
新加坡內閣部長怒懟英 經濟學人 你的嘲笑值幾個錢

(2024-04-20 23:47:25) 下一個


熊超然  2024-04-21 來源:觀察者網

【文/觀察者網 熊超然】隨著新加坡總理李顯龍即將在5月15日“交棒”副總理兼財政部長黃循財,新加坡政治即將進入新一階段。




尚穆根臉書截圖 Lawrence wong will be only fourth PM










最後,尚穆根反問了《經濟學人》一句話:“你的嘲笑值幾個錢?(What price your sneer?)”








2024 年 4 月 20 日 作者:CHING SHI JIE



“他不是 4G 的第一選擇,”《經濟學人》補充道,同時形容黃是一個“彈著吉他、自認是書呆子”的人,比“大多數執政精英”更容易與新加坡人產生共鳴。




尚穆根表示,黃副總理將接替李顯龍擔任總理,成為新加坡 59 年來的第四任總理,而英國的裏希·蘇納克 (Rishi Sunak) 則是 4.9 年來的第四任總理。

蘇納克接替了利茲·特拉斯,後者是英國曆史上最短的首相——在任僅 49 天。




他舉例說,在英格蘭和威爾士,85% 的犯罪案件都已結案,沒有任何嫌疑人被抓獲,而在 100 多個社區,“所報告的汽車盜竊案件的破案率為零”。



“在新加坡,發表此類言論的人可能會受到法庭指控,”他說。 “你的冷笑要付出什麽代價。”

'What price your sneer': Shanmugam hits back at Economist commentary on Singapore's leadership transition


'What price your sneer': Shanmugam hits back at Economist commentary on Singapore's leadership transition

"The Economist can't resist sneering," said Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam of the British publication's commentary piece on Singapore's leadership transition.

The 740-word article, published on Thursday (April 18), said that Lawrence Wong will only be the fourth prime minister in Singapore's history and he "remains relatively unknown among Singaporeans".

"He was not the 4G's first choice," The Economist added while describing Wong as a "guitar-strumming, self confessed nerd" who is more relatable to Singaporeans than "most of the governing elites".

The article also claimed that the ruling People's Action Party will win the upcoming General Election due to its "unrelenting attacks on the opposition" among other reasons.

In response, Shanmugam said in a Facebook post on Friday that the British publication "can't stand that people they were accustomed to lecturing are now doing better than they are".

"It's an instinct lodged deep in the unconscious of the British commentariat class," the minister added.

While Deputy Prime Minister Wong will take over as prime minister from Lee Hsien Loong as Singapore's fourth prime minister in 59 years, Britain's Rishi Sunak is the fourth PM in 4.9 years, Shanmugam said.

Sunak had succeeded Liz Truss, who was the shortest prime minister in Britain's history - just 49 days in office.

On the economy, Shanmugam said that Singapore's per capita gross domestic product at over $109,000 is the fifth highest in the world.

"Well ahead of the UK," he added.

Shanmugam said that Singapore also provides "far better healthcare, housing and education" to its people, regardless of classes and races, as well as public safety and social cohesion.

He cited how 85 per cent of all crime cases reported in England and Wales were closed without any suspect caught, and "0 per cent of reported car thefts are solved" in more than a hundred neighbourhoods.

"A situation like that would be unthinkable and unacceptable in Singapore," he said.

Shanmugam also pointed out how a political donor in Britain made racist remarks, and his party said that "all should just move on".

"In Singapore, a person who makes such a comment is likely to be charged in court," he said. "What price your sneer."

ALSO READ: Lawrence Wong set to become PM in May: Will General Election be held this year?



'What price your sneer': Shanmugam hits back at Economist commentary on Singapore's leadership transition


'What price your sneer': Shanmugam hits back at Economist commentary on Singapore's leadership transition

Ching Shi Jie APRIL 20, 2024 By CHING SHI JIE

"The Economist can't resist sneering," said Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam of the British publication's commentary piece on Singapore's leadership transition.

The 740-word article, published on Thursday (April 18), said that Lawrence Wong will only be the fourth prime minister in Singapore's history and he "remains relatively unknown among Singaporeans".

"He was not the 4G's first choice," The Economist added while describing Wong as a "guitar-strumming, self confessed nerd" who is more relatable to Singaporeans than "most of the governing elites".

The article also claimed that the ruling People's Action Party will win the upcoming General Election due to its "unrelenting attacks on the opposition" among other reasons.

In response, Shanmugam said in a Facebook post on Friday that the British publication "can't stand that people they were accustomed to lecturing are now doing better than they are".

"It's an instinct lodged deep in the unconscious of the British commentariat class," the minister added.

While Deputy Prime Minister Wong will take over as prime minister from Lee Hsien Loong as Singapore's fourth prime minister in 59 years, Britain's Rishi Sunak is the fourth PM in 4.9 years, Shanmugam said.

Sunak had succeeded Liz Truss, who was the shortest prime minister in Britain's history - just 49 days in office.

On the economy, Shanmugam said that Singapore's per capita gross domestic product at over $109,000 is the fifth highest in the world.

"Well ahead of the UK," he added.

Shanmugam said that Singapore also provides "far better healthcare, housing and education" to its people, regardless of classes and races, as well as public safety and social cohesion.

He cited how 85 per cent of all crime cases reported in England and Wales were closed without any suspect caught, and "0 per cent of reported car thefts are solved" in more than a hundred neighbourhoods.

"A situation like that would be unthinkable and unacceptable in Singapore," he said.

Shanmugam also pointed out how a political donor in Britain made racist remarks, and his party said that "all should just move on".

"In Singapore, a person who makes such a comment is likely to be charged in court," he said. "What price your sneer."

ALSO READ: Lawrence Wong set to become PM in May: Will General Election be held this year?






2024 年 4 月 18 日

在共和國59年的曆史中,新加坡隻有三位領導人。 5月15日是第四次,屆時擔任總理20 年的李顯龍(現年72歲,其父親李光耀以鋼鐵般的意誌統治了31年)將辭職。在總統府舉行的儀式上,現任財政部長黃循財將宣誓就職。他比李先生小二十歲。新加坡現在麵臨著沒有李光耀掌舵的未來前景。

此次任命也標誌著執政黨人民行動黨將接力棒從黨的“3g”(第三代)高級幹部手中移交給選擇黃先生為人選的“4g”群體。黃先生隨後可能會在今年的某個時候舉行大選。爸爸已經確保永遠不會失去一個,黃先生當然也不會失去他的。 他獲得多數席位的保證讓許多其他國家的領導人哭泣。但永遠不要認為選舉對教皇來說不重要。所麵臨的風險比表麵上看到的還要大。

事實上,許多年輕的新加坡人不太尊重等級製度,希望在增長分享方麵更加公平:他們認為一個擁有如此龐大財政儲備的國家應該更慷慨地支持福利。他們還希望政治更具參與性,而不是來自高層的嚴格指導。當黃先生前往該國時,他麵臨的危險不是他(和 4g)的正式授權,而是道德合法性。

該黨不喜歡留下任何機會,在變革之前先要有連續性。 黃先生淡化了大選前重大內閣改組的預期。在此之後,李先生將像他的父親一樣繼續留任,擔任高級部長(通常稱為 sm——該黨喜歡縮寫)。至少一位保守派的關鍵成員尚穆根 (K. Shanmugam) 將留任。自2008年以來,他一直擔任法律部長並管理內政部。


然而黃先生承諾與過去決裂。本周,他描述了一個“快速變化的環境”,需要新的方法和準備“開辟新天地”。 一些人認為他的議程將因缺乏政治資本而受阻。 他並不是4g的首選。 現任經濟部長王瑞傑是李先生指定的繼任者,直到他於 2021 年突然退出。黃先生是一位非常有能力的前技術官僚,於 2011 年進入政壇,在大流行期間是政府的公眾形象。 盡管如此,他在新加坡人中仍然相對不為人知。

事實上,成為妥協的候選人可能並不是壞事。 沒有一個 4g 成員能夠希望以早期領導人的超凡魅力來進行統治。 黃先生的領導可能會更加集體化,能夠達成共識——或許甚至包括黨外的共識。 兩年前,黃先生領導了一項名為“前進新加坡”的谘詢計劃,旨在就提高富人稅收和加強社會福利等問題征求公民的意見。 與大多數執政精英相比,性格溫和的黃先生更受新加坡人歡迎。 這位在東海岸住宅區長大、彈著吉他、自認是個書呆子的人並沒有上過任何一所精英學校,而這些學校是那些雄心勃勃的人經常用來評判自己的。 對許多人來說,這是一個優點。

黃先生以一定程度的善意開始了演講。盡管如此,選舉仍將是他的關鍵考驗。人民黨將獲勝,要歸功於強大的組織、對反對派的無情攻擊、溫順的媒體、良好的治理記錄,以及一個並不總是潛意識的信息,即它的生存和新加坡的生存是同義詞。然而,如果反對派在其目前擁有的 87個選舉席位中獲得的席位遠遠超過1個,那麽變革候選人將在起步時處於不利地位。

Lawrence Wong will be only the fourth PM in Singapore's history


The next leader promises continuity and change

In the republic's 59-year history, Singapore has had only three leaders. On May 15th it gets its fourth, when the prime minister of 20 years, Lee Hsien Loong—who is 72 and whose father, Lee Kuan Yew, ruled with an iron will for 31 years—will resign. At a ceremony at the presidential palace, Lawrence Wong, the current finance minister, will be sworn in. He is Mr Lee’s junior by two decades. Singapore now faces the prospect of a future without a Lee at the helm.

The investiture also marks when the ruling party, the People's Action Party (pap), passes the baton from a “3g” (third generation) of senior party cadres to the “4g”cohort who chose Mr Wong as their man. Mr Wong will then call a general election, likely sometime this year. The pap has made sure never to lose one, and Mr Wong will certainly not lose his. He is guaranteed a majority to make the leaders of many other countries weep. Yet never think that elections do not matter to the pap. More is at stake than meets the eye.

Singaporeans no longer judge the pap merely on its traditional emphasis of delivering economic growth and of keeping Singapore, a tiny, multi-ethnic dot of prosperity in a sea of troubles, safe from threats to its extraordinary success and social cohesion.

Indeed many younger Singaporeans, less respectful of hierarchy, want more fairness in terms of who shares in growth: they think that a country sitting on such gargantuan financial reserves should more generously support welfare. They also want politics to be more participatory rather than heavily directed from the top. At stake for Mr Wong, when he goes to the country, is not his (and the 4g's) formal mandate but rather moral legitimacy.

The party likes to leave little to chance, and before change comes continuity. Mr Wong downplays expectations of major cabinet reshuffles before the election. After it, Mr Lee, as did his father before him, will stay on, as senior minister (more commonly called sm—the party loves initials). At least one key member of the old guard, K. Shanmugam, will stay in post. Since 2008 he has served as law minister and runs the home ministry, too.

Mr Shanmugam takes a bleak view of threats to Singapore. They range from extremism spilling over from majority-Muslim Malaysia and Indonesia; to disinformation campaigns by foreign states; to great-power rivalry and other trade-wrenching forces to which Singapore’s open economy is especially vulnerable. Vigilance is the watchword. The pap also likes to warn of the dangers of populist politics elsewhere; it presents itself as the guard against profligacy.

Yet Mr Wong has promised a break from the past. This week he described a “rapidly changing environment” which demanded fresh approaches and a readiness “to break new ground”. Some think his agenda will be thwarted by a shortage of political capital. He was not the 4g's first choice. Heng Swee Keat, currently the economy minister, was Mr Lee's anointed successor until he suddenly withdrew in 2021. Mr Wong, a highly competent former technocrat who entered politics in 2011, was the public face of the administration during the pandemic. Still, he remains relatively unknown among Singaporeans.

In reality, being the compromise candidate may be no bad thing. No 4g member can hope to rule with the charismatic authority of earlier leaders. Mr Wong's is likely to be a more collective leadership, one that reaches for consensus—perhaps, even, including outside the party. Promisingly, two years ago Mr Wong led a consultative initiative, known as Forward Singapore, that sought opinions among citizens about such issues as raising taxes on the rich and strengthening social welfare. The mild-mannered Mr Wong is more relatable to Singaporeans than most of the governing elites. The guitar-strumming, self-confessed nerd brought up on an East Coast housing estate did not go to any of the elite schools that the pap high-flyers often judge themselves by. To many, that is a plus.

Mr Wong, then, kicks off with a degree of goodwill. Still, the election will be his key test. The pap will win thanks to formidable organisation, unrelenting attacks on the opposition, a docile press, a record of good governance and a not always subliminal message that its survival and that of Singapore are synonymous. Yet if the opposition gets many more than the ten out of 87 elected seats it currently holds, the change candidate will start off on the back foot.

Read more from Banyan, our columnist on Asia:

Some Australians are increasingly sceptical of aukus (Apr 11th)

For a glimpse at Japan's future, look at its convenience stores (Apr 4th)

Vietnam's head of state leaves under a cloud (Mar 27th)

Also: How the Banyan column got its name

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