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(2021-12-22 10:48:23) 下一個






一周後霜降的預期讓我的腦海中現出兩幅畫麵。一幡是被白霜所覆的樹葉,小草,枝莖,殘花;一幅是白霜後的濕漉,蕭刹。伴隨著在腦際浮動的畫麵,我仿佛聽到了從大地深處傳來的低沉聲音: 2020年的演出至此結束,大家休息,積蓄能量,2021年春天再度演出。




隔著鞋底,我感受著這片大地和草茬。這些隻剩下10CM高的草茬,它們的前身是那些黃花SWEET GOLDROD,FALSE QUEEN ANNE’S LACE, BLACK SUSAN, DAISY, ROSEMERRY, 白蒿。這些豎硬的草茬在告訴人們:即便是草,它們也強健,根深紮在大地之中。睡過冬季後,它們將再度歸來。



The 3rd scene is the pastures.

The wildly growing grass and weeds in the two pastures adjoining the woods have been mowed yesterday.

In Western culture, there is no such a thing of 24 solar terms as in Traditional Chinese Calendar which ancient Chinese summarized through observation of the Sun’s annual motion, and farmers have been using it as the principle for agricultural activities. But same as Chinese farmers, Western farmers follow a particular time table for their agricultural activities too. Interestingly, for each of the big agricultural activities in my town, I found a specific solar term from the Traditional Chinese Calendar to match with. It means both sides involuntarily follow the same time table for farming which we call Farming Season 農時. A week later, Oct 23rd will come the next solar term called “Frost”. No doubt, people collected the grass and weeds before the coming of that day.


Spring and summer are seasons of appreciating grass and blooms, Autumn is for leaves. Based on the current leaves falling pace, to that date, the few leaves on the trees will be hit by the first frost of this autumn. After the Frost Day, the striking fall foliage scenes of 2020 will be stored either at a corner of my mind or in the hardware of my computer for a possible appreciation in the future.


The predicated frosting brings two images to my mind. One is a scene of frost-covered twigs, grass, and the last leaves and petals. Another is the appearance they look like after the frost. With the imagines, I feel I am hearing a bass voice coming from the deep of the ground “The shows of 2020 is officially over, rest well and we will resume our performance next spring.”


The previous lands, with the cover of the tall weeds and grasses evoked a feeling of mystery, admiration and fear which stopped me from walking into them.  As a compromise between my eagerness and my fear, I chose appreciating their beauty from the cut -through road.  Now, gazing at the open land, my fear from the unknown and unseen all gone, the admiration and mystery encourage me walking into it, to feel the ground and the grass stubbles.


I walk into the pasture. Yesterday’s sunshine has dried up the grass stubbles and soil to a color of beige. Through the bottoms of my shoes, I can feel the land, the land I have been appreciating for months, but never have an accessed to it till now.


The previous lives of those stubbles with height of 10cm are sweet goldrod, false queen Anne’s lace, BLACK SUSAN, DAISY, ROSEMERRY, artemisia. These stubbles tell us: As grass and weeds, they are tough. Their roots hold onto the ground tightly. They will wake up after a long sleep in the harsh winter.

Kalanchoe ,它還有另一個聽著有些奇怪的名字 Widow's thrill。雖聽著怪,但確是讓人心生喜悅的花。國內叫長壽花,寓意好。


今天又收到學校的一封信,通知與兒子同在一個教室上課的孩子COVID TEST結果為陽性,但兒子不被列為CLOSE CONTACT之列,不用隔離,隻要接下來幾天注意觀察他有無症狀。這好像是兩三個月來收到的第四封此類通知了。已經和病毒和平共處近兩年了,感覺它們並不會傷害我和兒子。我們繼續工作好,學習好,運動好,心情好。準備繼續每天喝熱檸檬茶了。

這種SPRIMING MIX很好用,可以淋上意大利SALAD DRESSING 拌沙拉吃;也可以當鋪層,上麵放韓式烤肉醬炒出的牛肉條;還可以放在蛋炒飯裏配色均營養。最重要的是:這三種吃法,兒子都愛吃。

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 'laopika' 的評論 : 謝謝皮卡老師!我並不擔心,這麽長時間都過來了,我想他又上學,又參加遊泳隊,很可能早就EXPOSED TO THE VIRUS了。要是病毒想對我們下重手,也該下了。:)祝皮卡老師學習生活愉快!
laopika 回複 悄悄話 祝你兒子平安無事,聖誕快樂!
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ShalakoW' 的評論 : yeah.It's funny, I reviewed twice but didn't find this obvious typo. Tks!
ShalakoW 回複 悄悄話 春夏是賞花賞草的季節,秋時是賞葉的時節。...Spring and Autumn are seasons of appreciating grass and blooms, Autumn is for leaves.
I Suppose you meant to say "Spring and Summer...".