

生命裏最開心的事 —— 女兒安祺的日記

(2016-09-20 20:32:32) 下一個


The Joyful things in my life

- My mum picking clothes out for me and telling me to try them on. The way she smiles when something looks good.

- My dad telling me to go put my socks on.

- How happy my mum is when she makes something that tastes great.

- When I'm sitting down with mum and dad and they're commenting on the TV show we're watching.

- Giving my parents a hug before going to bed.

-How happy my mum is when I have a good reprot and how proud my dad seems.

- When my parents forgive me after i did something wrong.

- When my mum sings with me on the car.

All my joy seems to come from my parents. All of it is due to the love they give me. Giving my dad one hug brings me even more happiness than a performance. My parents are the ray of light in my life. I'm happy that I've realised all this now and not twenty years later.  I'm thankful that I still have so much time left with them.  I'll treasure them forever.  I'll never stop loving them.

This diary entry is precious to me. Each word is what I truly feel.

Message to my self:

Treasure all that you have before it's too late.  If you're angry, think about all the love your parents give you. You know deep in your heart that they truly care about you. Don't be blinded, by love, pride, hate or greed. They're the most important people that you will ever meet in your life. You know that you love them.

In a few years, will I still remenber life like this? Going shopping with my mum. Eating dinner with my parents and Cindy. Sitting down with my parents to watch dramas. Will all of these memories fade away one day?  Will I even remember that I once sat down at dinner table and cried while worrying about the future?  I don't want to forget about listening to my dad's voice while he tutors his students. I don't want the sound of the garage door opening and closing to disappear. I don't want time to pass as quickly as it is now. I don't want them to leave me alone in this world. How can i spend more time with them though?  Every day , we go to work and school,  eat dinner and the day is basically over.  I want  to make the most of my time with them but I just don't know how.  I want my parents to be here with me forever......but I know that it's impossible.  My mum warm smiles, the loving way she looks at me when I feel sick. My dad telling me to go put another layer of clothes on because my hands feels too cold. I don't want these to disappear.  I don't want them to go.  I love them.

Unfortunately, time donesn't stop or rewind for anyone.  it only keeps moving forward.  That's something that no one is able to change.

All I can do is treasure everything I have. Give all the love I can to the people around me. Make the most of everything before it disappears.

(- October, 2012)

媽媽後記: 也許因為剛剛上中學,離開了熟悉的環境和朋友,心裏本就有些不安。在那之前我的身體不好,住院、治療、恢複,給她的心裏帶來壓力,擔心我過早離開,焦慮時刻伴隨,有時候情緒會傷感、易怒,容易流淚。這大概也是她用以說服和鼓勵自己而記下的。經過我們共同的努力,改變自己的處事方法,後來我們的關係真是越來越好,今年她就要18歲了,我們越來越像朋友和姐妹,一起看戲,逛街,享受美食,愛無處不在。

注:下麵的歌曲是網友在評論裏推薦的歌曲《In my daughter's eyes》

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墨村秋語 回複 悄悄話 回複 '愛琴海岸' 的評論 : 謝謝您,馬上去聽聽!
愛琴海岸 回複 悄悄話 去找那首歌來聽聽 《In my daughter's eyes》.