
European Union Chamber of Commerce in China?

(2022-06-21 06:50:55) 下一個

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China?



"As the independent voice of European business in China, we seek greater market access and improved operating conditions for European companies".

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China was founded in 2000 by 51 member companies that shared a goal of establishing a common voice for the various business sectors of the European Union and European businesses operating in China. It is a members-driven, non-profit, fee-based organisation with a core structure of 26 Working Groups and 9 Fora representing European business in China.

EC Meeting

The European Chamber now has more than 1,700 members in 7 chapters operating in 9 cities: BeijingNanjingShanghaiShenyangSouth China (Guangzhou and Shenzhen)Southwest China (Chengdu, Chongqing) and Tianjin. Each chapter is managed at the local level by local boards reporting directly to the Executive Committee. A company must purchase an additional membership(s), offered at a discounted rate, if it wishes to be a member and enjoy Chamber services in more than one location. The Advisory Council which includes the CEOs and presidents of some of the largest EU companies with investments in China, influences the priorities and line of action to be taken by the Chamber by providing advice on its strategic direction.

The Chamber is recognised by the European Commission and the Chinese Authorities as the official voice of European business in China. It is recognised as a Foreign Chamber of Commerce with the Ministry of Commerce and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

The European Chamber is part of the growing network of European Business Organisations (EBO). This network connects European business associations and chambers of commerce located in more than 45 third markets around the world.

European companies in China posted positive revenues and were profitable in 2021

2022-06-20 | All chapters


Beijing, 20th June 2022 – The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, in partnership with Roland Berger, today released its European Business in China Business Confidence Survey 2022 (BCS). The annual survey shows that while most European companies in China posted positive revenues and were profitable in 2021, doing business became more difficult for the majority.

As the rest of the world returns to a pre-pandemic level of normality, and China’s stringent COVID-19 policy exacerbates the challenges of doing business, many European Chamber members are questioning just how many eggs they are willing to keep in their China basket.

  • Two thirds of European businesses saw revenue increases during 2021, however doing business also became more difficult year-on-year (y-o-y) for 60%.
  • COVID-19 was the top issue faced by business in 2021, ranking as a top-three challenge for 49%; China’s economic slowdown, a top three issue for 24%, ranked second.
  • 50% reported that the business environment became more politicised in 2021.
  • Regulatory barriers are still resulting in missed business opportunities, with 42% of firms reporting this to be the case.

In response to mounting uncertainty—resulting from both China’s COVID-19 strategy and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine—and to minimise their exposure to potential geopolitical shocks, European companies’ China operations are being increasingly siloed. Eight times as many respondents reported plans to onshore supply chains into China as those looking to offshore.

Significant localisation of staff has taken place over the last half decade all the way from junior recruits to board members. IT and data storage infrastructure has also been localised by 74% and 75% of respondents respectively, with this driven by ‘secure and controllable’ technology guidelines and increasingly stringent data governance regulations.

“The only thing predictable about China today is its unpredictability, and that is poisonous for the business environment,” said Bettina Schoen-Behanzin, vice president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. “Increasing numbers of European businesses are putting China investments on hold and re-evaluating their positions in the market as they wait to see how long this uncertainty will continue, and many are looking towards other destinations for future projects.”

“China remains crucial for most European businesses, both as an outlet for products with strong competitive advantage, and as a powerful industrial production base. It is too big and too important to scale down, but a holistic and stable framework is needed,” said Denis Depoux, global managing director of Roland Berger. "The deterioration of internal and external business conditions, with 13% more survey respondents finding business in China more difficult in 2022, even before the Covid resurgence, contrasts with the crucial role of China for them."

Download the report here.

For more information:

Please contact Ms Charlotte SVENSSON, policy and communications coordinator, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China

+86 (10) 6462 2066 ext. 61, csvensson@europeanchamber.com.cn

If you have any question about the methodology of this survey, please contact: Ms. Renay Cheng, head of marketing & communication of Roland Berger, China






  • 三分之二的歐洲企業反映 2021 年收入增加,但60%的企業反映營商挑戰增加。
  • 2021年在華企業麵臨的前三大挑戰中,49%的受訪企業將新冠疫情視為首要難題,中國經濟放緩位列第二,有24%的企業反映此問題。
  • 50%的受訪企業表示 2021 年的商業環境變得更加政治化。
  • 監管壁壘持續導致企業錯失商機,反映該問題的企業達42%。


在過去五年間,眾多企業的員工職位——從初級員工到董事會成員——實現了顯著的本土化。由於“安全可控”的技術指導方針和日益嚴格的數據治理法規 ,有75% 的受訪企業已將信息技術基礎設施和數據存儲基礎設施本地化。

“今日中國唯一可預測的就是其不可預測性,這對商業環境有弊無利。” 中國歐盟商會副主席許倍帝女士表示,“越來越多的歐洲企業選擇擱置在華投資,並重新考量自身在市場所處地位。企業正在觀望這種不確定性將持續多久,許多企業也在為未來的項目尋找中國以外的投資目的地。”

“對於大多數歐洲企業而言,中國仍然至關重要。它既是具有巨大競爭優勢的產品出口國,又是強大的工業生產基地。中國市場體量龐大,其重要性不可低估,但它需要一個穩定的整體框架。” 羅蘭貝格全球管理委員會聯席總裁戴璞先生說,“然而,即使在中國新冠疫情再度嚴重之前,反映2022年在華營商變得更為艱難的受訪企業增加了13%。這與中國市場對企業的重要意義形成鮮明對比。”



請聯係中國歐盟商會Charlotte SVENSSON女士

+86 (10) 6462 2066 轉分機 61,csvensson@europeanchamber.com.cn





2022.06.20 14:45 ET

上海試圖挽留外企,但清零政策令歐企止步不前中國歐盟商會副主席許倍帝Bettina Schoen-Behanzin(右)警告說,他們正在“重新考慮”在中國的存在程度,並“重新定向”他們未來的投資。 法新社視頻圖


中國歐盟商會聯合羅蘭貝格(roland berger)管理谘詢公司20日發布《商業信心調查2022》表明,大部分歐洲在華企業的營收狀況向好發展的同時,其在中國的營商環境也愈加艱難,主要的原因是中國嚴格的防疫封控措施。



盡管有挫折感,歐洲公司“並沒有離開中國,因為市場太大”,“未來有很多增長機會”,然而,中國歐盟商會副主席許倍帝(Bettina Schoen-Behanzin)警告說,他們正在“重新考慮”在中國的存在程度,並“重新定向”他們未來的投資。23% 的受訪公司正在考慮將投資轉移出中國,這是10年來的最高比例。



2021年在華企業麵臨的前三大挑戰中,49%的受訪企業將新冠疫情視為首要難題,中國經濟放緩位列第二。50%的受訪企業表示, 2021 年的商業環境變得更加政治化。42%的企業認為,監管壁壘持續,導致企業錯失商機。


中國歐盟商會在 2 月和 3 月針對 600 多家歐盟公司進行了調查,與此同時,從商業中心上海到北部糧倉省份吉林,多個地區實施了嚴格的封鎖,以控製中國兩年來最嚴重的新冠疫情。

報告發現, 92% 的成員公司受到供應鏈問題的打擊,四分之三的成員公司表示他們的運營受到了疫情控製的負麵影響,在4月的調查中,60%受訪企業表示,他們已經下修2022年營收預測。




上海積極挽留外企,中國歐盟商會主席伍德克(Joerg Wuttke)則直言,清零政策已經損害上海的吸引力,也損害整個中國的吸引力,尤其其它主要市場已經開放,並試圖將企業從中國市場吸引走的時候,此時“世界不會等待中國收拾完自己的爛攤子”。


自由亞洲電台記者蔡淩巴黎報導 責編:嘉遠 網編:瑞哲


Ms. Bettina Schoen-Behanzin

Bettina Schoen-Behanzin

Angestellt, Managing Director, Wittur Elevator Components (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

Wujiang, China

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