要過節了,要出遠門了,又要去賭博了,我提前好幾天激動得隻讓機器幹活,然後讓自己發呆和上網。剛才順便去女兒多多的網站偷看了一眼,一看嚇一跳,主頁上赫然寫著: I'M NOT DEAD!!
Friday, Dec 8, 2006
Well, a couple of days ago, I got a few e-mails asking if I was still alive or not. Good to know, I am, because I'M NOT DEAD!! I wasn't goofing off or anything of etc. In fact, I was helping society by humbly doing nothing of any importance.
Ehh, actually, to be honest, I sorta forgot everything useful I did over this time lapse, if I did contribute anything at all... 
And the first trimester is over!! (and long over weeks ago) That means my grades are final now, and I still am disgusted by the fact how I have an -A in P.E. 'cuz any moron can get an +A on such a subject. That also means I'm 1/3 the way done with my P.E. course for this school year!! Yay, 'cuz I really hate P.E. I mean, especially the fact that our coach is planning a soccer unit soon, and you have no idea how much I laothe soccer. In other words, I'm too delicate for P.E.
氣得我眼冒金星:這娃頭反哪,竟敢胡言亂語,我回去收拾她!!! 下班還早,我先留言如下:
嗯,居然說我 unverified ? 這老多建的是哪門子破網啊,連老媽媽,哦,不,小媽媽我都不認識!!!回去哼。。。
當然多多大了,不是隨隨便便就可以亂收拾的,得講究方式方法。要不然她不高興,說我“abuse 兒童"怎麽辦?不過辦法總是會有的。
就象前天,我學著機器人的樣子,動作遲緩地,一停一頓地,口中念 著“robot mode ON", 每念一次 “robot mode ON", 就敲打多多的頭一下,打完後再緩慢機械地退出房間,達到目的的我出了房間偷偷高興啊,卻聽到那挨揍的小人兒在那邊哈哈大笑,赫赫^_^
“robot mode ON 和 OFF"的遊戲是多多以前不知哪兒學來的,也許是自己發明的,總之是她要快速切換mind, behavior 時常常玩的把戲。