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(2021-05-30 05:14:49) 下一個


BLUE HERON又出現在那入池塘。不過這次它在水中行走著,從塘中的朽木處一直緩緩地走到了塘另一邊靠近塘岸的地方。我也隨著它小心地挪動著腳步,生怕驚擾到它,讓它因恐懼驚慌而被迫離開。盡管我倍加小心,但因為總想近點再近點,於是驚到了它。它就像一隻翼龍一樣,穿過林塘,消失在塘邊的樹木間。

In the pond, I saw blue heron again. Different from yesterday’s standing still, this time he/she was walking slowly in the shallow water, from the rotten wood in one side to the water shore in another side.


 I moved my feet accordingly, gently, trying to avoid making any noises. For a second, thinking my existence might make her/him feel insecure, or being bothered since this bird’s solitary feature, I blamed myself. But I was weak, I couldn’t stop my attempt of observing her/him. It might be an addiction, but comparing with so many addictions, it is not that bad. I will try my best to be careful. But I have to admit my greed. When I was trying to approach a little bit more, he/she flew away like a dinosaur


月見草是這個時期最能引起我興奮的野花。這源於它那如檸檬一般清麗的淡黃色,嬌美的花朵,沁人的甜香。垂柳下的那處溪塘,久久不見,塘水幾近見底,塘圍的棕褐色石塊被曬出了兩道線。而它對麵的那片空場上,卻現出秋的蔥蘢。野花FLEABANE, PRIMROSE, 一片新生的黃綠色一直延伸到遠處的林緣。



貼著遊樂場邊的灌木從邊走。這裏聚生了紫莖的澤蘭,向著公園往家走。灌木白海棠的葉子稀落得像是處處破了大洞的棉絮。REDBUD, DOGWOOD, 那棵樹下,黃橙的樹葉落在地上,落出一片橙黃的圓形樹蔭。昨天的雨一下子讓草坪返綠不少。近河岸邊的小草蔥蘢,一片欣欣然。


晚上6:15出來,帶兒子散步。路中下起了小雨。我在前,今 日的腳步特別的輕快。他落在後麵十幾米遠外。我要時不時回頭張望,看他是否跟著。小雨並未阻擋人們行進的腳步。入林前的草場,一日之間那棕黃的毛草使稀落得讓我不敢相信,這是我昨日看到的樹葉飄落的那個草場。看輕巧細小的黃色中國槐葉飄落時的樣子,真像是觀看一場現場自然演出,我給它命名為“樹葉雨”。我想:初春的草木返青得有多快,初秋草木衰敗的便有多快,還有“一場秋雨一場寒“。林裏的地上,也在一日之間多了許多的落葉。頭頂上,稀落的樹梢間,黃綠,黃色,棕黃的樹葉散布於綠葉當中。

Me and my son were having an after-dinner walk when the shower came. I speeded up, leaving him ten meters behind me. Occasionally I stopped to check him, making sure he was in my sight, just as I did when he was a little boy.  People seemed not being bothered by the shower, nobody ran, everybody kept the same pace.


In the pasture outside the wood, the dramatic changes left me a gasp. Just in one day, it turned too thin to be recognized. Yesterday I stood here, watching the delicate yellow leaves falling from a Chinese locust. That’s a beautiful live show about nature. I named it “leaves shower”.  The seasons change quickly. How fast the grasses turns to green in early spring, then how quick they will turn to brown or yellow in early fall.


In the wood, there lied much more leaves on the walking trail. Above my head, yellowish green, yellow, brownish yellow…these colorful leaves dotted in green leaves… Nature likes a non stop loom…so true.


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閱讀 ()評論 (7)
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : Oh,Thank you,my friend!Indeed I felt my progress in English-writting. I didn't feel that struggling as I did half year ago which made me so happy. 如果說努力,我覺得我算不上在。一天到晚要上班,走路,買菜,做飯,打掃衛生,留給學習的時間很有限。但我堅持每天讀或寫1-2小時。需要放下心來,潛心感覺,這樣才能找到合適的表達方式和合式的用詞,這是我的體會。得到老師的誇讚很高興,繼續龜速前進,繼續體會穿梭的樂趣。

暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 Overall, you did a good job in the translation. I saw great progress in your English writing, and you have been putting so much effort on it!
"Nature likes a non stop loom." (喜歡)
Do you mean that "Nature is like a non-stop loom." (像)
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '牟山雁' 的評論 : 噢,也和你分享一下我和美國鄰居的一次談話。有一次我拿寫的一斷小文給她看。她說我不會改你用的詞,除非是有語法錯語。因為改了就不是你的語言了。我很同意她的說法。她因為退休了沒事幹,所以喜歡我拿給她看。你完全不應該為此感到羞愧,我們的母語是中文,別人理解。
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '牟山雁' 的評論 :謝謝你的分享!我寫了差不多五六個月。我是寫著好玩的,高興,也學習,同時也是一種讓西方人了解我們的渠道:)我明白你所說的,我的目標隻是讓自己讀起來順,和高端的專業人士肯定不一樣。
牟山雁 回複 悄悄話 不知博主英文寫作有多久了?對母語非英語的人來説,要寫地道的英文真不易。我寫了24年了,英文書也出了幾本,但在出版前仍需英語是母語的人通讀、糾錯。我時時覺得羞愧,但哈佛的漢學泰鬥、荷蘭教授伊維德告訴我,他跟我一樣,儘管他出的書已好幾十本了。
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '格利' 的評論 : 你的名字一下會讓我聯想到思想家,我感覺太不敢當了:)
格利 回複 悄悄話 來學習