

(2018-09-29 12:42:01) 下一個

體育場裏的外賣哥,也是一個看點。賣冰鎮啤酒的, 肩扛一大箱浸泡在冰水中的聽裝啤酒. 吆喝聲如宏鍾,還帶著韻調。頭頂烈日,啤酒箱的粗壯臂膀上繡著紋身, 在看棒球的觀眾中遊走。佩服他一把子力氣。見有人買,放下箱子。拿出啤酒罐,一拉,噗哧一聲。客,收錢,走人。透著爽快,豪氣。


不象那些五大三粗的賣啤酒的壯漢,外賣巧克力糖串小哥則顯得安靜,閑逸。沿著體育場的過道,上下“求索”。他不叫賣 隻是左顧右盼尋找顧客。小哥穿正規的店服,長得高條,俊秀,國內流行叫小鮮肉。也不知誰TM發明的這麽肉麻的詞兒。感覺色色的。


從一個通道走上來,跟我對視,微笑。我心想,這麽棒的小夥兒!應該是大學生體驗生活吧。這個通道沒賣出一支。後悔,當時沒買他一支。見他另一個通道。走到最下麵的台階時,終於有人買了。隻見他雙膝跪下,將糖遞出去,將錢收回來。給顧客提供一個實實在在的跪式服務。英文叫 treat customer like a king

這次他賣出很多巧克力糖串。也許顧客都想體驗一把當King 的感覺吧。 just kidding.





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閱讀 ()評論 (3)
warara 回複 悄悄話 這英文要點讚
巴山夜貓狸 回複 悄悄話 yeah, that's true. I'm not sure it's comfortable for him. for me it hurts my knee. I guess he is too tall, if he stands up, customer have to look him up. He don't want customer uncomfortable. so He low himself down.
nightrider 回複 悄悄話 Hahahaa. Maybe you meant it as a humor, but kneeling does not carry as grave a connotation in America. Americans do not have much sense of ceremony. They do whatever that is physically comfortable so long as it does not encroach on others' physical space.