
世界各國 訓斥 美國和歐洲

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Rwanda President Fearlessly Declares the USA Can't Bully Rwanda Taunts Them to Invade

2nacheki  2022年12月23日

Congo President shuts down Macron at a press conference, Macron tries to deflect
African Insider   2023年3月9日
A tense moment was witnessed between President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Felix Tshisekedi and French President Emmanuel Macron during a joint press conference held in Kinshasa on Saturday.

African President told the WEST STOP wasting your time | Lecturing US about ICC and Putin Arresting


Make Afrika Great  2023年5月9日 Motivational videos

Jaishankar schools EU for warning India over Russian oil re-sale; 'Check regulation...' | Watch

Hindustan Times2023年5月17日
Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar takes on the European Union's criticism for refining and exporting Russian crude. EU FM Josep Borrell had urged a crackdown on India’s refined fuel products made with Russian oil, calling it a circumvention of US-led Western sanctions on Moscow while speaking to the Financial Times. Jaishankar advised him to look at EU Council regulations that disallow such action. Watch this video to know more.

19 May, 2023, Egyptian President El-Sisi addressing the 32nd Arab Summit, said that it was never acceptable for the hopes of the Arab nations to remain hostage to chaos and external interventions, which only exacerbate instability and hinder efforts to resolve crises amid challenging circumstances facing the region.


China Is Saving Africa,Spent $5.76 Million Drilled 200 Water Well Solve Africa’s Water Crisis
World Project  2022年12月4日

"We have our own POLICIES, you will have to live with it" : Dr S Jaishankar Epic Interview


President Macron Gets Checked By DR Congo President During Press Conference
African Diaspora News Channel  2023年3月13日

If we can't control our stomachs, I WEST interference in Africa | Zimbabwean Mr Brian told AU Chair
Make Afrika Great 2023年5月21日

Breaking: Brave young African woman Who told Macron to stop Exploiting Africa
Make Afrika Great  2021年10月8日

Namibian President Humiliates German Diplomat Lecturing Him about China


African Insider 2023年3月31日

President Hage Geingob on Thursday told former President of the German Parliament and Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Foundation, Norbert Lammert that he should not underestimate the intellect of the Namibian government. SUBSCRIBE : ???? https://goo.gl/jYw6so

Foreign Interference in Africa: The Enduring Destabilising Factor


Rwanda Defence Force 2023年5月18日

Rwanda president paul kagame shuts down a bunch of white media personalities


Why is Africa turning away from the United States? | The Bottom Line
Al Jazeera English  2022年12月15日  
Officials in the United States look upon Africans as people “in need of help” or people who “need to be told what to do”, and this is destroying relations between Africa and Washington, according to the former African Union representative to the US, Arikana Chihombori-Quao.

“The US needs to call a timeout and treat Africans with respect,” Chihombori told host Steve Clemons, adding that the US-Africa Leaders Summit hosted by the White House this week “will fail unless Americans see Africans as equals".

Chihombori-Quao argues that pan-African unity is the only path for the continent to be less dependent on outside powers.

Zambia's Fred M'membe Calls Out US To Stop Dictating Democracy to Africa

The New Africa Channel  April 8, 2023

fred m'membe china. In recent news, Fred M'membe, a prominent journalist and president of the Socialist Party of Zambia, has publicly criticized the United States for what he perceives as their constant lecturing of African nations on democracy. M'membe, who is known for his strong political views and outspoken nature, has called for an end to what he considers to be foreign interference in African politics. His comments have stirred up a significant amount of controversy and have reignited the debate about the role of foreign nations in promoting democracy in Africa. Our video delve into the background of the speech delivered March 23 at the International Forum on Democracy in Beijing. Our video present M'membe's arguments, and explore the potential implications of his comments on the future of African politics.


新非洲頻道 2023年4月30日

肯尼亞總統威廉·魯托最近就非洲領導人在世界舞台上應得的尊重發表了大膽聲明。 威廉魯托宣稱,像孩子一樣召喚非洲領導人的時代已經結束。 Ruto 總統在 2023 年 IGW 非洲領導人頒獎典禮上與 Mo Ibrahim 交談時宣布,非洲總統將不再容忍被世界領導人像對待孩子一樣對待。 他強調,非洲領導人是由他們的人民選出的,應該受到與世界任何其他地區的領導人同樣的尊重。 總統的評論反映了非洲領導人日益增強的自豪感和自決感,他們越來越多地反對西方的主導地位,並要求在全球舞台上有更大的代表性。

魯托總統的言論也強調了非洲在麵對外部壓力時團結一致的重要性。 近年來,非洲國家在人權和民主等問題上受到西方越來越多的關注,往往損害非洲的利益。 通過維護他們被視為平等夥伴的權利,非洲領導人發出了一個信息,即他們不會被更強大的國家擺布或支配。 這種新的自信可能有助於改變國際關係中的力量平衡,讓非洲國家在全球事務中有更大的發言權,並促進對其主權和獨立的更大尊重。

Kenya President Says Africa Presidents wont Be Summoned Like Kids By World Leaders Anymore


The New Africa Channel   2023年4月30日 

Kenyan President William Ruto recently made a bold statement about the respect that African leaders deserve on the world stage. William Ruto declared that the days of summoning African leaders like children are over. Speaking with Mo Ibrahim at 2023 IGW African Leadership Ceremony, President Ruto declared that African presidents would no longer tolerate being treated like children by world leaders. He emphasized that African leaders are elected by their people and should be treated with the same respect as leaders from any other part of the world. The President's comments reflect a growing sense of pride and self-determination among African leaders, who are increasingly pushing back against Western dominance and demanding greater representation on the global stage.

President Ruto's comments also highlight the importance of African unity in the face of external pressures. In recent years, African countries have come under increasing scrutiny from the West over issues such as human rights and democracy, often to the detriment of African interests. By asserting their right to be treated as equal partners, African leaders are sending a message that they will not be pushed around or dictated to by more powerful nations. This new assertiveness could help to shift the balance of power in international relations, giving African nations a stronger voice in global affairs and promoting greater respect for their sovereignty and independence.

mo ibrahim ruto, kenya news, 

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