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(2021-03-24 05:48:58) 下一個

Persistence make things happen. I persisted, then I got my vaccine appointment, which will be on Friday, March 26th. The excitement came to me at the moment when I was told “your appointment is confirmed, congratulation!”, then disappeared quickly. I have been walking outside almost every day since the outbreak of the pandemic back to Mar of 2020. My life will not be quite different after vaccination, but I have to worry about the upcoming side-effects. The chance of getting severe reaction is minor, I have no food allergy, no drug allergy…, I bought lottery but never won a penny back. I am not an extremely lucky person, most probably I will be as same as the majority, either no reactions or having mild reactions.  I comforted myself.


Based on local news, 50% of people age over 45 have been vaccinated in CT, such high vaccination rate shocked me. I shared my thought with one of my neighbors, a guy at age of 60s. He said it doesn’t surprised him. He was born and grow up here. CT people’s personality lead to the current outcome. "We are well-educated, we believe science , we learn and accept new things, we are people who having common sense! We are neither extremely right, nor left. We are low-key people, we do things really good to the country, the society and the communites.  not for attracting people’s eyeballs."


I nodded with laugher. “I definitely agree with what you said!” I saw the traits from governor Ned Lamont who is an excellent leader in the pandemic. 


Just a day after our conversation, I heard an interview from CT public radio station. “CT set a good example in dealing with this covid-19 crisis……


Since March 20th, the first day of spring, We have been going through three warm spring days with the highest inland temperature at 60F, shoreland at 50F, today will be another warm spring day with slight shower in the afternoon.  Our Chinese have a saying that the rain in spring is as precious as oil. Today’s rain will be a start, I am looking forward the coming of more spring rains.





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閱讀 ()評論 (18)
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ibelieu' 的評論 : Thank you again for your sharing! so some people were born with an insatiable thirst for publicity. "The most dangerous place is between Blumenthal and a camera.""so funny!

"Broken Chinese", the first time I heard. I learned,Thanks!
ibelieu 回複 悄悄話 回複 '魏薇' 的評論 : Thank you for your kind words. The Connecticut Attorney General's Office was my employer for 30 years until my retirement in 2017. I served two attorneys general during my time there, first Richard Blumenthal, who is a US senator now, and then George Jepsen, who has been replaced by William Tong and is now in private practice. Blumenthal was known for his political ambition and insatiable thirst for publicity when he was attorney general. We had a saying when he was our boss: "The most dangerous place is between Blumenthal and a camera." Jepsen studied Chinese in Taiwan in his younger days. I was quite surprised when he started speaking broken Chinese to me during his first visit to my department. To set himself apart from his predecessor, Jepsen declared during his very first meeting with us that he would not seek any other political office once he was done there. I knew Tong was going to run for Attorney General, but never had a chance to meet him as I had retired when he assumed the office.
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '古樹羽音' 的評論 : 你在日本生活多年,日文一定很好了!我一個日文字也不認識:)但估計我兒子認識一些,他喜歡玩日本遊戲,我還聽到了日本遊戲裏的歌。你對水仙花的感覺是正確的,是挺結實的,可能是開在三月末,氧溫還是初春的微寒,夜裏還會下霜,需要長得結實點才挺得過來。不像櫻花,吉野櫻開在四月底,晚櫻要到五月初才開。
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '凍爺' 的評論 : Thanks for your correction! I thought about should I use " makes or make..." I didn't do further research about this before I rushly have it posted.
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ibelieu' 的評論 :
I visited your blog and found out you are an attorney which made me think about CT’s attorney general William Tong. I listened his interview on CT public radio station days ago. It’s my great honor to have you visit my blog and wrote down your reviews. Your personal stories recalled me of Thomas Edison’s saying “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”.

Thanks for sharing your experiences in vaccination registration. I heard there are various ways of vaccine registration, like CDC website, vaccine hotline, pharmacy stores’ websites… I registered thought CVS website. As you said, the process is quite simple and there are a lot of availabilities on time and place. Being a CT resident, I am also proud of CT’s leadership in dealing with the pandemic. :)
古樹羽音 回複 悄悄話 我英文水平有限,需要消化。但看到你的水仙,北美的品種真結實! 感謝分享
凍爺 回複 悄悄話 Persistence makes...
ibelieu 回複 悄悄話 I agree with you that Connecticut has done an excellent job in rolling out the vaccine. :) Once it’s a group’s turn, people in that group can easily register for the shots on a state run portal and are presented with plenty of choices of time, place and variety of vaccine. Numerous in-state medical providers who offer primary care have taken upon themselves to help with the rollout effort by sending email notices to qualified people and running their own portals for registration. I also live in Connecticut, and am very proud of the job the state has done in dealing with the pandemic.
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '梅華書香' 的評論 : 很高興小記對梅華有幫助!
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '吳友明' 的評論 : 吳老師也有很多好習慣,我們大家相互學習!
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 'TJKCB' 的評論 : Thank you for your correction! I totally agree with you. :)
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : 我是看到暖冬的堅持才開始學寫的。謝謝暖冬給予的鼓勵,這種進步在我自己寫的時候,我也感覺到了。一點體會是:聽+讀,然後再習寫,效率最高。你說的對,我也感到小鎮上的人多善良,民風樸素。早在去年初時,也把我的這一感覺告訴了家人,讓他們不必因為疫情而對我擔心。
梅華書香 回複 悄悄話 好分享!!
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 :我是受到暖冬的鼓勵和影響學寫英文,你也來加入吧:)

吳友明 回複 悄悄話 經常學英文的習慣很好!值得學習!
TJKCB 回複 悄悄話 preferred "agree on. sth with sb." even though commonly seen like “I definitely agree with what you said!”
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 特別佩服魏薇的堅持 +1, 魏薇英文寫的絕對有進步的。
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 特別佩服魏薇的堅持,我也應該多寫英文,等暖冬過來。


My life will (not) be quite different after vaccination, but I have to worry about the upcoming side-effects.
