollow Earth: Myth or Reality" for Atlantis Rising, Brad Steiger writes of the legends of "the Old Ones," an ancient race that populated the surface world millions of years ago and then moved underground. "The Old Ones, an immensely intelligent and scientifically advanced race," Steiger writes, "have chosen to structure their own environment under the surface of the planet and manufacture all their necessities.
Brad Steiger寫的傳說“古老一代”,一種古代族類數百萬年前移民到地表世界而然後移到地下。
The Old Ones are hominid, extremely long-lived, and pre-date Homo sapiens by more than a million years. The Old Ones generally remain aloof from the surface peoples, but from time to time, they have been known to offer constructive criticism; and it has been said, they often kidnap human children to tutor and rear as their own."
{LT: 古代中國,也有傳說說有某某個人被`天人`帶走,不久以後,當他回到老家時,卻發現時間已經過去了70年, 當年的小孩子都已經70多歲了。這個時代, 已經不屬於咱們的啦。求這段故事的出處。
這些天人, 可以是阿加森人, 羅布泊一帶,可能有他們的進口位置。我希望彭加木是被他們帶走的, 當彭加木回來的時候, 我已經70歲,希望依然年青彭加木 請我喝杯茶,謝謝。}
The Elder Race - The Beings. One of the most controversial tales of inner Earth dwellers is the so-called "Shaver Mystery." In 1945, Amazing Stories magazine under the editorship of Ray Palmer ran a story told by Richard Shaver, who claimed he had recently been the guest of what remained of an underground civilization. Although few really believed the story, any many suspect that Shaver may actually have been psychotic, Shaver always averred that his story was true.
“長老族類”。最具爭論的內部世界居民的傳說就是所謂的“Shaver神秘” 。在1945年,正在編輯的雷.帕默由理查德. 夏佛Shave告訴的流傳奇異故事雜誌,他聲稱受到仍存在的地下文明的款待。雖然少數人相信這故事,多數人猜測Shaver實際上是精神病,Shaver一直堅持他的故事是真實的。
[1945  雷?巴爾摩(Ray Palmer) 開始出版理察?夏佛(Richard Shaver)的利莫裏亞刊物(Lemuria) .]

The Ramayana one of the most famous texts of India, tells the story of the great avatar, Rama. It describes Rama as "an emissary from Agartha" who arrived on an air vehicle.
最著名的印度文獻之一羅摩傳《羅摩衍那》 ,講述了偉大化身羅摩。它將羅摩描述成“一個來自Agartha的使者”,他乘空中飛車來到。

In India there is an ancient belief, still held by some, in a subterranean race of serpent people who dwell in the cities Patala and Bhogavati. According to the legend, they wage war on the kingdom of Agharta. "The Nagas," according to "The Deep Dwellers," "are described as a very advanced race or species, with a highly-developed technology. They also harbor a disdain for human beings, whom they are said to abduct, torture, interbreed with and even to eat."
在印度有一古老的信仰,仍被一些人保持,在地下族類中惡毒的人們居住在Patala和Bhogavati 城裏。
“The Nagas那伽人(蛇人)”,依照“深處的居住者”,“被描述為非常先進的族類,擁有高度發達的技術。他們也很高傲地對待人類,據說他們將人類綁架、折磨、混種甚至吃人 “。
{ Nagas ----印度神話, 超級仙人迦葉波和13位妻子生下銀河眾生, 其中一類是 Nagas蛇人。
佛教神話天龍八部眾, Nagas是龍眾(Ryu,Naga蛇神)或摩乎羅迦眾(Mahiraga乃大蟒神,佛教傳說中擁有蛇的神,人身而蛇頭)。 我提醒大家, 這個世界, 有好龍有惡龍, 有好蛇有壞蛇,有好人有壞人。 }
The Entrances. While the entrance to Bhogavati is somewhere in the Himalayas, believers assert that Patala can be entered through the Well of Sheshna in Benares, India. Says William Michael Mott in "The Deep Dwellers": "According to herpetologist and author Sherman A. Minton, as stated in his book Venomous Reptiles, this entrance is very real, with forty steps which descend into a circular depression, to terminate at a closed stone door which is covered in bas-relief cobras.
入口。---到 Bhogavati入口是喜馬拉雅山某個地方,另外, 信徒聲稱Patala可以通過在印度貝拿勒斯Benares的Sheshna的Well水井進入,比如說威廉.邁克爾.莫特在《深處的居住者》一書中:根據爬蟲學家和作家Sherman A. Minton,如在他的《有害毒的爬蟲物//大壞蛋爬蟲人》一書裏敘述這個入口是相當真實的,有五十步台階下到一圓形的地方,盡頭是一扇緊閉的石門,門上雕刻有眼鏡蛇 (nagas)的雕像。
  {LT:  在印度的下方(地下), 住了一群 `那伽蛇人Nagas`一族。西藏的下方, 住了另外一族, 香巴拉地方。 所以, 古印度神話, 提示了 `提婆一族對抗著阿修羅一族,檀那婆Danavas一族, 那伽一族。
今天的理解, 這些族群全都是 `阿加森網絡`的部份, 地下世界比地上世界更加野感。
Devas, Asuras, Danavas, Nagas, Gandharvas & Apsaras乾達婆-阿紗拉, Yakshas &Rakshasas夜叉和羅刹 ; 這些很可能是指不同的地下阿加森群體。  (2015.12) 見藍圖先生創意文章: 精華[揚升大師簡報] 迦葉波和 13位妻子.天龍八部眾的起源。 (百度一下) }

It is believed to be a race of supermen and superwomen who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the human race. It is also believed that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and many cities, its capital being Shambala.
據說認為 `超級男人和超級女人`經常時不時來到地表監視人類的發展。也認為這個地下世界有數百萬居住者和許多城市,它的首都就是香巴拉。(香巴拉,隻是整個阿加森的其中一個地方。)

Ancient philosophy states that Agartha was first colonized thousands of years ago when a holy man lead a tribe to the underground. The people have scientific knowledge and expertice far beyond that of the people who live on the surface of the planet.
古代哲學陳述,Agartha是數千年前的最初的殖民者,那時候由一位神人率領部落來到地下的。該人們 擁有科學知識和經驗遠遠超越生活在行星表麵上的人們(我們)。

Hollow Earth Hypothesis   地心世界假設
{LT:  七千年文明史: 古蘇美爾, 古巴比倫, 古以色列, 古埃及, 古波斯-印度(雅利安群), 是5大最古老文明群體。
古瑪雅(中美洲),古中國, 古希臘-羅馬, 等等是新生代文明, 之後是佛教和日本宗教。
阿努納奇人, 隻是影響地球眾多的古代 `神明集團gods group`的其中一支。
有100個神明集團, 阿努納奇隻是其一。
在古印度, 他們肯定是被稱為 `Ashura阿修羅`,是Deva提婆一族最強的對手。
阿努納奇和`無惡不作光明會`對地球的影響, 肯定也遠遠超越我們的想像。
到底這古代的100個神明集團 (gods group)是哪些?
真的有對應於這些群體嗎:  Devas, Asuras, Danavas, Nagas, Gandharvas乾達婆 & Apsaras 阿紗拉, Yakshas &Rakshasas夜叉和羅刹  ?
這個課題將是在2019年成立的中國外星研究院所探討的重大課題之一, 列入[2020國家十年重大科研火炬項目]之中。
這些古代的神明集團, 他們在當今依然在繼續起作用,
他們不隻作用於古代, 也作用於當前 2001年以來的外星思想,
`GA係列,CM係列,NC係列, BM係列, ACIO係列....
一旦弄清楚古代的神明集團, 以及他們在當前的作用,
我們人類才會正式得以解放, 獲得真正的知識。   }


           地下文明連接到‘空心地球理論’。據猜測族類們存在於地球行星下的地下城市裏。時常這些地下世界的居民比地麵人類科技先進得多。有些人相信UFO們不是來自其它行星,而是地球內部奇異生命所製造。在17世紀晚期,英國天文學家Edmund Halley提議地球由四個同心圓組成而“暗示地球內部居住有生命和靠發光的大氣層照明。他認為極光或北極光由這些逃逸出來的氣體通過位於極地的薄地殼引起。”在19世紀早期,1812年戰爭的一位行為古怪的老兵John Symmes廣泛地發揚了內部同心球體的想法,聲稱通向內部世界的開口就叫做“Symmes洞”。儒納·梵爾納於1864年寫了地心遊記,而埃德加·賴斯Burroughs(1875-1950年),火星冒險的創作者和Apes的泰山也寫了小說提了空心地球。傳說經常激發小說家的想象而小說經常激發pseudoscientist的想象。


            在1940年,命運,來自其它世界的飛碟,探索,隱藏的世界與許多流行出版物的合作者雷·帕默與理查德·Shaver合作創作了Shaver 神秘,一個空心地球的人們與先進文明的傳說。Shaver甚至聲稱與內部地球的人們居住在一起。根據理查德多倫多的說法,FBI詛咒帕默和Shaver在1947年編造了“飛碟臆想”,使得他們真正成為現代飛碟學奠基之父。




              雷蒙德·伯納德博士講述有關人們進入地球內部以及向他們所發生的故事。它提到一張於1960年發表在展現具有繁華山丘美麗山穀的加拿大多倫多全球與郵政上的照片。一個飛行員聲稱當他飛進北極時候他拍下了照片。伯納德也寫了來自地球內部的飛碟。他的真實名稱是Walter Seigmeister。在他的信裏到處聲稱已經在秘密修行處所接觸大神秘學家和西藏的大喇嘛。簡而言之他是另外的Gurdjieff。伯納德博士“於1965年9月10日死於肺炎,那時候正在探索在南美的通向地球內部的隧道”。伯納德似乎接受曾經與空心地球有聯係的許多傳說,包括愛斯基摩人起源地球內部和甚至居住至現在的高級文明,開動他們的飛碟偶而進入稀薄的大氣中。伯納德甚至毫不懷疑地接受Shaver聲稱自空心地球人們那裏,他在愛因斯坦之前就學會了相對論秘密。海軍上將伯德實際上提到南極洲為“永遠神秘的陸地”。他曾經寫過:“我寧願看見北極上的陸地。北極上的陸地是偉大未知的中心”。



             信仰空心地球的有一些納粹德國的信徒。甚至有個傳說說希特勒和他的主要顧問們在第三帝國的最後日子裏通過進入南極開口逃跑了。西特勒的一些高級顧問-也許甚至西特勒本人-相信地球是空心的;而最終納粹軍隊派遣了一支探險隊來開發為戰爭期間戰略優勢的信仰。如同所有這類故事,挑出事實,誇張和直接偽造時常是困難的。但是它是anintriguing故事, 而同樣需要小背景。

             這“反轉地球”理論聲稱我們-我們的文明-實際上存在於地球內部。我們被牢固地固定在地上不是靠引力而是靠如地球旋轉的離心力。按照這個理論星星是懸浮在空中閃爍的大冰塊,而白天與黑夜的幻想被一中心旋轉的半明半暗的太陽引發。Cyrus Teed,一位來自紐約尤蒂卡的煉金術士,是最初普及這個想法的人們之一。他被該想法如此困惑以致他基於此創立一個信仰,將他的名字改為Koresh,於1988年在芝加哥建立一個Koreshanity社團。在德國,依靠Koreshans,建立了主張反轉地球思想的另一個社團,而這就是該觀念被納粹高層某些人所接受。


              因為他們猜想我們地表是凹入地球的內部,西特勒派遣一支探險隊,包括Heinz Fischer博士和伸縮照相機,到Rugen波羅的海島偵察英國艦隊。Fischer這樣做沒有靠他的照相機搜尋水麵,而是將它們對準大西洋搜尋大氣。當然探險失敗了。Fischer的照相機除了天空什麽也沒有看見,而英國艦隊仍然安全。



           希特勒和他的許多親信在第二次世界大戰結束的日子裏逃離了德國而逃到南極洲,在南極他們發現一個通向地球內部的入口。根據在安大略湖、加拿大空心地球調查社會,它們仍在那裏。二次世界大戰後,團體聲稱協約國發現來自德國和意大利的2,000 位以上的科學家消失不見了,隨同將近一百萬人們到了南極上的陸地。這個故事隨納粹設計飛碟變得更加撲溯迷離,納粹同生活在地心的人們在一起,而該說法來自“長相像雅利安人” UFO飛行員。


             根據傳說居住在地心的人們的文明所在地是稱做Agartha的地方。 Agartha是用於地下居住者Agartha最常用的名字之一,它的首都城市就是香巴拉。這個信息的來源是名叫Olaf Jansen挪威水手的傳記冒煙的上帝。Agartha-威利斯·愛默生寫的地下城市的秘密,解釋了Jansen 的單桅帆船如何航進一個到達位於北極的地球內部入口。他與Agharta 僑民網絡居民一起生活了二年,愛默生寫道,全都12英尺高而他們的世界由一個“冒煙”的中央太陽照明。香巴拉的要小一些,它是另一個僑民地,也是網絡政府所在地。雖然較小的香巴拉是一內部的陸地,它的衛星僑民地是一更小的依附生態係統,位於地殼下或巧妙地隱藏於山內。



巴西Mato Grosso- Posid城   (海城市)
Igua 瀑布,邊界或者巴西與阿根廷
意大利的Mount Epomeo
西藏喜馬拉雅山- Shonshe (熊錫市)地下城市入口,根據說法由印度僧侶守衛
蒙古- Shingwa (辛格拉市/ShingLa)地下城市,根據說法存在於蒙古與中國邊境之下.
加利福尼亞Mount Shasta- Telos泰勒斯城傳說的Agharthean城市,存在於山脈內和山脈下麵
Dero 洞穴-亞特蘭提斯島連接




印度     [地下 Patala和Bhogavati城]

             最著名的印度文獻之一羅摩傳,講述了偉大化身羅摩。它將羅摩描述成“一個來自Agartha的使者”,他乘空中飛車來到。在印度有一古老的信仰,仍被一些人保持,在地下族類中惡毒的人們居住在Patala和Bhogavati城裏。根據傳說,他們在Agharta王國發動戰爭。“The Nagas”,依照“深處的居住者”,“被描述為非常先進的族類,擁有高度發達的技術。他們也很高傲地對待人類,據說他們將人類綁架、折磨、混種甚至吃人“。



             雖然到Bhogavati入口是喜馬拉雅山某個地方,信徒聲稱Patala可以通過在印度貝拿勒斯的Sheshna的Well水井進入,比如說威廉·邁克爾·莫特在“深處的居住者”:根據爬蟲學家和作家Sherman A. Minton,如在他的有毒的爬蟲動物書裏敘述這個入口是相當真實的,有五十步台階下到一圓形的地方,盡頭是一扇緊閉的石門,門上雕刻有眼鏡蛇的雕像。在西藏,有一個大的聖地也叫做‘Patala’,據說那裏人們位於一古代洞穴和隧道係統的頂上,該隧道完全貫通亞洲大陸和可能到的地方。Nagas也與水有密切關係,而通向地下宮殿的入口通常據說隱藏於牆、深湖和河流下麵。”盡管無數流傳的奇異故事Shaver神秘-帕默為所以有價值擠壓它,而於是一些-對於這個地下世界的入口位置就不會再泄露出去。



      在一篇標題為“空心地球文章裏:至於亞特藍提斯島提升神話或實相”,Brad Steiger寫的傳說“古老一代”,一種古代族類數百萬年前移民到地表世界而然後移到地下。“古老一代,一種非常智能和科學先進的族類”,Steiger寫道,選擇建造他們自己的行星地下生活環境和製造他們所有的必須品。古老一代是原始人類,壽命非常長,大約一百萬年以上的史前人類sapiens。古老一代一般避開地表人類,但是時不時提出大家熟悉的建設性的批評意見;而據說他們經常綁架人類的孩子來教導和視同自己的一樣來培養。年長族類。最具爭論的內部世界居民的傳說就是所謂的“Shaver神秘”在1945年,正在編輯的雷·帕默由理查德·Shave告訴的流傳奇異故事雜誌,他聲稱受到仍存在的地下文明的款待。雖然少數人相信這故事,多數人猜測Shaver實際上是精神病,Shaver一直堅持他的故事是真實的。他主張年長族類或巨人在史前過去從另一個太陽係來到這個行星。在地表生活一段時間後,他們意識到我們的太陽正引發他們老化,因而他們逃到地下,建造了生活其中的巨大的地下聯合體。★最後他們決定探索一新的家園和一新的行星,撤出地球和通過變異生命移民離開他們的地下城市:邪惡的Dero-有害機器人-和好的Tero-綜合機器人。這就是Shaver聲稱遇見的這些生命。



= (機器簡譯)
The Hollow Earth
Chapter 7.2:
Agharta, The Subterranean World
By: Dr. R. W. Bernard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.






該aubterranean文明OI Agharta被認為是代表了一個延續亞特蘭蒂斯文明,其中,由於學會戰爭是徒勞的教訓,留在和平狀態於是乎,使得巨大的科學進步是反複戰爭的??挫折而中斷,因為我們表麵文明一直。他們的文明是幾千歲(Atlantls沉沒11,500年前),而我們很年輕,隻有幾百年的曆史。

地下科學家們能夠揮舞自然的力量,我們一無所知,就證明了自己的飛碟,這是由新的能源,未知源,比核能更微妙的操作。 Ossendowski聲稱Agharta的帝國包括通過隧道相互連通的地下城市的網絡,通過它傳遞的車輛以驚人的速度,無論是在陸地和海洋下。


{LT:{ACIO的阿斯塔曾經認為,羽蛇神羽蛇神是薩納特聖納庫瑪拉;聖納在金星和地心世界都有辦事處/隱居所。聖納的兒子是撒南達Sananda,他轉生在地球是圖坦卡蒙,瑣羅亞斯德,約書亞(耶穌).Kumaras庫瑪拉家族的名字,在古印度神話中被紀錄下來;藍圖先生認為指導古先知寫下印度吠陀經典的是銀河人類,有可能是地心人(阿加森),雙馬神童的名字是阿什維尼庫馬拉,戰神卡爾提克亞卡爾提克亞(濕婆的兒子)又被稱為庫馬拉(鳩摩羅 - 舊譯)。
奧西裏斯是另一個這樣的地下神。據唐納利,在他的書中,《亞特蘭蒂斯的上古世界》 ,古人的神是亞特蘭蒂斯的統治者和其統治人類的超人種族的成員。他們的大陸,在他們預見到的破壞之前,他們坐飛碟走進地下世界。



剩下的一些時間與印第安人,看到他們如何照顧小追隨他的教導,但他的建議種植和吃玉米作為一種基本的食品代替肉類後,羽蛇神離開了,告訴他們,有一天他會回來。這個“從天堂遊客”留在這也正是以同樣的方式 - 在一個飛碟 - 由以下事實表示。當科爾特斯入侵墨西哥,皇帝蒙特祖馬相信預言“回羽蛇”的發生,是因為一個火球,然後gyrated在墨西哥城,讓人民哀號和尖叫,點火燒著了戰爭之神的神廟。這個火球被認為已經在飛碟上羽蛇神遊曆。

奧西裏斯是另一個這樣的地下神。據唐納利,在他的書中,《亞特蘭蒂斯的上古世界》 ,古人的神是亞特蘭蒂斯的統治者和其統治人類的超人種族的成員。他們的大陸,在他們預見到的破壞之前,他們坐飛碟走進地下世界。




在他的書中,HUGUENIN顯示地球內部的圖,示出各種地下城市在不同深度,通過隧道彼此連接。他描述了這些城市作為存在於在地球巨大的空洞。 Shamballah的城市,地下帝國的首都,他描繪為存在於地球的中心,在它的中空的內部,而不是其堅實的外殼內。 Ossendowski寫道:






這些神秘的隧道,一個謎考古學家,存在最多的巴西,在那裏他們表麵上在不同的地方上打開下。最有名的是在東北鬆任格羅索的卡多爾山到福塞特上校是標題時,最後一次露麵。據稱,亞特蘭蒂斯城為他尋找不是表麵,而是一個地下的城市,仍住亞特蘭蒂斯的居民在一個死城的廢墟;而他和他的兒子傑克到達這個城市,仍然生活在其中。這是教授德索薩,指揮官施特勞斯和OC HUGUENIN,就是我們之前提到的信念。















    “導致此福地,這個看不見的世界,這密宗和神秘域道路,構成了所有的神秘教義和啟動係統,在過去,現在和未來的中心任務和主鍵,這神奇的關鍵是'開放芝麻“,即打開門到一個新的奇妙世界的老玫瑰十字指定它的法語單詞硫酸,這是句子的第一個字母的組合:`VISTA INTERIORA TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INY??ENES OMNIA LAPIDEM,'表示'在地球的內部隱藏的真正奧秘“,導致這個隱藏的世界是啟動的方式路徑。


    “斯堪的納維亞Eddas還提這個天體的城市,這是在美索不達米亞人民的Asar的地下土地,這是古埃及人的死亡聖書阿曼尼的土地,這是城市的七個花瓣Ø !毗濕奴,和市以東或猶太教的傳統伊甸園的七國王的。換句話說,它是陸地天堂。


    “波斯人稱之為阿爾韋迪或Aryana酒店,他們祖先的土地,希伯來人把它稱為迦南和墨西哥人圖拉和托蘭,而阿茲特克人把它稱為瑪雅 - 潘,誰來到美國的西班牙征服者相信在這樣一個城市是否存在等並組織了許多探險隊找到它,稱這是E1多拉多,或黃金之城。他們大概知道了,就從誰被馬諾阿或城市,其國王穿黃金衣服的名義把它稱為原住民。

    “到了凱爾特人,這神聖的土地被稱為”神秘“土地 - Duat或Dananda中國人的傳統講Chivin或市一打蛇的土地它是地下世界,它相的根源。天堂。這是卡爾薩斯,Calcis或卡爾奎,著名Colchida為其淘金人追捧時,他們就著手尋找金羊毛的土地。



The Hollow Earth 空心的地球    
by Dr. R. W. Bernard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
210 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N.Y.
from OurHollowEarth Website

        Chapter 1: Admiral Byrd's Epoch-Making Discovery
        Chapter 2: The Hollow Earth
        Chapter 3: William Reed's Book - "Phantom of the Poles"
        Chapter 4: Marshall B. Gardner's Book - "A Journey to the Earth's Interior Or Have the Poles Really Been Discovered?"
        Chapter 5: Was the North Pole Really Discovered?
        Chapter 6: The Origin of the Eskimos
        Chapter 7: The Subterranean Origin of the Flying Saucers
            Part 7.1: The Subterranean Origin of the Flying Saucers
            Part 7.2: Agharta, The Subterranean World
            Part 7.3: The Flight to the Land Beyond the North Pole
            Part 7.4: Underground Cities
        Chapter 8: Conclusion
        Flying Saucers, Propulsion and Relativity

The Hollow Earth
Chapter 7.2:
Agharta, The Subterranean World
By: Dr. R. W. Bernard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

    The word "Agharta" is of Buddhist origin. It refers to the Subterranean World or Empire in whose existence all true Buddhists fervently believe. They also believe that this Subterranean World has millions of inhabitants and many cities, all under the supreme domination of the subterranean world capital, Shamballah, where dwells the Supreme Ruler of this Empire, known in the Orient as the King of the World. It is believed that he gave his orders to the Dalai Lama of Tibet, who was his terrestrial representative, his messages being transmitted through certain secret tunnels connecting the Subterranean World with Tibet.

Similar mysterious tunnels honeycomb Brazil. Brazil in the West and Tibet in the East seem to be the two parts of the Earth where contact between the Subterranean World and the surface world may be most easily achieved, due to the existence of these tunnels.

The famous Russian artist, philosopher and explorer, Nicholas Roerich, who traveled extensively in the Far East, claimed that Lhasa, capital of Tibet, was connected by a tunnel with Shamballah, capital of the subterranean empire of Agharta. The entrance of this tunnel was guarded by lamas who were sworn to keep its actual whereabouts a secret from outsiders, by order of the Dalai Lama. A similar tunnel was believed to connect the secret chambers at the base of the Pyramid of Gizeh with the Subterranean World, by which the Pharaohs established contact with the gods or supermen of the underworld.

The various gigantic statues of early Egyptian gods and kings, as those of Buddha found throughout the Orient, represent subterranean supermen who came to the surface to help the human race. They are generally represented as sexless. They were emissaries of Agharta, the subterranean paradise which it is the goal of all true Buddhists to reach.

Buddhist traditions state that Agharta was first colonized many thousands of years ago when a holy man led a tribe which disappeared underground. The gypsies are supposed to come from Agharta, which explains their restlessness on the Earth’s surface and their continual travels to regain their lost home. This reminds one of Noah, who was really an Atlantean, who saved a worthy group prior to the coming of the flood that submerged Atlantis. It is believed that he brought his group to the high plateau of Brazil where they settled in subterranean cities, connected with the surface by tunnels, in order to escape from poisoning by the radioactive fallout produced by the nuclear war the Atlanteans fought, which brought on the flood that submerged their continent.

The aubterranean civilization oi Agharta is believed to represent a continuation of Atlantean civilization, which, having learned the lesson of the futility of war, remained in a state of peace ever since, making stupendous scientific progress uninterrupted by the setbacks of recurrent wars, as our surface civilization has been. Their civilization is many thousands of years old (Atlantls sank about 11,500 years ago), while ours is very young, only a few centuries old.

Subterranean scientists are able to wield forces of nature we know nothing about, as demonstrated by their flying saucers, which are operated by a new, unknown source of energy, more subtle than atomic energy. Ossendowski claims that the Empire of Agharta consists of a network of subterranean cities connected with each other by tunnels through which vehicles pass at tremendous speed, both under land and under the ocean.

These people live under the benign reign of a government headed by the King of the World. They represent descendants of the lost continents of Lemuria and Atlantis, as well as the original perfect race of Hyperboreans, the race of gods.

During various epochs in history, the `Aghartan supermen or gods` came to the surface to teach the human race and save it from wars, catastrophies and destruction. The coming of the flying saucers soon after the first atomic explosion in Hiroshima represents another such visitation, but thls time the gods themselves did not appear among men, but they sent their emissaries.
在不同的曆史時期,對 'Aghartan阿加森超人或眾神`浮出地麵,以教導人類和在戰爭,災難和破壞中拯救和保存。在廣島的原子彈第一次爆炸後不久, 就有飛碟到來,這代表了另一次的探視權,但這次 "神們"並沒有出現在人們麵前,而是派出了他們的使者。 (像金星大使托爾, 金星大使奧妮克, 地心大使也有很多...)
The Indian epic, "Ramayana" describes Rama as such an emissary from Agharta coming on an aerial vehicle, which was probably a flying saucer. A Chinese tradition speaks of divine teachers coming on aerial vehicles. Similarly, the founder ot the Inca dynasty, Manco Copac, came the same way.印度史詩“羅摩衍那”中描述羅摩Rama作為使者從Agharta阿加森來臨的飛行器,這可能是一個飛碟這樣作使用。中國人的傳統講述 "神聖的教師"(天人)來地上教導我們。同樣,古代印加王朝,Manco Copac,也有同樣的方式的表達。  {佛經所述的天人, 及印度的羅摩先生,都可能是來自於阿加森!
這些天人出現後一陣子,又消失得無影無蹤。 如果有人認為佛教是迷信, 其實這是人們的無知。這個世界最可悲的是, 人們並不知道自己的無知。}
One of the greatest of Aghartan teachers in America was Quetzalcoatl, the great prophet of the Mayas and Aztecs and of the Indians of the Americas in general, both in South and North America.
{LT:  {ACIO的阿斯塔曾經認為, Quetzalcoatl羽蛇神是Sanat聖納.庫瑪拉; 聖納在金星和地心世界都有辦事處/隱居所。聖納的兒子是撒南達Sananda, 他轉生在地球是圖坦卡蒙, 瑣羅亞斯德,約書亞(耶穌)。Kumaras庫瑪拉家族的名字, 在古印度神話中被紀錄下來; 藍圖先生認為指導古先知寫下印度吠陀經典的是銀河人類, 有可能是地心人(阿加森),雙馬神童的名字是 Ashwini Kumara, 戰神卡爾提克亞Kartikeya(濕婆的兒子)又被稱為 Kumara(鳩摩羅-舊譯)。
今天可以簡單讀為: `庫瑪拉大神們,一直與地麵上的邪惡阿修羅們戰鬥,從不間斷。
庫瑪拉大神是中印人民的好朋友; 阿修羅們, 有很多名字,阿努納奇是其一, 是全人類的
敵人; 阿努納奇,光明會, 是反基督的, 是不正義的, 是欺騙的, 是一堆人渣。"" }}
Osiris was another such subterranean god. According to Donnelly, in his book, "Atlantis the Antediluvian World," the gods of the ancients were the rulers of Atlantis and members of a superhuman race which governed the human race. Before the destruction of their continent, which they foresaw, they traveled by flying saucer through the polar opening to the Subterranean World in the hollow interior of the earth, where they continued to live ever since.
奧西裏斯是另一個這樣的地下神。據唐納利,在他的書中,《亞特蘭蒂斯的上古世界》 ,古人的神是亞特蘭蒂斯的統治者和其統治人類的超人種族的成員。他們的大陸,在他們預見到的破壞之前,他們坐飛碟走進地下世界。

That he was a stranger among them, coming from a different race (Atlantean) is indicated by his being fair, while they were dark; his being tall, while they were short; his being bearded, while they were beardless. He was reverenced as a savior by the Indians of Mexico, Yucatan and Guatemala long before the coming of the white man. The Aztecs called him "God of Abundance" and the "Morning Star." His name Quetzalcoatl means "Feathered Serpent," meaning a teacher of wisdom (symbolized by the serpent) who flies. He was given this name because he came on an aerial vehicle, which appears to have been a flying saucer. He probably came from the Subterranean World, because after he remained some time with the Indians, he mysteriously vanished the same way as he came; and was believed to have returned to the Subterranean World from which he came.

Quetzalcoatl is described as having been "a man of good appearance and grave countenance, with a white skin and beard, and dressed in a long flowing white garment. He was also called Huemac, because of his great goodness and continence. He taught the Indians the way of virtue and tried to save them from vice by giving them laws and counsel to restrain them from lust and to practice chastity. He taught pacifism and condemned violence in all forms. He instituted a vegetarian diet, with corn as a principal food, and taught fasting and body hygiene. According to the South American archeologist, Harold Wilkins, Quetzalcoatl was also the spiritual teacher of the ancient inhabitants of Brazil.

After remaining some time with the Indians, and seeing how little they cared to follow his teachings, except his recommendation to plant and eat corn as a basic food in place of meat, Quetzalcoatl departed, telling them that some day he would return. That this "visitor from Heaven" left the same way in which he came - on a flying saucer - is indicated by the following facts.   When Cortez invaded Mexico, the emperor Montezuma believed that the predicted "return of Quetzalcoatl" had occurred, because a fireball then gyrated over Mexico City, making the people wail and scream, setting the temple of the war god on fire. This fireball was believed to have been the flying saucer on which Quetzalcoatl traveled.

Osiris was another such subterranean god. According to Donnelly, in his book, "Atlantis the Antediluvian World," the gods of the ancients were the rulers of Atlantis and members of a superhuman race which governed the human race. Before the destruction of their continent, which they foresaw, they traveled by flying saucer through the polar opening to the Subterranean World in the hollow interior of the earth, where they continued to live ever since.
奧西裏斯是另一個這樣的地下神。據唐納利,在他的書中,《亞特蘭蒂斯的上古世界》 ,古人的神是亞特蘭蒂斯的統治者和其統治人類的超人種族的成員。他們的大陸,在他們預見到的破壞之前,他們坐飛碟走進地下世界。

"The Empire of Agharta," wrote Ossendowski in his book "Beasts, Men and Gods," "extends through subterranean tunnels to all parts of the world." In this book he speaks of a vast network of tunnels constructed by a prehistoric race of remotest antiquity, which passed under both oceans and continents, through which swift-moving vehicles traveled. The empire of which Ossendowski speaks and concerning which he learned about from lamas in the Far East, during his travels in Mongolia, obviously consists of subterranean cities inside the earth’s crust, which should be differentiated from those existing in its hollow center. Thus there are two subterranean worlds, one more superficial and one in the center of the earth.

Huguenin, whose book on flying saucers and the subterranean world we previously mentioned, believes that there exist many subterranean cities at various depths, between the earth’s crust and its hollow interior. Concerning the inhabitants of these subterranean cities, he writes:

    "This other humanity has reached an elevated grade of civilization, economic and social organization and cultural and scientific progress, in comparison with which the humanity which lives on the earth’s surface are a race of barbarians."

In his book, Huguenin shows a diagram of the earth’s interior, showing various subterranean cities at various depths, connected with each other by tunnels. He describes these cities as existing in immense cavities in the earth. The city of Shamballah, the capital of the subterranean empire, he portrays as existing at the center of the earth, in its hollow interior, rather than inside its solid crust. Ossendowski writes:

    "All the subterranean caverns of America are inhabited by an ancient people who disappeared from the world. These people and the subterranean regions where they dwell are under the supreme authority of the King of the World. Both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans were once the home of vast continents which later became submerged; and their inhabitants found refuge in the Subterranean World. The profounder caverns are illuminated by a resplendent light which permits the growing of cereals and other vegetables, and gives the inhabitants a long life-span free from disease. In this world exists a large population and many tribes."

In his book, "The Coming Race," Bulwer Lytton describes a subterranean civilization far in advance of our own, which existed in a large cavity in the earth, connected with the surface by a tunnel. This immense cavity was illuminated by a strange light which did not require lamps to produce it, but appeared to result from an electrification of the atmosphere. This light supported plant life and enabled the subterranean people to grow their foods. The inhabitants of the Utopia, described by Lytton were vegetarians. They had certain apparatuses by which, instead of walking, they flew. They were free from disease and had a perfect social organization so that each received what he needed, without exploitation of one by another.

It is claimed that the earth’s crust is honeycombed by a network of tunnels passing under the ocean from continent to continent and leading to subterranean cities in large cavities in the earth. These tunnels are especially abundant in South America, especially under Brazil, which was the chief center of Atlantean colonization; and we may believe they were constructed by the Atlanteans. Most famous of these tunnels is the "Roadway of the Incas" which stretches for several hundred miles south of Lima, Peru, and passes under Cuzco, Tiahuanaco and the Three Peaks, proceeding to the Atacambo Desert. Another branch opens in Arica, Chile, visited by Madame Blavatsky.

It is claimed that the Incas used these tunnels to escape from the Spanish conquerors and the Inquisition, when entire armies entered them, carrying with them their gold and treasures on the backs of llamas, which they did when the Spanish Conquerors first came. Their mysterious disappearance at this time, leaving only the race of Quechua Indians behind, is also explained by their entering these tunnels. It is claimed that when Atahualpa, the last of the Inca kings, who was brutally murdered by Pizarro, the gold that was being carried to his ransom on a train of 11,000 pack llamas, found refuge in these tunnels. It is claimed that these tunnels had a form of artificial lighting and were built by the race that had constructed Tiahuanco long before the first Inca appeared in Peru.

Since the Incas who entered these tunnels to escape from the Spaniards were never seen since and disappeared from the earth’s surface, it is probable that they continued to live in illuminated subterranean cities to which these tunnels led.

These mysterious tunnels, an enigma to archeologists, exist in greatest number under Brazil, where they open on the surface in various places. The most famous is in the Roncador Mountains of northeast Matto Grosso to where Colonel Fawcett was heading when last seen. It is claimed that the Atlantean city for which he searched was not the ruins of a dead city on the surface but a subterranean city with still living Atlanteans as its inhabitants; and that he and his son Jack reached this city and are still living therein. This is the belief of Professor de Souza, Commander Strauss and O. C. Huguenin, whom we have mentioned before.

The Roncador tunnel opening is guarded by fierce Chavantes Indians who kill anyone who dares to enter uninvited and who might molest the subterranean dwellers whom they respect and reverence. The Murcego Indians also guard these secret tunnel openings leading to subterranean cities in the Roncador Mountain region of Matto Grosso. We quote a letter to the author from an American, named Carl Huni, who lived many years in Matto Grosso and made a special study of this subject:

    "The entrance to the caverns is guarded by Murcego Indians, who are a dark-skinned, undersized race of great physical strength. Their sense of smell is more developed than that of the best bloodhounds. Even if they approve of you and let you enter the caverns, I am afraid that you will be lost to the present world, because they guard the secret very carefully and may not let those who enter leave. (This may have happened to Colonel Fawcett and his son Jack, who are believed to have entered a tunnel leading to a subterranean city in the Roncador Mountains, never to return.)

    "The Murcego Indians live in caverns and go out at night into the surrounding jungles, but they have no contact with the subterranean dwellers below, inhabiting a subterranean city in which they form a seli-contained community and have a considerable population. It is believed that the subterranean cities they inhabit were first constructed by the Atlanteans. One thing is certain, that no radioactive fallout can reach them. No one knows whether those who live in these ancient Atlantean subterranean cities are Atlanteans themselves or others who settled there after their origlnal builders were gone.

    "The name of the mountain range where these Atlantean subterranean cities exist is Roncador in northeast Matto Grosso. If you go in quest of these subterranean cities, take your life in your own hands as you may never be heard of again, like Colonel Fawcett.

    "When I was in Brazil I heard a lot about the underground caverns and subterranean cities. They are, however, a long way from Cuiaba. They are near the Rio Araguaya, which empties into the Amazon. They are to the northeast of Cuiaba at the foot of the tremendously long mountain range named Roncador. I desisted to investigate further because I heard that the Murcego Indians jealously guard the entrance to the tunnels from people who are not sufficiently developed, because they do not want trouble. In the first place, they do not want anyone who is still enmeshed in commercialism and who has a desire for money.

    "There are also caverns in Asia and Tibetan travelers mention them. But as far as I know, in Brazil are the biggest ones and they exist at three different levels. I am sure I would get permission if I wanted to join them and they would accept me as one of theirs. I know they use no money at all, and their society is organized on a strictly democratic basis. People do not become aged and live in everlasting harmony."

This subterranean Utopia mentioned by Mr Huni (now residing in New York) seems to resemble greatly the one described by Bulwer Lytton in his book, "The Coming Race." Lytton was a Rosicrucian and probably based his novel on occult information concerning existing subterranean cities.

The ruins of a number of Atlantean cities were found in northern Matto Grosso and the Amazon territory, indicating that Atlanteans once colonized this country. Some years ago an English schoolteacher, hearing rumors of a lost Atlantean city on a high plateau in this region went to find it. He did, but the hardships of the journey cost his life. Before he died he sent by carrier pigeon a note describing a magnificent city he discovered whose streets were lined by high gold statues.

If the Atlanteans once colonized Brazil and constructed cities in Matto Grosso on its surface, why did they build subterranean cities there? It could not have been to escape the deluge that submerged Atlantis and outlying areas, because Matto Grosso is a high plateau where floodwaters could not have reached. The South American archeologist, Harold Wilkins, offers another theory: that the subterranean cities were built to escape the radioactive fallout resulting from a nuclear war the Atlanteans fought. This seems to be a very reasonable explanation, or otherwise here would be no reason to undergo the great labor of excavating the earth and constructing subterranean cities when the Atlanteans already had magnificent cities on the earth’s surface.

If and when we are endangered by a nuclear war, we, too, will have to find refuge inside the earth and dwell there in illuminated subterranean cities and produce our foods under this light. It would of course be much easier to join existing subterranean cities constructed by the Atlanteans thousands of years ago, who vastly surpassed us in engineering skill, than to construct our own. If friendly contact with subterranean dwellers could be established, when war came, or even before, when radioactive fallout increases beyond the danger point and menaces our survival, ft would be to our advantage to contact these subterranean cities and, if we are admitted, to establish residence in them.

There is no old age in Agharta and no death. It is a society in which everyone is young looking, even if many centuries or even thousands of years of age. This seems incredible to surface dwellers exposed to the harmful effects of solar radiation and the autointoxication of food poisoning from a wrong diet. The symptoms of old age are not the natural result of the passage of time nor an assumed aging process, but to adverse biological conditions and habits. Senility is a disease; and since Aghartans are free from disease, they do not grow old.

The superior scientitic culture of the subterranean people, of which their flying saucers are an evident example, is the result of superior brain development and more energetic brains. This is due to the fact that their vital energies flow up to their brain, rather than being dissipated through the sexual channel as among so-called "civilized" surtace races. In fact, sex indulgence is completely out of their lives, because of their fruit diet, their endocrines are in a state of perfect balance and harmonious functioning, as in little children, and are not stimulated to abnormal activity by metabolic toxins, as produced by such foods as meat, fowl, fish and eggs and by such aphrodisiacs as salt, pepper, coffee, tobacco and alcohol. By keeping their blood-stream pure and free from toxins, the subterranean people are able to live in complete continence, conserving all vital energies and converting them into superior brain power. Their superior scientific achievements result from the fact that their brains are superior to ours in intellectual development.

Concerning Agharta, Professor Henrique J. de Souza, President of the Brazilian Theosophical Society and a leading authority on the Subterranean World, in his magazine, published an article he wrote, "Does Shangri-la Exist?" from which we quote:

    "Among all races of mankind, back to the dawn of time, there existed a tradition concerning the existence of a Sacred Land or Terrestrial Paradise, where the highest ideals of humanity were living realities. This concept is found in the most ancient writings and traditions of the peoples of Europe, Asia Minor, China, India, Egypt and the Americas. This Sacred Land, it is said, can be known only to persons who are worthy, pure and innocent, for which reason it constitutes the central theme of the dreams of childhood.

    "The road that leads to this Blessed Land, this Invisible World, this Esoteric and Occult Domain, constitutes the central quest and master key of all mystery teachings and systems of initiation in the past, present and future. This magic key is the `Open Sesame’ that unlocks the door to a new and marvelous world. The old Rosicrucians designated it by the French word VITRIOL, which is a combination of the first letters of the sentence: `VISTA INTERIORA TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INYENES OMNIA LAPIDEM,’ to indicate that `in the interior of the earth is hidden the true MYSTERY ’ The path that leads to this Hidden World is the Way of Initiation.

    "In ancient Greece, in the Mysteries of Delphos and Eleusis, this Heavenly Land was referred to as Mount Olympus and the Elysian Fields. Also in the earliest Vedic times, it was called by various names, such as Ratnasanu (peak of the precious stone), Hermadri (mountain of gold) and Mount Meru (home of the gods and Olympus of the Hindus). Symbolically, the peak of this sacred mountain is in the sky, its middle portion on the earth and its base in the Subterranean World.

    "The Scandinavian Eddas also mention this celestial city, which was in the subterranean land of Asar of the peoples of Mesopotamia. It was the Land of Amenti of the Sacred Book of the Dead of the ancient Egyptians. It was the city of Seven Petals o! Vishnu, and the City of the Seven Kings of Edom or Eden of Judaic tradition. In other words, it was the Terrestrial Paradise.

    "In all Asia Minor, not only in the past but also today, there exists a belief in the existence of a City of Mystery full of marvels, which is known as SHAMBALLAH (Shamb-Allah), where is the Temple of the Gods. It is also the Erdamf of the Tibetans and Mongols.

    "The Persians call it Alberdi or Aryana, land of their ancestors. The Hebrews called it Canaan and the Mexicans Tula or Tolan, while the Aztecs called it Maya-Pan. The Spanish Conquerors who came to America believed in the existance of such a city and organized many expeditions to find it, calling it E1 Dorado, or City of Gold. They probably learned about it from the aborigines who called it by the name of Manoa or City Whose King Wears Clothing of Gold.

    "By the Celts, this holy land was known as "Land of the Mysteries" - Duat or Dananda. A Chinese tradition speaks of Land of Chivin or the City of a Dozen Serpents. It is the Subterranean World, which lies at the roots of heaven. It is the Land of Calcas, Calcis or Kalki, the famous Colchida for which the Argonauts sought when they set out in search of the Golden Fleece.

    "In the Middle Ages, it was referred to as the Isle of Avalon, where the Knights of the Round Table, under the leadership of King Arthur and under the guidance of the Magician Merlin, went in search of the Holy Grail, symbol of obedience, justice and immortality. When King Arthur was seriously wounded in a battle, he requested his companion Belvedere to depart on a boat to the confines of the earth, with the following words: `Farewell, my friend and companion Belvedere, and to the land where it never rains, where there fs no sickness and where nobody dies.’ This is the Land of Immortality or Agharta, the Subterranean World.

This land is the Walhalla of the Germans, the Monte Salvat of the Knights of the Holy Grail, the Utopia of Thomas More, the City of the Sun of Campanella, the Shangri-la of Tibet and the Agharta of the Buddhist world."



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