
  • 博客訪問:


(2021-09-25 08:55:16) 下一個

On the other side of the road, facing the pond, there is a field of the common cattail. Along the road, clusters of purple loosestrife is blooming in peak, behind them are taller cattails with brown, dense cylindrical spikes(flowers). They make me think of troops in marching phalanx. Cattail—male troops, purple loosestrife—female troops.


A group of geese sway their big bodies in the grass. Constantly they move their heads up and down, picking food from the grasses. Two are bolder, they ignore my approaching by wandering to the edge of the green lawn.


My next stop is my park. When I have my car parked in the South parking lot, my feet landing on the ground, I feel I am back to my territory.


Walking across the green turf, I get to the Garden at Northwest corner. Alliums rounded corollas are getting bigger, their purple color is getting more noticeable. But the most striking finding are those slim, trumpet-shaped blooming flowers clustering around each of the “purple ball”.  Two days ago, I still thought them look like sewing needles, hard and sharp which I dared not to touch, the balls look like meteor hammers. Now the needles magically bloomed into flowers. Now I start realizing the so-called meteor hammer are corollas with tens of flower buds!


I touched them cautiously to avoid getting painful piercing. But my caution seems having no sense, since they are soft! Just as soft as the flowers supposed to be. This experience tell me, Sometimes your first Impression can be wrong, don’t do judgement before you really know.   




小孩說了幾次想吃蓮藕,中國超市沒有,終於從代購那買到了。做了蓮藕排骨湯和糖醋藕片。做完,覺得少色,就加了蔥花。見到蔥,問兒子,你聽說過這話嗎"你是哪根蔥呀?“ 說完,我大笑,兒子小笑。




他又問我蓮藕算是菜嗎?我說和土豆一樣,是root vegetable.。他說但覺得沒有土豆那麽多澱粉。我說因為它是水生的,而土豆是陸生的。其露出水麵的部份是荷花,又和他說了”荷花出於泥而不染“



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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 'laopika' 的評論 : 太感謝皮卡老師了!:)
laopika 回複 悄悄話 回複 '魏薇' 的評論 : 很簡單的,不過你最好用高壓鍋煮,這樣效率高,否則在煤氣上煮非常耗時間的,祝你成功!
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 'laopika' 的評論 : 皮卡老師的建議和我想到一塊了:)昨天還和兒子說呢。我一下買了五根蓮藕,要上網學看怎麽做。
laopika 回複 悄悄話 你兒子喜歡吃藕,還可以做糯米塞藕,也非常好吃的,我家女兒特愛吃。