Jim Marteney,洛杉磯穀學院,通過 ASCCC 開放教育資源計劃 (OERI)
為了讓您了解價值體係如何運作,我向您介紹了吉恩·奧特裏的牛仔守則。吉恩·奧特裏是 30、40 和 50 年代著名的好萊塢“歌唱牛仔”。他去世時還是天使職業棒球隊的老板。他是許多想成為像他一樣牛仔的孩子的英雄。多年來,吉恩·奧特裏形成了一套人生哲學,他決定與這些年輕的崇拜者分享。這套價值觀體係,像任何價值觀體係一樣,將指導他的年輕牛仔粉絲的行為。
Autry,Gene。“Gene Autry 的牛仔守則。”GeneAutry.com,2017 年 9 月 29 日,https://www.geneautry.com/geneautry/geneautry_cowboycode-code.html。訪問時間:2019 年 11 月 6 日。
“西部牛仔密碼。”狂野西部,2009 年 8 月 18 日,thewildwest.org/cowboy-codesofthewest/。訪問時間:2019 年 11 月 6 日。
這個標題為 9.4:價值體係的頁麵根據 CC BY-NC 4.0 許可共享,由 Jim Marteney (ASCCC 開放教育資源倡議 (OERI)) 創作、混音和/或策劃。
Value Systems
Jim Marteney, Los Angeles Valley College via ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI)
Value systems are an organized collection of individual values, such as honesty, kindness, and equality. These values are prioritized with the most important values on top, and the least important on the bottom. Values are usually embodied in a set of moral and/or religious systems found in all cultures and societies. We may feel that all of our values are important, but when two or more values clash, we have to decide which value is most important to us. This becomes a value system, which guides our decision-making.
To give you an idea how a value system works, I present to you the Gene Autry’s Cowboy Code. Gene Autry was a famous Hollywood “singing cowboy’ of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. He was also the owner of the Angels professional baseball team, when he passed away. He was a hero to many, many children who wanted to be a cowboy just like him. Over the years Gene Autry had developed a philosophy of life that he decided to share with these young admirers. This system of values, like any value system, would guide the actions of his young cowboy fans.
"Gene Autry" (Public Domain; Seattle Packing Company-Bar-S Brand via Wikimedia Commons)
Gene Autry's Cowboy Code
You can find other cowboy codes from Roy Rogers to the Lone Ranger at a website called “Cowboy Codes of the West.” 2 You can also find online “life codes” from “Chivalry” to the Japanese warriors “Bushido Code.” All these codes list values that guide decision-making.