

備忘錄 (stat)

(2006-05-25 14:25:25) 下一個
如果說和熒石的爭執激烈程度是10分的話,與stat的爭執隻能說是2 或3 分。 我原可以不提他. 但是他確實能寫詩. 所以, 我覺得有必要j將與他的爭執說明一下. 他剛上詩壇時,並不惹人注目, 一來沒上過幾首詩, 二來 上壇次數不多. 我沒太注意他. 直到有一次, 他跟其他人說,我不懂七律和七絕之別. 我才發現這人有點怪異. 好以別人的筆誤來貶低別人. 我刪了他那帖. 沒跟他說什麽. 此後, 他偶爾有過激言論, 我可能刪了他有爭議的帖. 總之, 除了覺得此人老氣橫秋的, 我並非太注意或太在意他. 有一天,他對詩壇上和詩.頗為不滿.

this is a great forum    

文章來源: stat 2006-02-10 20:55:01    

 One can find everything here. The most interesting one is "coupling". It took me a while to figure out why old ladies would pretend as young gal, and more interestingly, married men would act like lads. Could it because you guys run out of steam and needed some events as catalyst -- just as impotent people turn to viagra? 

我當時想刪這帖, 但還是沒舍得刪,並善意的提醒他. 我對他並不太在意.

let me help you a bit to see if it can clear your mind.    

 文章來源: 2ndglance 2006-02-10 21:27:43     
 do you like 梁山伯與祝英台? This forum provides an interactive stage for everyone. you can play here as an actor and actress and you can plot your own show.
so enjoy it by acting and playing or just watching the show.. 

在我的帖後,還有詩友罵他, 罵得很難聽, 我就刪了罵他的帖. 
此後,他還在公開場合 second 我兩次.  說明我和他之間並無重大糾紛或隔閡.

與stat 的正式糾紛是有一次他公開評論雨情MM 的詞. 而且貼為主帖. 因為在前不久,壇上灌水太多,故要求主帖必須是詩帖.  同時又因評詩鬧不開心. 故我當時的要求評詩的人應征求被評人同意,方能評詩,以免造成不必要的不愉快. 他的帖就是因為這兩條原因被刪. 此後, 他又故意挑釁的說什麽我從刪他帖中能感到做班主的權利感。我當然不能同意這種誣蔑我的帖, 故將其刪去。接著他就去意見區告我, 無中生有的說我封他的ID 和 IP。我更本就沒有權力封人ID 或IP。再說當時,當班主一年多,我都沒有建議網管封過一個ID 或 IP。 這段事情我再另一個帖中有詳細分析。

總之,刪他的帖有正當的理由。 與他的衝突還是保持在理性範疇之中.

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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
2ndglance 回複 悄悄話 Stat,
You are one of the eccentric persons that I have met on the forum. Your words often do not make any sense to me. You said you never considered me as your enemy because you respect your enemies. In other words, I am not your enemy so you do not respect me. I do not understand your convoluted reasoning.

Anyway, it is not important to me whether you consider me as your enemy or not and whether you respect me or not, nor do I care about those either, because you are nothing more than an ID. What I do care about is how I look at myself whether I am alone or with others and whether I speak about the truth. When time goes by and emotion fades away, what left are the facts. That is what I care about. When I am old and I look back at this period, I can say with a clear conscious that I did the right thing at the time!

You are welcome to my blog. You do not need a reason to justify for coming here.

stat 回複 悄悄話 2ndglance,

This should be the first time I visited your blog. The only reason I visited was that a friend of mine sent me a link for me to look without mentioning where it leads.

I never considered you my enemy. The reason is very simple: I respect my enemies.