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風蕭蕭 2022年6月16日 於加拿大
YouTube 視頻: 印度展示基建實力,世界最高鐵路橋即將建成,真能超越中國嗎?
7知識局: 印度展示基建實力,世界最高鐵路橋即將建成,真能超越中國嗎?本期科普知識介紹:中國的基建實力在世界上都是有目共睹的,特別是在鋪路、修橋方麵,我國的鐵路總裏程位居世界前列,橋樑也是如此有數據統計,世界範圍內前100座最高的橋樑,中國就佔了80多座,而前20座最高的橋樑,中國占了15座,這是多麼喜人的數據.
65 條評論
hiofong cheng 6個月前
Hongde Li 2個月前
Kitty Tam 1小時前(修改過)
@Hongde Li , Add one more; their Dams often collapse in a few minutes after their despicable boosting.
Hongde Li 1小時前
@Kitty Tam Thanks, yes. I once worked together with Indians. Once, without superviser, they dare free play do nothing。
Kitty Tam 43分鍾前
@Hongde Li , Human nature, isn't it?
Hongde Li 3分鍾前(修改過)
@Kitty Tam Yes, any country has such low quality people, but in India, such people in dominate majority. Such people can't consider the bad consequences for what they are doing and going to do. This is the why that some people go to make money by stockings coving head.