
通用汽車前董事長 幾乎所有傳統汽車製造商在中國都完蛋了

(2024-09-18 22:15:23) 下一個


Former GM chairman says nearly all legacy automakers are finished in China

在過去的30年裏,中國客戶蜂擁而至,購買外國品牌,他們銷售了數百萬輛汽車,賺取了數千億美元的利潤,中國消費者蜂擁而至,別克、大眾、寶馬、豐田和 NISS 全國展廳,汽車銷量達數百萬輛,客戶非常樂意為擁有非中國品牌的外國品牌支付現金,中國是我們永遠的利潤機器,我通用汽車的同事喜歡吹噓。


福特自2020年以來在中國損失了50多億美元,銷售額下降比巔峰時期下降了70% 我們從未見過這樣的競爭 通用汽車首席執行官吉姆法利說,他們也很痛苦,這位前美國中國關係的代言人,通用汽車僅今年一年就虧損了 2 億多美元,這是 20 年來通用汽車在華業務首次虧損,許多人認為他們再也不會在華盈利了。


洞察通訊說,他們看到自己的市場份額消失,銷量下降,他們看到汽車,我的意思是數百萬輛汽車停在停車場裏,積滿灰塵,損失將比我們已經看到的中國銷量暴跌更大,通用汽車 2017 年銷量下降 410 萬輛,降至 180 萬輛百萬,但這並不能說明全部情況,因為現在這 180 萬輛中有許多是價格在 5 到 7,000 美元之間的廉價電動汽車,通用汽車從未從中獲利,而在 2017 年,它們都是高利潤的內燃機汽車 現代起亞今年的銷量為 120 萬輛,降至 22 萬輛,它們在中國基本上已經完蛋了 大眾 2017 年的銷量為 400 萬輛,降至 250 萬輛,到 2024 年的銷量為 360 萬輛,明年甚至可能達到 400 萬輛,我認為 500 萬輛是保守估計 最近發生的最有趣的事情之一是中國汽車行業的崩潰,當我說汽車行業的崩潰時,我指的不是整個汽車行業的崩潰,而是中國的汽車行業,它賣出了很多汽車,並沒有萎縮,中國沒有出現某種經濟危機,是的,有一點,但還不足以真正影響中國人,記住中國人擁有世界上最高的儲蓄率,有很多有錢的中國人可以買新車,這是肯定的,中國的汽車銷售仍然非常強勁,下降了 5% 左右,仍然非常強勁,但中國停車場裏有數百萬輛汽車在積塵,我現在可以告訴你,雖然它們不是電動汽車,至少不是好的,是來自多年前破產的共享汽車公司的破舊汽車,裏麵裝有鉛酸電池,它們是無用的,是的,周圍有幾輛,但主要比例超過 90% 的停車場裏都有車在積塵,可能永遠也賣不出去,他們的內燃機汽車,這是一個問題,因為傳統汽車製造商豐田、本田、大眾集團的汽車銷量一直在大幅萎縮,通用汽車幾年前的銷量為 410 萬輛,今年他們很幸運能賣出 180 萬輛,其中大部分是預算 5,000 美元的汽車,所以這裏發生了什麽,這裏有一些圖表,這是來自 done insights 新聞通訊的一些數據如果你在看一些 YouTube 頻道,我就會知道中國到底發生了什麽,夥計們,當我看到他們發布的 YouTube 視頻時,我真的會覺得很尷尬,他們發布的視頻裏充斥著各種內容,現在我很尷尬,我不是在說你知道你訂閱的一些頻道,我確信它們是合法的,但有一些關於中國、中國、中國的聳人聽聞的 YouTube 頻道,它們太荒謬了,人們把它們發給我,當我看到人們發來的這些電子郵件時,我很難過,我很尷尬,人們竟然會說這些話,但 done insights 時事通訊是合法的,這是真實的分析和真實的數據,不是編造的騙局,夥計們,這個周末我會去墨爾本電動車展,我很高興在那裏見到你們,我會在展會上談論中國正在發生的事情,這將如何影響世界,未來 12 個月將有 53 款新型電動汽車進入澳大利亞,其中大多數價格實惠,中國人大開殺戒現在中國汽車行業正在發生這樣的事情,未來幾年澳大利亞也會發生同樣的情況,中國汽車製造商也會這樣做,因為澳大利亞沒有汽車行業,沒有人保護,澳大利亞政府不會把所有這些規則都放在中國,征收關稅,征稅,因為我們這裏再也沒有汽車製造商了,他們都走了,所以中國人可以在這裏為所欲為,對消費者來說,這太棒了,除非你遇到外國投資安全局的情況,你知道你去買,說讓我們去吧,假設你去買一輛 NISS 汽車,然後突然 NISS 從澳大利亞消失了,那麽你就有麻煩了,現在你可能會想,我認識 Nissen 幾十年了,人們對很多很多品牌都說過同樣的話,對吧,有很多品牌在 50 年前、100 年前就已經存在了,但現在卻不存在了,甚至沒有人聽說過甚至 100 歲的人都沒有聽說過,所以事情在變化,你必須接受事情的變化,現在全球品牌在中國的衰落,這顯示了市場份額,市場份額的變化,中國市場份額在短短 3 年內發生了變化,他們的市場份額從 43% 上升到 62%,這意味著傳統汽車製造商的份額大幅縮水,日本的份額從 16% 上升到 12%,現在德國的份額從 19% 上升到 16%,像保時捷這樣的公司在中國陷入了巨大的困境,事實上,誰會想到保時捷,但保時捷經銷商對保時捷非常憤怒,我沒有編造,這是 100% 的事實,他們有很多車賣不出去,夥計們,你真的會去買保時捷嗎,現在保時捷在美國相當不錯,但在中國,它們不受歡迎,它們不受歡迎你沒有辦法證明保時捷的合理性,為什麽你會買保時捷,而中國有 20 多種更便宜、更好的汽車,情況就是這樣,美國公司在市場上的份額為 12%,韓國為 7%,甚至更糟,韓國是所有汽車中最糟糕的,現代汽車僅在四年前就建造了一座價值數十億美元的工廠,他們以 5 億美元的價格將其出售,他們在這座新工廠上損失了數十億美元,這就是他們不再在中國銷售汽車的原因,所以你可能會想,好吧,等一下,現代汽車不是要在中國製造電動汽車,然後將它們運往澳大利亞和其他國家嗎?是的,因為他們沒有其他事情可做,我的意思是他們的工廠什麽都不做,所以他們想,好吧,讓我們在這裏製造電動汽車,然後將它們運往澳大利亞,這對我們來說很好,但重點仍然是仍然是他們無法在中國銷售汽車,顯然,正如您所見,2%的市場份額證明了我的觀點,當我製作視頻時,人們會采取行動,有時人們會說一些瘋狂的話,你在撒謊,我喜歡起亞,我喜歡現代,你肯定在撒謊,我無法處理這個,我的情緒在這裏受到傷害,你現在肯定在撒謊,夥計們,2%我沒有製作這個電子表格,這來自未來電氣全球,我與完成的見解毫無關係,所以我不能編造這些東西,法國3%,顯然,正如您所見,法國實際上是最糟糕的,因為如果他們有3%,他們去了0.4,0.4和沒有一樣好,法國在中國已經完蛋了,你在這裏看到的法國,同樣的事情也會發生在日本,同樣的事情也會發生在美國,同樣的事情也會發生在韓國,德國,現在不會了,德國,我知道奧迪說,他們要把徽章從他們的汽車上取下來,因為嗯,顯然,在中國,人們認為奧迪汽車不是奧迪電動汽車,也沒有應有的那麽好,但我仍然相信,德國高端汽車市場將在中國占有一席之地,而且會持續相當長一段時間。我的觀點是,在未來 10 年內,日本、美國、韓國和法國將在中國完全消失,就像他們基本上都會像吉普車一樣宣布破產,呃,還有另一個法國品牌,我不記得是哪一個了,是三菱,他們剛剛離開了,就像那些品牌離開一樣,他們也會做同樣的事情,包括通用汽車在內,它們將留下數十億美元的資產,說實話,這些資產幾乎一文不值,我相信,像 b b 這樣的公司非常擅長重新利用工廠,它是這方麵最擅長的,事實上,它真的很好,它隻是看到了一個工廠,是的我們會用它做這件事,轟轟烈烈,你知道 6 個月後他們就推出了新款電動汽車,你什麽時候能對任何傳統汽車公司說過這樣的話,也許早在 20 世紀 20 年代,你可以這麽說,但是是的,現在不再是這樣了,夥計們,我們剛剛看到的是,在過去的幾個月裏,電動汽車的市場份額從大約 40% 或大約 37% 上升到 51%,今年以來,電動汽車的市場份額一直在逐漸上升,過去幾個月,電動汽車的市場份額一直保持在48 49%,我顯然預測過,我相信你們中的許多人也預測過,在幾個月內,這個數字會超過 50%,現在這個數字已經達到 51%,我預測到今年年底,在中國的市場份額將達到 60%,這意味著考慮到中國唯一銷售大量電動汽車的主要公司是中國公司和特斯拉,這意味著 Legacy automak 的銷量將繼續下降,現在考慮一下這裏的背景,2020 年電動汽車市場份額為 6%,你知道插電式混合動力車和全電動汽車的市場份額為 6%,現在是 51%,我認為到明年年底,內燃機將在中國完蛋,所以大多數在中國表現良好的汽車品牌,雖然表現不佳,但在中國銷售的汽車不是中國製造的,他們在中國真的隻剩下幾年的時間了,中國僅用 4 年時間就從 100 萬輛衝刺到 1000 多萬輛電動汽車的年交付量,從 100 萬輛到 1000 萬輛4 年來,這簡直太瘋狂了,全球汽車製造商措手不及,多年來在銷售汽油動力汽車方麵取得了成功,他們陷入了自滿,他們不想賺錢,虧損,看看他們現在的表現,放慢電動汽車的銷售速度,哦,電動汽車的需求不夠,我們都知道這是胡說八道,他們這麽說是因為他們在銷售電動汽車時虧損,他們無法忍受,他們的股東不喜歡,呃,他們的高管不喜歡,人們不喜歡,而且它已經根深蒂固在這些品牌中,你不能虧本出售以獲得市場份額,中國人的心態已經根深蒂固,虧本出售以獲得市場份額,兩種非常非常相反的經營方式,這是傳統汽車製造商無法過渡到電動汽車的關鍵原因,他們最喜歡賺錢,他們今天確實賺了錢內燃機幾年後他們就不會了,盡管中國汽車製造商抓住了今年向電動汽車轉變的機會,20 款最暢銷的電動汽車中有 18 款是中國品牌,其他兩個是特斯拉,是的,所以前 20 名是特斯拉和中國,全球汽車製造商說,完成洞察通訊發現在成本上無法與中國競爭對手匹敵已經不是什麽秘密了,B 製造的汽車比全球汽車製造商能夠管理的便宜 30%,這要歸功於極端的垂直整合驚人的速度和來自城市、省級和國家政府機構的慷慨補貼,現在補貼已經做完了,我不喜歡它,因為你們認為誰補貼了梅賽德斯奔馳寶馬和奧迪納粹德國正在毀滅世界,你認為誰補貼豐田,而日本也在做同樣的事情,這些公司不僅得到了補貼,而且每年都得到補貼,我現在告訴你,我讀過很多關於過去十年德國汽車行業獲得補貼的不同文章和數據,美國汽車行業也獲得補貼,他們都得到了補貼我們不要停止假裝隻有中國人在做這件事中國人可能會得到更多但不會有很大區別我不認為現在這不僅僅是關於低成本電視中國汽車製造商現在為他們的汽車配備了最先進的自動駕駛和數字駕駛艙技術科技巨頭如小米和華為為他們的新車注入世界一流的軟件如果他們不這樣做那麽他們就會將這些軟件出售給其他汽車製造商供他們使用中國的實力令人震驚甚至對豐田來說現在豐田也發送了B的車輛沒有某些零件我不知道為什麽每個人都在談論M說當豐田在過去的12個月裏說那句話時他肯定沒有在2014年說過那句話而不是在2024年我告訴你一些在豐田工作的白癡讓他們說現在他們說的更多他們去說了那句話然後決定在 2026 年之前將 B 的插電式混合動力技術應用於他們的 2026 款車型我非常確定 B 的插電式混合動力技術將比現在更好但豐田很樂意在 2026 年使用 2024 年的技術而且它甚至不是他們自己的此外顯然豐田汽車有 B 的刀片電池他們有 B Motors B 軟件無論如何在 2023 年接受豐田時報采訪時 EV 首席 takiro KO 回憶起他在出差中國時所感到的震驚第一次麵對麵看到我從未在日本見過的設備和他們最先進的製造技術時,我被一種危機感所震撼我們有麻煩了中國汽車製造商私下告訴我他們對 Elon Musk 和特斯拉深表敬意他們往往聳聳肩世界上大多數其他汽車公司的冷漠,有些人可能會稱之為傲慢,但我認為這隻是在汽車方麵采取現實態度,中國品牌突然成為新的,鄧恩洞察全球品牌曾經如此雄心勃勃,現在卻如此,民族主義是這種轉變背後看不見的強大力量,現在我不相信'完全正確,我相信這是一種結合,如果你的汽車是房子,你就不能有民族主義,如果它們是垃圾,你就不能,你是民族主義者,我想去買一輛垃圾中國車,迫不及待地想買一輛不能用的車,是嗎?這必須是兩者的結合,民族主義和真正優秀的技術的結合,而這有點像是融合在一起的,20 世紀 90 年代末,有一天,在我們北京的辦公室,我問我的 Ace 員工,他對中國與外國公司的合資安排有何看法,現在還可以,他說,直到我們能把你們趕出去,馬主席從來都不太在乎外國人,馬英九選集第一章的第一行寫道,誰是你的敵人,誰是我們的朋友,這是革命的首要問題,如果馬英九今天還在,他無疑會和許多中國 13 億公民一樣,我們正步入一個新時代,Done Insights 指出,中國汽車製造商在本土市場占據主導地位,許多人會說這個結果是不可避免的,但沒有人預見到它會來得這麽快,去年,Bo 成為中國最暢銷的品牌,38 年來首次將大眾從第一名的位置上擠下來,中國品牌作為一個大集團,正在蠶食市場份額,而曾經強大的外國汽車製造商則付出了代價,全球汽車製造商將試圖堅持下去,當然,他們會盡一切努力,直到他們無法做任何有意義的事情,Santis 投資 17 億美元收購了 Leap Motor 的少數股權,這是我在過去幾年中多次在這個頻道上提到的,中國一家令人印象深刻的電動汽車製造商,首席執行官 Carlos Tar 表示,中國仍然是地球上製造汽車最高效的地方,他的願景是讓 Leap Motoru 為 stellantis 提供 EVS車輛將帶有 stellantis 名稱板之一,這就是我多次說過的特洛伊木馬,它就在我們眼前上演,stantis 說,新的 citen 菲亞特吉普阿爾法羅密歐嗯瑪莎拉蒂,你買的那個新電動車上印有那個品牌,很可能是 aite motor 重新命名重新標記,這就是 santis 所說的,無論如何,大眾汽車對 xong 進行了類似的投資,他們的合資夥伴關係實際上是 xong 為大眾製造電動汽車,事實上奧迪在那裏生產汽車,新的電動汽車將由 S Motors 製造,S Motors 也擁有 mg,順便說一句,mg 是一個曾經引以為傲的英國品牌,現在與英國沒有任何關係,但英國人不知道他們仍然認為它是,但我可以告訴你,它現在是 100% 的中國品牌,如果你不能打敗他們,嚐試一個新的角色作為初級合夥人其他全球公司正在努力擺脫繁瑣的合資承諾的束縛,中國唯一一家不是中國本土的汽車製造商,在中國擁有自己的公司,100% 唯一的一家是特斯拉,它擁有自己在中國公司的 100% 其餘的最多擁有 50% 其中一些在通用汽車公司,而 Tri Ventures 擁有 33% 在中國??有傳言稱,豐田希望創建一個類似於特斯拉在上海運營的神聖所有權業務,但豐田自己的合資夥伴一汽和廣汽不同意這一點,包括通用所有者福特和現代在內的其他公司正在重新利用他們閑置的中國工廠,就像是的,傑爾斯福特和現代的汽車工廠什麽也沒做,這不是一個不是編造的視頻,這是事實,完全是灰塵機器,一切都在那裏,一切都在那裏根本沒有運營,他們想將這些工廠改作出口汽車,墨西哥最暢銷的五款雪佛蘭中有四款是由通用汽車及其中國合作夥伴在中國製造的,上汽呃,說實話,這真的是上汽在製造,所以墨西哥最暢銷的四款雪佛蘭汽車是由中國政府製造的,中國政府擁有合資企業 50% 的股份,上汽獲得了這些汽車利潤的一半,通用汽車獲得了另一半,現實是,中國是全球汽車製造商的增長和利潤天堂,過去他們賺了數十億美元,但那已經結束了,那些日子一去不複返,大多數公司將在未來 5 年內被拒之門外,一些公司甚至會更快找到出口

Former GM chairman says nearly all legacy automakers are finished in China

The Electric Viking

For the last 30 years customers in China have flocked to foreign Brands they sold
millions of cars and they earned hundreds of billions of dollars in profits chinae consumers swarmed into Buick Volkswagen BMW Toyota and niss showrooms Nationwide and cars well they sold in the millions customers were very happy to pay cash for The Prestige of owning a foreign brand that was not Chinese China is our forever profit machine my colleagues at GM like to brag a decade ago back when I ran GM's Indonesia operations we can Bank on an easy $2 billion dividend every year but suddenly the golden era is finished sales and profits in China have vanished boards in Detroit Wolfsburg and Tokyo are stunned by the speed and intensity of these changes and they are worried very worried Ford has lost more than $5 billion in China since 2020 sales have gone down 70% from their Peak we've never seen competition like this before said CEO Jim Farley General Motors they're in pain as well the former poster child for sunny us China relations GM lost more than 200 million so far this year alone that marks the first time in 20 years the GM's China operations have made a loss many believe they'll never make a profit there ever again Mary Baris says the situation in China is unsustainable it's Bleak stellantis they already know the bit Taste of capitulation jeep was forced to well leave China and declare bankruptcy Detroit Are Not Alone almost every non-chinese brand German Korean Japanese and French is feeling Shell Shocked says the D insights newsletter as they watch
their market share disappear they watch sales go down and they see cars I'm talking millions of cars increase sitting in car Parks Gathering dust the losses are about to be much much bigger than what we've already seen plummeting China sales General Motors down 4.1 million sales in 2017 down to 1.8 million but that's not telling you the full picture because many of those 1.8 million are now budget EVS that cost $5 to $7,000 vehicles that General Motors has never made a profit on whereas in 2017 they were all high-profit internal combustion engine sales Hyundai Kia 1.2 million down to maybe 220,000 this year they're basically finished in China Volkswagen 4 million down to 2.5 million by 420,000 in 2017 to 3.6 million in 2024 possibly even 4 million next year I think 5 million would be conservative one of the most fascinating things that have happened recently is the collapse of the automotive industry in China when I say the collapse of the automotive industry I not referring to the collapse of the automotive industry as a whole the car industry in China it's selling a lot of cars it's not shrinking there is not some sort of economic crisis in China yeah there's a little bit but it's not significant enough to really affect the Chinese remember the Chinese have the highest savings rates of anyone in the world there's plenty of cashed up Chinese that can buy a new car that's for sure car sales in China are still very strong down about 5% still very strong but there is millions of cars in Chinese car Parks Gathering dust I can tell you right now though they are not EVS at least not good ones crappy old ones from rid share companies that went bankrupt many years ago with lead acid batteries in them they're useless yeah there's a few of those around butthe primary percentage more than 90% of these car parks that have vehicles in them Gathering dust and that may never be sold their internal combustion engine vehicles and that is a problem because car sales for legacy automakers Toyota Honda Volkswagen group all of them have been shrinking General Motors terribly so 4.1 million a few years ago this year they'll be lucky to sell 1.8 million with a very large number of those being budget $5,000 cars so what's happened here well here are some graphs here's some data from the done insights newsletter about what's really going on in China if you're watching some of these YouTube guy YouTube channels guys I winse I really do when I see the YouTube videos that they're putting out they are so full of it's embarrassing now I'm not talking about you know some of the channels you subscribe to I'm sure they're legit but there's these Sensational YouTube channels about China this China that and they are so ridiculous people send them to me when I see these emails from people I'm embarrassed to see this stuff I'm embarrassed people could say this stuff but the done insights newsletter it's legitimate this is real analytics and real data not made up hoaxes now guys I'll be at the Melbourne EV show this weekend I'd love to see you there and I'll be talking about this stuff at the show about what's going on in China how that will affect the world 53 new electric cars coming to Australia over the next 12 months most of them affordable and the Chinese blood bath that's happening in China in the automotive industry right now it's going to play out in the same way in Australia
over the next few years Chinese automakers will do the same because
Australia doesn't have an automotive
industry there's no one to protect the
Australian government's not going to put
all these rules in China tariffs China
taxes because we don't have any
automakers here anymore they're all gone
so the Chinese could just do whatever
they want here and for the consumer that
will be awesome unless of course a
situation of fisa happens to you you
know you go and buy say let's go let's
say you go and buy a niss vehicle and
then all of a sudden niss disappears
from Australia then you're in trouble
now you might be thinking I've known
Nissen for decades people said the same
thing about many many Brands right
there's many brands that were around 50
years ago 100 years ago that don't exist
that no one's even heard of that even
100y old people haven't heard of so
things change you have to accept things
change now there's a collapse of global
brands in China here this shows you
market share the change in market share
the Chinese market share has changed in
the course of only 3 years they've gone
from 43% market share to 62% that means the slice of the pie for
legacy automakers has shrunk drastically Japanese share now the
Japanese share has gone from 16% to 12%
now the German share has gone from 19 to
16 companies like Porsche are in huge
trouble in China in fact who would have
thought Porsche but Porsche dealerships
are utterly furious at Porsche I'm not
making that up that's 100% true they
have many cars they can't sell guys
really would you really go and buy a
Porsche takan now Porsche tan they're
pretty good right in America but in
China they don't stack up they don't
stack up there's no way you can justify
a Porsche take why would you buy one of
those when there's like 20 other
different cars that are cheaper and
better in China that's the situation
companies are in America 12% market
share to 7% Korea even more worse Korea
is the worst of the lot Hyundai built a
multi-billion dollar Factory only four
years ago and they just sold it for 500
million they lost billions of dollars on
this new Factory and this is the reason
why they're not selling cars anymore in
China so you probably thinking to
yourself well hang on a minute key and
Hyundai aren't they going to build EVS
in China and then ship them off to
Australia and other countries they are
yeah because they've got nothing else to
do I mean they got factories that are
not doing anything so they're like well
let's build EVS here and we'll send them
off to Australia which is great for us
but the point Still Remains they aren't
able to sell cars in China and obviously
as you can see 2% market share proves my
point people act when I make videos
sometimes people just say crazy stuff
you're lying I love Kia I love Hyundai
you must be lying I can't handle this my
emotions are feeling hurt here you must
be lying now guys 2% I didn't make this
spreadsheet this comes from future
electrics Global I have nothing to do
with done insights whatsoever so I can't
be making this stuff up France 3% the
obviously as you can see France is
actually the worst cuz if they had 3%
and they went to 0.4 0.4 is as good as
nothing France is finished in China what
you seeing here for France the same
thing will happen to Japan the same
thing will happen to America the same
thing will happen to Korea Germany it
won't now Germany I know Audi said
they're going to move remove the badges
from their cars because um obviously there's the
perception in China that Audi vehicles
are not Audi electric cars are not as
good as they should be but I still
believe the German Premium Auto Market
will have a place in China for for quite
a while my point is to say within the
next 10 years Japan America Korea and
France will be completely extinguished
in China that's it as in they'll all
basically all declare bankruptcy in the
same way that jeep uh there was another
French brand I don't remember which one
it was uh Mitsubishi they've just left
in the same way that those brands have
left they'll do the same all of them
that includes General Motors of them
will leave behind many many billions of
dollars of assets which to be honest
will be almost worthless anyway I'm sure
that companies like b b is very good at
going in a repurposing factories it it's
the best at this in fact it's really
good it just sees a factory yeah we'll
do this with it great bang does it and
you know 6 months later they're pumping
out new electric cars when could you
ever say that about any Legacy
Automotive Company ever maybe back in
the 1920s you could say that but yeah
not anymore what we've just seen guys
over the last few months is EV market
share went from about 40% or about 37%
actually the start of this year to 51%
now it's been a gradual ascendancy this
year last couple of months EV market
share has been sitting at about 48 49%
and I obviously I predicted and I'm sure
many of you did as well that it would go
over 50% within a couple of months and
it has it's now hit 51% and I'm
predicting that it'll hit 60% market
share in China by the end of this year
and what that means is considering the
only major companies in China selling
large numbers of electric cars are
Chinese and Tesla so that means that
Legacy automak sales will continue to
fall in the country now consider context
here in 2020 EV market share was 6% you
know plug-in hybrids and full electric
cars market share 6% it's now
51% I think really by the end of next
year internal combustion will be
finished in China so most of these car
brands that are doing well not doing
well but selling cars in China that are
not Chinese they really only have a few
years left in the country China has
sprinted from 1 million to more than 10
million annual EV deliveries in only 4
years 1 million to 10 million in 4 years
this is just insane Global automakers
were caught flat footed on a rolled into
complacency by years of winning at
selling gasoline powered vehicles and
they don't want to make a profit a loss
look how they're acting now right slow
down EV sales oh there's a there's not
enough EV demand we all know that is
horseshit they're saying this because
they make a loss selling electric cars
and they can't stand it their shareholders don't like it uh their
Executives don't like it people don't
like it and it's entrenched in these
Brands you can't sell it a loss to get
market share the Chinese it's entrenched
in their mindset sell it a loss to get
market share two very very opposing ways
of doing business that is the key reason
why Legacy automakers are unable to transition to electric cars
more than anything else they love making a profit and they
do make a profit today on internal
combustion they won't in a few years
though Chinese automakers seized on the
shift to electric cars this year 18 of
the 20 bestselling EVS are Chinese
Brands the other two are
Teslas yeah so the top 20 are Tesla and
China it's no secret the global
automakers says the done insights
newsletter are finding it impossible to
match Chinese competitors on cost B
builds cars 30% cheaper than what Global
automakers can manage thanks to extreme
vertical integration breathtaking speed
and generous subsidies from the city
provincial and national government
agencies now the subsidy stuff is been
done to death I don't like it because
guys who do you think subsidized um
Mercedes-Benz BMW and Audi Nazi Germany
was killing the world who do you think
subsidize Toyota while Japan was doing
exactly the same thing and those
companies weren't just subsidized then
they are subsidized every single year
I'm telling you now I've read so many
different articles and data pieces of
the last decade on the subsidies the
automotive industry in Germany gets the
automotive industry in the United States
gets they all get them so let's not
let's stop pretending it's just the
Chinese that are doing this the Chinese
may be getting more but it wouldn't be a
huge difference I don't think now it's
not just about lowcost TVs though
Chinese automakers now equip their cars
with the most advanced autonomous and
digital cockpit technology technology
giants like xiaomi and Huawei Infuse
their new cars with world class software
and if they don't then they sell that
software to other automakers for them to
use it China's strengths are alarming
even to Toyota now Toyota sent B's
Vehicles weren't with some part I don't
know why everyone talks about M saying
that when Toyota said that in the last
12 months mus certainly didn't say he
said that back in 2014 not in 2024 I
tell you about some of the retards
working at Toyota to say for them to say
that now it's even more that
they went and said that and then decided
to use B's plug-in hybrid technology in
their 2026 models by 2026 I'm pretty
sure B's plug-in hybrid technology will
be better than what it is today but
toyot happy to use that 2024 technology
in 2026 and it's not even their own in
addition to that obviously Toyota
vehicles have B's blade battery they
have B Motors B software anyhow in a
2023 interview with the Toyota times EV
Chief takiro KO recalled his shock
during a business trip to China for the
first time I came face to face with the
competitiveness of the Chinese laying
eyes on equipment that I had never ever
before seen in Japan and their
state-of-the-art manufacturing I was
struck by a sense of Crisis we're in
trouble Chinese automakers tell me
privately that they carry a deep respect
for Elon Musk and Tesla they tend to
shrug with indifference at most of the
world's other car companies some might
call that arrogance but I think it's
just being realistic when it comes to
cars Chinese brands are suddenly the new
call says dun insights Global Brands
once so aspirational are now so
yesterday nationalism is the invisible
but potent force behind behind this
shift now I don't believe that's true
entirely I believe it's a combination
you can't have nationalism for your cars
if they're house right if they're
rubbish you can't and you're and you're
like nationalist I want to go buy a
rubbish Chinese car can't wait to buy
one of those that doesn't work does it
it's got to be a combination of the two
things a combination of nationalism and
really good technology and that's kind
of converging one day at our Beijing
office in the late 1990s I asked my Ace
staffer what he thought about China's
joint venture arrangements with foreign
companies it's okay for now he said
until we can kick your asses out of here
chairman ma never cared much for
foreigners the first line of the first
chapter of these selected works of maong
reads who are your enemies who are our
friends this is a question of first
importance for the revolution if ma were around today he
would no doubt smile at China's
triumphant moment in the race for
Automotive Supremacy as do many of
China's 1.3 billion citizens we are stepping into a new era
says done insights where Chinese
automakers dominate their home Market
many will say that this outcome was
inevitable but no one saw it coming this
fast Bo became China's bestselling brand
last year knocking Volkswagen from its
top ranking for the first time in 38
years Chinese Brands as a gr group are
devouring market share at the expense of
the once Mighty foreign automakers
Global automakers will try to stick
around of course they'll do everything
they can well until they can't do
anything else that makes any sense
santis has invested 1.7 billion to take
a minority position in leap motor which
is I mentioned many times on this
channel over the last few years a pretty
impressive electric car manufacturer in
China CEO Carlos tar says that China is
still the most efficient place on the
planet to build cars his vision is to
have leap motoru EVS for stellantis
those Vehicles would carry one of the
stellantis name plates and this is what
I've said many times the Trojan
Horse and it's playing out right before
our eyes here right stantis are saying
the new citen Fiat Jeep Alpha Romeo um
Maserati that new EV you buy with that
brand on it that will probably be aite
motor rebranded rebadged that's what
santis is saying anyway Volkswagen has
made a similar investment into xong
their joint joint venturing partnership
it's really xong making EVS for
Volkswagen in fact Audi there vehicles
and new EVS be made by S Motors who also
own mg mg by the way is a once proud
brand from the UK which is no longer got
anything to do with the UK but people in
the UK don't know that they still think
it is but I can tell you it's 100%
Chinese now if you can't beat them try a
new role as a junior partner other global companies are
working hard to shake free from the
shackles of their cumbersome joint
venture commitments the only car
manufacturer in China that is not
Chinese and owns its own company in
China 100% the only one is Tesla it owns
100% of its company in China the rest of
them at best they own
50% some of them in as in the case of
General Motors and some of it Tri
Ventures own 33% word on the stet in China is that
Toyota hopes to create a holy owned
operation similar to the one Tesla
operates in Shanghai but Toyota's own
joint venture partners faw and GAC don't
agree with this others including General
owners Ford and Hyundai are repurposing
their idle Chinese plants as in yes Jers
Ford and Hyundai have car factories that
are doing nothing this is not a not a
madeup video this is the truth complete
dust Machinery it's all sitting there
everything's sitting there not operational at all they want to
repurpose these plants to build vehicles
for export four of the five bestselling
Chevys in Mexico are built in China by
General Motors and his Chinese partner
sake saic uh let's be honest it's really sake
doing the manufacturing so four of the
bestselling Chevrolet vehicles in Mexico
are built by the Chinese government s is
Chinese government owned as a 50%
shareholder in the joint venture sake
collects half the profits on those cars
General Motors gets the other half the
reality is that China is a growth and
profit Paradise for Global automakers
and it was it used to be they made
billions but that's over and those days
will never return most of them most of
these companies will be shown the door
within the next 5 years says done
insights some will find the exit even

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